
Kryon - "Demystifying the New Age - 1 " - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
Kryon - "Demystifying the New Age - 1 " - Lee Carroll
ニューエイジの謎を解く (1/3) by クライオン

A crystal angel is an angelic group (all angels are part of the "soup of God" and none are singular) who is charged with storing information or a vibration that "remembers" who you are and perhaps even your personal Akash. This angelic presence might then help you along the way to claim what you have learned in past incarnations. It's a benevolent helper to work with your magnificence. Do you like that better than a rock with wings?

A crystal planet is not a planet at all. It would be a "storage place" for souls of all kinds, perhaps part of the system of incarnation and return. But it's a metaphor for where multidimensional things are stored and remembered. The idea of "planet" is just for you, since you have no concept of the real multidimensional quantum storage attribute. Understand? It's a metaphor.


クリスタルの惑星は惑星のことではありません。転生を繰り返すシステムの中にいるあらゆる種類の魂のための “倉庫” のことです。でも、あくまで多次元的なことが蓄積され記憶をもつ場という一つの例えです。 “惑星” という言葉は皆さん向けであり、皆さんは本当の多次元的・クオンタム的な倉庫というものを知らないからそういう例えになります。分かりますか? それが比喩です。

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