
Kryon – A Happening in Paris by Dark Army

Translation by Minoru Enomoto
Kryon – Re: A Happening in Paris by Dark Army, 2015-11-14, in Peru

Old souls, it’s time of compassion and action. Are you a energy of receiver or transmitter? Most of them are receiver. They are victims around them. The idea is that they might change this with their own consciousness. There are thousands of people who need to be hugged and held, who feel victims and you can change that. Long distance from he...re(south America), but distance means nothing. You can reach out them. Souls are forever, never die. Help those to understand this. Listen to them and talk to them. Hugs them, be part of healing they need to be. You are transmitters and do it very very well.
You can illuminate the dark army without death. They are afraid of losing. You can take it from them, now, it's money! There are things of they are losing. How the dark army can't eat when they have no weapons? I guarantee you, even the darkest member of the dark army will go home if they are no fed. Money is coming from unknown source, they say. But no it isn't. It is coming very known sources. and if these are exposed, there are those listening need to hear this, if these are exposed, it will make a big difference.
Let me talk politicians. You are sitting at a table across ones who are from other countries allies, smiling at you, who are funding the dark side. Are you OK with that? It cannot last long. And when it's found out, you will be responsible because you knew it and did not do anything about it.
I give you an answer in a few words. International, transparent, forensic accounting, international, transparent, forensic accounting. It is the time of clean up the funding of the dark. I have a warning for any those of leadership who know it and do not anything about it, your days are numbered. Light is going to expose it. And you lose.

クライオン- パリ同時多発テロ 2015-11-14

オールドソウル、共感と行動の時です。あなたエネルギーの受信者ですか、送信者ですか? ほとんどの人は受信者です、そういう人は犠牲者です。要は、意識で変えられるのです。ハッグを必要とし、支えてほしい人が何千人もいます。そういう人は、犠牲者だと感じていますが、その思いを変えることが出来ます。ここ南アメリカから遠く離れていますが、関係ありません。彼らの言うことに耳を傾け、話してください。ハッグしてください。必要なヒーリングを提供してください。あなたは、送信者なので、非常にうまくできます。
皆さんは、死なずに闇の軍隊を照らし出すことが出来ます。彼らは失うことを恐れています。皆さんは、今、彼らから奪うことが出来ます。それは金です! 彼らには失うものがあります。闇のメンバーが武器を買えずに飯を食えない、そういう事態になるには? 間違いなく、闇の中の一番真っ黒い闇も、金がなくなれば家に帰ります。彼らは、これからも金は誰も知らないところから流れてくるよと言います。でも、そうなりません。これから資金源が明るみに出ます。それが表に出たら、状況は大きく変わります。

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