
Dr. Eric Pearl - The Reconnection & Kryon - "All About Self-Worth" - Lee Carroll

This Energy Flow is pure.
It comes thorough you.
It clears you.
And others are drawn to you because of it.
- Solomon Speaks On Reconnecting Your Life (Ch.6)
Dr. Eric Pearl - The Reconnection

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - "All About Self-Worth" - Lee Carroll

Many have already taken the Mantel of Spirit. We speak now of the teachers who have presented this day [Dr. Eric Pearl and Peggy Phoenix Dubro]. Both of them are in love with Spirit! Both of them are so focused on what we've given them that they spend little time doing anything e...lse but teaching. The Mantel of God is upon them, and they see humanity differently than you do. They see those who can be enriched and enabled. They don't look at you in judgment, and they don't look at each other in judgment. For they understand the integrity and the intent of the heart. And so it is that there has been no accident that on this day, these two profound healers were brought together in the same room with Yawee, the twist-master [Dr. Todd Ovokaitys]. [See the Mt. Shasta channelling for more information about what this means.]

自尊心 by クライオン
多くの人が既にスピリットのマントを着た経験があります。プレゼンテーションをした2人について<Dr.エリック・パールとペギー・フェニックス・ドゥブロ>お話します。2人共スピリットを愛しています! 2人共私たちが話したことに非常に共感し、他の人に教える以外にほとんどの時間がありません。彼らは神のマントを身につけて、人間について皆さんと違う見方をしています。彼らは自分で健康になれる人が分かります。人を評価しませんし、お互いを評価しあうこともしません。誠意というものを知っており、ハートの思いを知っています。今日、2人の素晴らしいヒーラーがツイスト・マスターのヤイー<Dr. トッド>とこの部屋で一緒になったのは偶然ではありません。

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