
Romeo Baron 2016-10-13

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  

I was shown that the first accelerated Ascension wave pattern of higher dimensional frequencies began 33 years ago. This was the first cosmic Christ energy that began to shift the DNA and the Consciousness of the Earth into alignment of the new Earth reality. I was shown that this was the first step in removing the Veil by 2017. We are in the FINAL STAGE of this process that will complete by the end of 2016.
The winter Solstice is when the original Christ Consciousness will be fully returned to Earth. This cosmic Christ energy will give rise to the awakening of the Greatness within all that is in our heart and mind. The veil will be lifted, and the people will learn of the false reality that they have been living in for so many years. As a result of this revelation, on an energetic level life as we know it will Change for the benefit of all beings. The energetic changes within will begin to manifest in physical form between the years 2017 and 2022, as the transformation of our world into the new Earth reality takes place.
Within Love-Unity,
Romeo Baron

Romeo Baron 2016-10-13


Within Love-Unity,
Romeo Baron

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