
Ashtar via Pallas Athena, October 14th

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Ashtar via Pallas Athena, October 14th

I Am Ashtar, Supreme Commander of the Galactic Federation Fleets, who serves the Most Radiant One (the Christ) in his Mission of Love.

Greetings, Beloved Family,
We all are rejoicing! We all up here are partying and celebrating because, as you know, Sananda and The Guardians have said “The Green Light is on,” which means, Beloved Ones, that we are running on the water towards Ascension!
As I look down on Gaia, you all are just beaming – you’re beaming and shining your LoveLight You have climbed so high up and have been lighted up, in Love. Beloved Ones, you are beginning to know who your really are.
Remember, how far you have come since I first contacted you. We, on the ships up here, can see you in your humanness and your bodies are changing – you are becoming lighter – do you feel lighter? Do you feel uplifted? And now, all of you will be with your Twin Flames…
Peace be with you.

ラブライトを輝かせる by アシュター

私たちは、皆大喜びしています! この上でパーティを開き祝っています。皆さんの知るサナンダとガーディアンズは、「緑色のライトが点灯した」と言いました。皆さん、それは、私たちはアセンションに向う水面を走っているということです!
最初に皆さんと会ってから、どんなに遠くまでやって来たか思い出してください。宇宙船にいる私たちは、人としての皆さんを見ることが出来ます。皆さんの体は変わろうとしており、もっと軽くなって行きます。その軽さが感じられますか? 上に上がっている感じがしますか?

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