
Archangel Michael - Where Are You on The Path of Ascension? by Ronna Herman

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael - Where Are You on The Path of Ascension? thru Ronna Herman,

First comes the purification stage of the ascension process. It is like awakening from a dream into a conscious state of awareness. You begin to see things differently, and a Divine discontent and some seed thoughts begin to filter into your mind. Over time, a powerful source of energy begins to flow through you, bringing forth new ideas and a desire to improve many areas of your life. Also, your heart begins to pulsate with new feelings, more compassion and sensitivity to those with whom you interact on a daily basis. You also begin to feel a yearning for something that you cannot identify.
In the beginning process of expansion of consciousness, your narrow-focused life will change dramatically. Your Soul Self will gradually become the director and overseer of your life.
If you continue to heed the call, you will develop a desire to understand the meaning of life and what your higher purpose is beyond your limited, mundane world of existence. Suddenly, the activities and the people you previously interacted with no longer seem to bring a sense of satisfaction and pleasure as in the past. The undercurrent of Divine discontent begins to grow stronger within your mind and also takes precedence within your emotional nature. Your desire for spiritual knowledge grows stronger, along with the need to understand what is happening to you. It is as if the blinders have been removed from your eyes and you have become an alien in a strange land. Perhaps you have no one you can confide in, and you begin to feel isolated and alone.

アセンションのどこ? by 大天使ミカエル


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