Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael - Becoming A Light Upon The Path by Ronna Herman
Your guardian angels, spiritual guides and teachers will make every effort to assist you to receive the higher frequencies of wisdom which are critical for these chaotic times of transformation. These benevolent Beings endeavor to gain your attention by intensifying the Light within your Solar Power Center and eventually within your Sacred Heart. You have waited centuries for an invitation to consciously communicate with the ascended masters and the angelic realms, and they have patiently awaited this time as well. Communing with the Beings of Light is a great evolutionary step for you, as human Beings, for it quickly facilitates a new conscious awareness and a powerful transformation within you. Most likely, you will first connect with and learn to interact and communicate with your personal guides or, sometimes, your master teacher will quickly establish a relationship with you, especially, if you made an agreement to work with that particular Being before incarnating in this lifetime.
Archangel Michael - Becoming A Light Upon The Path by Ronna Herman
Your guardian angels, spiritual guides and teachers will make every effort to assist you to receive the higher frequencies of wisdom which are critical for these chaotic times of transformation. These benevolent Beings endeavor to gain your attention by intensifying the Light within your Solar Power Center and eventually within your Sacred Heart. You have waited centuries for an invitation to consciously communicate with the ascended masters and the angelic realms, and they have patiently awaited this time as well. Communing with the Beings of Light is a great evolutionary step for you, as human Beings, for it quickly facilitates a new conscious awareness and a powerful transformation within you. Most likely, you will first connect with and learn to interact and communicate with your personal guides or, sometimes, your master teacher will quickly establish a relationship with you, especially, if you made an agreement to work with that particular Being before incarnating in this lifetime.
Many of you are in the process of developing your sixth sense–the intuitive mind, whereby you will have a direct line to your OverSoul Self and certain facets of your multiple Higher-Selves. It is the beginning phase of creating a direct line to home base, your Divine I Am Presence / God-Self. Do not seek God in the heavens or some far away, unattainable place, for the Essence of the Creator, a Spark of Divinity, resides within your Sacred Heart. Many of you are becoming aware of your Divine origins; however, you have only a slight inkling of your vast potential as a bearer of Cosmic Light. It is vitally important that you become attuned to the ever-increasing frequencies of Creator Light, for it will accelerate the ascension process and assist you in attaining the status of a Self-master so that you may fulfill your pledge to be a Light upon the Path and a Wayshower.
路上の光になる by 大天使ミカエル
皆さん、多くの人は、第六感、直感的なこころを発達させつつあります。それによって直接オーバーソウル及び多次元的なハイヤーセルフと繋がります。それが、聖なるアイアム・プレゼンス(I AM Presence/ 神自身)である故郷との繋がりを作る、はじめの段階です。どこか遠いところや、手の届かない場所、天国にいる神を探すようなことはしないでください。創造主のエッセンス、神聖な火花は皆さんの聖なるハートの中に住まうのです。多くの人が自分の神聖な起源を知るようになって来ています。しかし、宇宙の光を手にするというその大きな可能性については、未だわずかしか気がついていません。絶え間なく増大する創造主の光の周波数に合わせるようになることが極めて重要です。創造主の光がアセンションを加速し、自己をマスターする境地に達するのを手助けするのです。その結果、路上の光とウェイシャワーになるという誓約が叶うのです。
路上の光になる by 大天使ミカエル
皆さん、多くの人は、第六感、直感的なこころを発達させつつあります。それによって直接オーバーソウル及び多次元的なハイヤーセルフと繋がります。それが、聖なるアイアム・プレゼンス(I AM Presence/ 神自身)である故郷との繋がりを作る、はじめの段階です。どこか遠いところや、手の届かない場所、天国にいる神を探すようなことはしないでください。創造主のエッセンス、神聖な火花は皆さんの聖なるハートの中に住まうのです。多くの人が自分の神聖な起源を知るようになって来ています。しかし、宇宙の光を手にするというその大きな可能性については、未だわずかしか気がついていません。絶え間なく増大する創造主の光の周波数に合わせるようになることが極めて重要です。創造主の光がアセンションを加速し、自己をマスターする境地に達するのを手助けするのです。その結果、路上の光とウェイシャワーになるという誓約が叶うのです。
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