Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - Cosmic Lattice Part 2 by Lee Carroll
There are those on this planet who are here in almost their full potential. Did you know that? They have to be here for the spiritual balance of the planet (as we have mentioned to you before). Some of them you know of, and we speak of the Avatar energy that is represented by a few very special Humans living right now. Full communication of the principles we have been discussing allows for miracles! The creation of matter out of nothing-knowing how physics works-knowing how love works. Remember what awakening is? It means that the knowledge is there - just asleep. The mechanics are there - just waiting for more efficient instructions.
Kryon - Cosmic Lattice Part 2 by Lee Carroll
There are those on this planet who are here in almost their full potential. Did you know that? They have to be here for the spiritual balance of the planet (as we have mentioned to you before). Some of them you know of, and we speak of the Avatar energy that is represented by a few very special Humans living right now. Full communication of the principles we have been discussing allows for miracles! The creation of matter out of nothing-knowing how physics works-knowing how love works. Remember what awakening is? It means that the knowledge is there - just asleep. The mechanics are there - just waiting for more efficient instructions.
It's a powerful combination, you know. Put them together and you can manifest anything; Full power over the physical-full power over your life span-full power over your own biology! Take a good look at what the Avatars are able to do - that's who you all are!
Every single Human Being in the room and reading this, has the potential for all knowledge. It resides in the crystalline-a twelve-segmented crystalline structure that wraps itself around the encoding (DNA), and the encoding is just waiting for a better communication. Celebrate! Listen: when the communication between the crystalline structure and the DNA structure becomes closer together, you can form bones where there were none before-there is creation of matter-you can have disease leave the body! The cells become more intelligent. You enhance the biology and the miracle comes from within!
Messages are given to enhance your life. Processes and procedures are given all over the planet for you, because you're going to have to live a lot longer to accomplish your work. And what is your work, you might ask? It is to hold your light!
コズミック・ラティスⅡ by クライオン
地球にはほぼ力が全開の人たちがいます。知っていますか? 彼らは地球のスピリチュアルな調和をもたらすためにいなければなりません(前にも話しましたが)。知っている人もいます。極少数の人間が生きることによって顕れるアバターのエネルギーです。今お話ししたように、2つが完全に伝達し合うと奇跡が起こります! 何もない所から物を取出します。法則を知っています。愛の力を知っています。それは、力が連結してパワフルです。その力を一つにすると何でも実現できます。物質を凌ぐ力、寿命を延ばす力、人体を統御する力! アバターの出来ることを考えてみてください。皆さんにもできます!
目覚めるという意味を知っていますか? 眠っていた知識が現れることです。もっと有効な指示が下され始めることです。クリスタライン構造体とDNAとのコミュニケーションがもっと密になると、それまでなかった所に骨が形成されます。新たな物質が創られて体から病気を消すことが出来るのです! 細胞はもっと利口になります。体が向上して、内側で奇跡が起きます!
皆さんはもっと長く生きて自分の仕事を完了させる必要があります。自分の仕事は何か? それは、光を持ち続けることです!
Every single Human Being in the room and reading this, has the potential for all knowledge. It resides in the crystalline-a twelve-segmented crystalline structure that wraps itself around the encoding (DNA), and the encoding is just waiting for a better communication. Celebrate! Listen: when the communication between the crystalline structure and the DNA structure becomes closer together, you can form bones where there were none before-there is creation of matter-you can have disease leave the body! The cells become more intelligent. You enhance the biology and the miracle comes from within!
Messages are given to enhance your life. Processes and procedures are given all over the planet for you, because you're going to have to live a lot longer to accomplish your work. And what is your work, you might ask? It is to hold your light!
コズミック・ラティスⅡ by クライオン
地球にはほぼ力が全開の人たちがいます。知っていますか? 彼らは地球のスピリチュアルな調和をもたらすためにいなければなりません(前にも話しましたが)。知っている人もいます。極少数の人間が生きることによって顕れるアバターのエネルギーです。今お話ししたように、2つが完全に伝達し合うと奇跡が起こります! 何もない所から物を取出します。法則を知っています。愛の力を知っています。それは、力が連結してパワフルです。その力を一つにすると何でも実現できます。物質を凌ぐ力、寿命を延ばす力、人体を統御する力! アバターの出来ることを考えてみてください。皆さんにもできます!
目覚めるという意味を知っていますか? 眠っていた知識が現れることです。もっと有効な指示が下され始めることです。クリスタライン構造体とDNAとのコミュニケーションがもっと密になると、それまでなかった所に骨が形成されます。新たな物質が創られて体から病気を消すことが出来るのです! 細胞はもっと利口になります。体が向上して、内側で奇跡が起きます!
皆さんはもっと長く生きて自分の仕事を完了させる必要があります。自分の仕事は何か? それは、光を持ち続けることです!
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