
Archangel Michael ~ Dancing with the Diamond Star Fire by Celia Fenn

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael ~ Dancing with the Diamond Star Fire : the 10/10 and 11/11 Gateways and the New Beginning", through Celia Fenn, 9 October 2016

You live in intense and powerful times, Beloveds. At this time, the Diamond Light and the Diamond Codes are activating your Earth with a fiery form of the Diamond Light that we call the Diamond Star Fire.
The second Time Gate at the 11th November will be a very powerful transition.
At this time of change and transformation, there will be three types of people on the Earth : those who are still “asleep” in the old energy consciousness, those who are in the awakening process, and those who have embodied their Mastery and become bearers of the Diamond Fire Consciousness.
Those who are still attempting to live life in the old 3D model of duality and conflict, may be termed those who are “asleep”. They are left brain and “rational” thinkers who still operate in linear timelines and are often trapped in prefabricated versions of reality. They have not yet raised their consciousness to an awareness of another way of being and a different model for connection and interaction. Being “asleep” in the old energy and yet existing in a fifth dimensional world makes life very difficult for such people. To them, the deep processes of transformation seem threatening and chaotic, and they often respond by becoming more aggressive and more confrontational and creating more chaos and confusion and anxiety. They feel the effects of the Diamond Star Fire around them, but are unable to harness it or flow with its creative potential.

ダイヤモンドスターファイアで踊る by 大天使ミカエル

皆さんは激しくパワフルな時代に生きています。今、ダイヤモンド・ライトとダイヤモンド・コードが火のようになって地球を活性化しており、私たちはその光をダイヤモンド・スターファイアー(Diamond Star Fire)と呼んでいます。

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