Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Liberating the Physical Template of the New Human
Archangel Michael by Ailia Mira
Channeled by Meredith Murphy
You have allowed and released and healed and cleared many limiting beliefs and the emotional patterns linked to these beliefs. Many of you have had physical symptoms as you flow higher vibration, intensified and accelerated energy through your being. You are discovering where there is congestion. Now it is time to liberate the New Human template... within your body structure by feeding your body and caring for what you put in it, the same as how you cared for your mind and your heart.
Liberating the Physical Template of the New Human
Archangel Michael by Ailia Mira
Channeled by Meredith Murphy
You have allowed and released and healed and cleared many limiting beliefs and the emotional patterns linked to these beliefs. Many of you have had physical symptoms as you flow higher vibration, intensified and accelerated energy through your being. You are discovering where there is congestion. Now it is time to liberate the New Human template... within your body structure by feeding your body and caring for what you put in it, the same as how you cared for your mind and your heart.
Living foods carry the highest frequency of energy and you will be increasingly drawn toward living foods. You will realize that you are different when you eat them and that you can no longer long to participate in this important aspect of planetary evolution of vibration and consume lower energy foods predominantly--in the same way that you cultivate your vibration with thoughts and cultivate your feelings to raise your vibration, the time has come to do so with food.
新しいヒューマンテンプレート by 大天使ミカエル
新しいヒューマンテンプレート by 大天使ミカエル
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