Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Metatron - "Harvest the Abundant Treasures You Have Created"
Joan and John Walker 2016-9-2
Greetings, it is I Metatron,
Metatron - "Harvest the Abundant Treasures You Have Created"
Joan and John Walker 2016-9-2
Greetings, it is I Metatron,
I speak to you at this time as a Lord of Light, the collective consciousness, and as the overseer of the ascending realms of all form. You have reached a pinnacle point in the ascension process as of the Fall Equinox. What does this mean to you who have been traveling ascension path?
The light energies have increased exponentially since the beginning of your year of 2016. They will continue to increase until this phase of the Ascension process has been completed. It is important that you recognize each time an amplification of Source energies are infused into the Earth’s atmosphere and most importantly into humanity’s energetic field. Do not depend on another’s opinion to recognize this. You are capable of noticing these influxes for yourself.
We recommend that you notice for yourself how you absorb theses light frequencies and just how Source energy impacts your energy field. Observe how they impact the neurology of your body. The neurology of your body is the communication center of your body. When your neurology is infused with light you begin to have a vaster awareness of yourself as the creator of your reality. You think more complex thoughts that reflect a state of having sovereignty over your body and your entire existence as a soul/spirit that is using a bodily form to navigate Earth.
Changes in your neurology happen daily in the presence of such refined energy. You are influenced every moment by these immense energies. You cannot remain silent and asleep any longer. If you do, you will experience anxiety and pain. These times of change no longer accept a full 3rd-dimensional expression. Fifth- dimension arrived some time ago. The energetic stability of the fifth dimension is being seated now. The 5th-dimensional template will have complete stability by the first quarter of 2017.
豊かな実りを収穫する by 大天使メタトロン
The light energies have increased exponentially since the beginning of your year of 2016. They will continue to increase until this phase of the Ascension process has been completed. It is important that you recognize each time an amplification of Source energies are infused into the Earth’s atmosphere and most importantly into humanity’s energetic field. Do not depend on another’s opinion to recognize this. You are capable of noticing these influxes for yourself.
We recommend that you notice for yourself how you absorb theses light frequencies and just how Source energy impacts your energy field. Observe how they impact the neurology of your body. The neurology of your body is the communication center of your body. When your neurology is infused with light you begin to have a vaster awareness of yourself as the creator of your reality. You think more complex thoughts that reflect a state of having sovereignty over your body and your entire existence as a soul/spirit that is using a bodily form to navigate Earth.
Changes in your neurology happen daily in the presence of such refined energy. You are influenced every moment by these immense energies. You cannot remain silent and asleep any longer. If you do, you will experience anxiety and pain. These times of change no longer accept a full 3rd-dimensional expression. Fifth- dimension arrived some time ago. The energetic stability of the fifth dimension is being seated now. The 5th-dimensional template will have complete stability by the first quarter of 2017.
豊かな実りを収穫する by 大天使メタトロン
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