
Celia Fenn 2016-10-25

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
Celia Fenn
Heads up!

Archangels and Devas - Preparing the Way for Peaceful Transition by Deborah Faith

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangels and Devas - Preparing the Way for Peaceful Transition
Deborah Faith 2016-10-25

Beloveds, we remind you that there exists nothing outside of you, therefore let us guide you on the absolute importance of going within and “checking in” with Source on a daily basis in order to assure a peaceful transition at this ‘time’ in the Great Shift.
Once or twice daily, afford yourself the time and space to sit in peaceful silence and focus your attention within your Body and High Heart center. Focus on the Breath and allow yourself to become centered. Then, when you are ready, call upon the Highest Light within you, to ground Itself IN and THROUGH you deep into the Planetary Core of Gaia, thereby assuring that you are fully connected both above and below (on Heaven and Earth). Whilst within this Sacred Connection and vortex of Creation you are in Presence and being empowered, re-energized, and re-Sourced on ALL levels of being.
It is whilst you are in this Sacred Space that you are Co-creating with the Divine Source of Everything in a profound and significant way!
It is this Sacred Connection that will transform your entire existence!

繋がる by 大天使ミカエル&精霊+オーロラ


"The quest for truth" Aurora thru Karen Downing

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
"The quest for truth" Aurora thru Karen Downing

真実の探求 by オーロラ

The galactic council of light by ASARA 2016-10-23

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The galactic council of light by ASARA 2016-10-23  

光の銀河カウンシル プレアデス・シリウス・アークトルゥス 更新情報
ASARA 2016-10-23

また来ました。 皆さんを愛しています。 私たちは、皆さんです。皆さんの未来から手助けをしに来ました。 皆さん、皆さんの肉体、感情体、エーテル体、スピリチュアル体は、次のアセンションと新生地球を経験する段階に入るために、今、必要な活性化が起きています。 高次元との境目は薄くなっており、それによってもっとはっきりと私たちの存在を感じられるようになるでしょう。 私たちは皆さんと一緒にいます。リクエストがあれば、皆さんとのコンタクトはどんどん増え始めるでしょう。 人間が自主的に、人間主導で私たちと人間とのコンタクトが始まります。 リクエストすれば、それだけ皆さんを手助けできます。 今、地球の転換という大事な時です。 人間の大衆の意識を軽んじないでください。 人それぞれの深奥には、愛、ユニティ、共感力、協調性、ワンネス、大いなるすべての最高善の共同創造力があります。 その自分内部にある特質に目を向け、その愛のある所を大勢の意識、集合意識に結び付けるようにすることが非常に重要です。 午前中の瞑想や、そう感じた時に、いつでもそうやって連結してみてください。 すると、エネルギーが高まり、翻って今度は、地球が思ったよりも早く新生地球の現実に進んでいきます。 そのようなことをすると、光の銀河カウンシルの何百万という宇宙船が地球の周りで、あなたの愛の周波数を支えます。 皆さんはとても愛されています。 いつも、皆さんと一緒にいます。 皆さんを愛しています。 私たちは皆さんです。 ナマステ


Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Lee Carroll 2016-6-11

The Pleiadians themselves gave a time limit for your growth, and it's the one you are looking at right now. It is the start and end of the precession of the equinoxes, the middle of the fundamental cycle, 25,630 years. You had several civilizations that started and stopped during that time, and if you hadn't made it by now, you weren't going to make it at all. This was the... last chance.

繰り返さない ~ 基本フラクタル by クライオン



4 Major Signs in the Ascension Process ~ Aurora thru Karen Downing

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
4 Major Signs in the Ascension Process
Aurora thru Karen Downing

There has been many questions and confusion as of late as to how the Ascension Process is going, what has happened, and what has yet to happen. The process of Ascension (also referred to as raising consciousness or raising vibration) is being activated by a Universal energy known as the Photon Belt.
The Photon Belt has been named Dark Matter by the scientific community, and is currently being studied by those in the fields of Astronomy and Astrophysics. The Photon Belt appears as a dark stripe in space. What the Photon Belt contains is a higher vibrational energy, and it is actually much like a line of delineation between dimensional planes.
During this 11 year period, those who are making choice in their life to move away from this energy (You would be surprised how many are frightened by it), will be leaving the Earth through death, to continue their incarnation process elsewhere on another planet called Stahlen. After that 11 year period is over, everyone who remains behind on the Earth will have completed their Ascension process.
How do you know if you have already made this transition across the dimensional bridge? There are four major signs that you are in the 5D world. Secondly, you find yourself to be invisible to others. This can be a physical invisibility when out running errands, driving, or interacting in public spaces, where people very nearly run into you. You will discover that bit-by-bit and person-by-person, you become less invisible and that more people can see you and interact with you once again. This experience will indicate that those souls will have also passed through the dimensional gateway.
Once you have arrived, you will know it by the joy in your heart, the detachment from the "problems" around you, and peace that emanates from your very being. Love, Aurora

アセンションプロセスの4つの徴候 by オーロラ

橋の向こう側に到着した時は、 “問題” に対して超然とし、全身が穏やかさに包まれて心に喜びが湧いているのでそれが分かるでしょう。

Lisa Brown

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
Lisa Brown
These upcoming days you will start to see what you could not see before, understand through your heart/soul that which was not accessible before, experience the feelings that were locked away, deep beneath your human separation beliefs, pains, fears, judgments...
There is this deep profound beauty that can only be accessed through the soul. As your soul awakens, your human reality won't "match up" anymore. It won't inspire you as your soul/spirit needs to be inspired, it won't fulfill you if it doesn't speak to that sacred place inside....
Your Soul will desire for more. To fulfill your purposes, missions and experience your deep inner dreams and desires.....
Your different aspects will activate, for you to play out different roles here. From one extreme to the other, in order to come to balance, peace and unity and the purity of love within yourself.
Your realities evolve as you do. Ever changing as you do. Transforming into exquisite and beautiful existences as you release the old programs that you held inside, that created all of that out there.....
What is coming is always a vibrational match to what you've achieved inside. It's always a response to the frequencies that you hold and transmit out. It's always the "next dimensional phase" or experience that you came here to experience. It will always be the tangible-visible physical to show you what you hold within you and each moment will move you between aspects to experience the culmination of your own soul's embodiment thus far.
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

Archangel Michael - Living in 5th dimension by Celia Fenn

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael - Living in 5th dimension
by Celia Fenn 2012-1-19
5次元で生きる by 大天使ミカエル

Archangel Michael - Where Are You on The Path of Ascension? by Ronna Herman

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael - Where Are You on The Path of Ascension? thru Ronna Herman,

First comes the purification stage of the ascension process. It is like awakening from a dream into a conscious state of awareness. You begin to see things differently, and a Divine discontent and some seed thoughts begin to filter into your mind. Over time, a powerful source of energy begins to flow through you, bringing forth new ideas and a desire to improve many areas of your life. Also, your heart begins to pulsate with new feelings, more compassion and sensitivity to those with whom you interact on a daily basis. You also begin to feel a yearning for something that you cannot identify.
In the beginning process of expansion of consciousness, your narrow-focused life will change dramatically. Your Soul Self will gradually become the director and overseer of your life.
If you continue to heed the call, you will develop a desire to understand the meaning of life and what your higher purpose is beyond your limited, mundane world of existence. Suddenly, the activities and the people you previously interacted with no longer seem to bring a sense of satisfaction and pleasure as in the past. The undercurrent of Divine discontent begins to grow stronger within your mind and also takes precedence within your emotional nature. Your desire for spiritual knowledge grows stronger, along with the need to understand what is happening to you. It is as if the blinders have been removed from your eyes and you have become an alien in a strange land. Perhaps you have no one you can confide in, and you begin to feel isolated and alone.

アセンションのどこ? by 大天使ミカエル


People in your life for a Reason ~ LIORA

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
People in your life for a Reason ~ LIORA

Judith Kusel

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
Judith Kusel 2016-10-21

You might feel a little disorientated from now on and in the next three to six month, as massive energy shifts are happening.
These shifts are more in the inner earth, and link up with a general revamping of all their systems in Agartha, the inner world. They are preparing for the shifts to come, and therefore are assisting Mother Earth to adjust her frequency bands, in accordance with that of Milky Way Galaxy, which is assuming a new orbit (for want of better word).
The Milky Way Galaxy is busy shifting back to her original place in the cosmic Divine Order, for during the Wars of Heavens, she and the other 12 Master Galaxies, all were thrown out of their original places, as some of the galaxies were blown up. The earth too was thrown out of orbit as total chaos reigned in all of the Creation.
During this time it is essential to allow the flow, the fluidity of this shift to carry you through. Be water-like for water find ways to flow, even sometimes will carve its way through, around, sheer rocks, and even overflow (like Waterfalls).
I have been told time and again not to plan too much ahead, for anything and everything can change within one eyewink. This does not mean that one cannot have a plan - or schedule for that matter, it is just that one has to allow flexibility within this so that in the advent of something extraordinary happening, one is fluid enough to adjust, to change, and to be open to whatever comes.
As our whole energy systems are going through a massive revamping we will experience more and more digestive problems and these are nervous system related. Mental disturbances will come about, for those who are not in tune with their inner soul selves, and therefore cosmically linked.
There is intense work being done from the Cosmic Core, on our base and sacral chakras, as well as our solar plexus, throat and Third Eye chakras.
There is a higher reason behind this, for in Atlantis, the whole energy systems were literally shut down when they started closing off the upper pyramid of the body, and with that the lower pyramid, then went into overdrive, resulting in fear, and intense feelings of separation, lostness, indeed chaos.
Keep on the cleansing and clearing every single day, and work on the cleansing, clearing, balancing of all your chakras, especially the ones mentioned above.
With disorientation, the best is to go for long walks in nature, go barefoot, and connect with Mother Earth. Also allow yourself to just chill out and be. I am often told, when my whole systems are upgraded to go and lie down while they work on my energy fields. When they did a lot of work (like yesterday where they were activating immense higher Soul energies, keys and codes in my body) I will feel the effect the next day, and then just have to take it slowly until my body has assimilated all the changes.
Be kind to yourself and your body. Adrenalin rushes general put the body into overdrive, and then the energy changes cannot be assimilated and therefore the upgrading won't be as effective.
More than this, love yourself enough to make time for meditation and just to be, quietly, silently, and then listen deep within for guidance. Go connect with Mother Earth outside, for she is much bigger than you are and is assimilating much changes much faster than you do.
The whole cosmos, angels, Archangels etc. are all gathered here now to assist us through these changes. ASK them to help you, to show you the way, and help you to assimilate these changes in your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, for ALL of these are being revamped. You cannot ever separate the physical body, from all the other energy bodies. In truth we have 12 and in the beginning had 24 and the more evolved you become, the more energy bodies are activated.
(Judith Kusel)



The Inner Sun - A Hathor through Tom Kenyon

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Inner Sun - A Hathor through Tom Kenyon

According to the Hathors, our life force (or sekhem) is “birthed” in the solar plexus (the Third Chakra), and from here this subtle life force radiates throughout the body while simultaneously descending into the First and Second Chakras where it becomes a primal power for the ascent of consciousness as well as “sexual” energy.
This sound meditation energizes your solar plexus and gently elevates the quality of your own life force, which has a direct bearing on your consciousness.
This sound meditation is a potent ally for those of us wishing to amplify our life force and to explore the interface between body/mind and spirit.
January 11, 2014. http://tomkenyon.com/the-inner-sun

インナー・サン瞑想 by ハトホル


Meditation for Japan by Méline Lafont

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Meditation for Japan, North Pacific Ocean made by Méline Lafont after the melt down of Nuclear Plants in Fukushima.

世界瞑想 for Japan by メリーヌ・ラフォン


Celia Fenn

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
Celia Fenn
So the weird energies are just getting more weird by the minute.:)



the Collective thru Caroline Oceana Ryan, 10-20

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
the Collective thru Caroline Oceana Ryan, 10-20

Greetings, dear ones! We are pleased to have a moment to speak with you today.
We see many who are distressed at current events, while also navigating intense and powerful changes in their molecular structure, including their mental and emotional outlook, while also dissolving old karma from this and many other Earth lives. We wish to assure you that you are not alone in this very taxing, often exhausting process! When you feel that all is too much, we powerfully encourage you to sit down with your spirit team of guides, Angels, and higher self, and hand over to them all you can no longer carry.
Tell them you need a rest from the work you do at night in the etheric realms, for you are all working quite powerfully there now. Tell them you need clear direction on how to eat and drink, how much sleep to get, and how to care for yourselves with loving gentleness in this time of unprecedented shifts on the Earth plane, and in human life. Please call to us, or to any in the higher realms, when you need wisdom and clarity, or just rest and peace of mind. For it is our mission to aid you in all ways, including supporting you individually during this time of great change.
And so we send an energy gift with this transmission, and send much Divine Light and Love, and many assurances that you are at every moment recalibrating with and integrating these higher energies, making them a natural part of your "human operating system" and your increasingly fifth dimensional existence.
We are here for you, always. Namaste!

こんにちは、皆さん! 今日皆さんにお話をする時間を持てて嬉しく思います。」
このような疲れるほど負担感を感じる時には一人だけでいるのではないことを覚えておいてください! 余りに疲れる時は、ガイドや天使、ハイヤーセルフなどあなたのチームと一緒に腰かけて、もう抱えきれないものを彼らに手渡し預けてください。そのことを強くお勧めします。夜中にエーテル界でやることを休みたいと伝えてください。今、エーテル界で精力的に動いているので、休みが欲しいと言ってください。飲食の方法や睡眠について明確にしたいと伝えてください。この前段未聞の時に自分を優しく労わりたい、その方法を教えてほしいと伝えてください。何か知恵や方向が分かるヒント、また心を休めたい時に、私たちや高次の世界にお願いしてください。この大変動の時に一人ひとりをサポートしながらあらゆる面で皆さんを手助けするのが私たちの使命です。

Archangel Michael ~ Monday Message 2016-10-17 by Leslie-Anne Menzies

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Monday Message 17th October, 2016
Archangel Michael Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,
Your resilience is inspiring. The rapidity of change within and around you is relentless and still you continue to soldier on. For many of you, change has become your new mode of Be-ing and you are flowing with more ease - you are becoming adjusted and adaptable. Not so for everyone, especially those just waking up from the Illusion....
Awakening of your Full Consciousness requires letting go of the ego and this is a major adjustment for humanity. For many loss of ego showed up in your space as - loss of relationships of all kinds, loss of status - who you believed you “were” or what you “had” in the world. For others it was loss of residence, including home/state/country where you believed you “belonged” in the world. For many there was loss of jobs, income, resources, and for others it has been health related, loss of loved ones through illness, accidents, suicide, wars. So many adjustments have been made. Have you noticed that when even the most unbearable circumstance occurred you have found ways to move forward in a way not thought possible in your “old life.” Resilience Dear Ones.

大天使ミカエル 10/17

多くの人が仕事、収入、生活を維持するものを失い、病気や事故、自殺、戦争などで健康、家族を失った人たちもいます。修正がたくさん起きて来ました。最も耐えられない、忍び難き状況になった時、“出来るなら前の生活”とは思わず、とにかく前に進んで生きてゆける方法を探したのですが、それが分かりましたか? 皆さん、それが「回復力」です。

MARY MAGDALENE: The End of the Third Dimension by Mercedes Kirkel

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
MARY MAGDALENE: The End of the Third Dimension
by Mercedes Kirkel 2016-10-14

Question: In this time of turmoil and negative energy, fighting, killing, and what have you in the world, many times people feel anger or hate even, as a response to what’s going on. When you are affected directly or indirectly, that brings all kinds of emotions. What does Mary have to say about that and how can we deal with that?
Mary Magdalene: Thank you for this question because it is a very important one.
These events that are happening can be seen in many different ways. In one way, they are like a cleansing or a purification to bring out things, so that humans have an opportunity to make a different response. These things have always been going on, or for such a very long time that it may seem like always in your world. It is not new that these things are happening. It is new that they are being reported on a global level and you are hearing about things that you might not have heard about in the past. Because of technology and technological abilities that are available now, they are at times happening on a larger scale, and at times also happening across global borders. So this seems to be affecting you in a new way.
But truly these are things that have been going on for a great deal of the history of humanity in the third dimension. It is a history of power struggles, using power, misusing power, threatening people, indeed going beyond threatening people to harming people, as a way of acquiring power and achieving certain ends.
Do what you need to do to maintain yourself in light and love. The more you do this the more your reality will be one of light and love, even as other realities are going on simultaneously.

3次元の終焉 by マグダラのマリア

Q: 今、紛争や殺人など混乱と否定的エネルギーが世界に溢れ、多くの人たちが怒りや憎しみで反応しています。直接間接に影響されて、あらゆる感情が湧き起ります。これについて教えてください。どう対応すればいいのですか?
マグダラのマリア: ご質問ありがとうございます。非常に大事な質問です。

End Game Part II: Weapons of Mass Distraction by Nicky Hamid

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
Nicky Hamid
End Game Part II:
Weapons of Mass Distraction

 Fear has been a massive marketing tactic for Humanity. Of course this Shift in the consciousness of All can be rough, weird, and wonderful at times. But dear Friends find your calmness and learn to be able to go there at will through this time of chaos for so many.
Change is NORMAL. Earth changes, celestial events, ET interaction, vivid dreams, visions, unexplainable perception and sensations of all kinds are NORMAL.
The burning fire of the incineration of lower level egoic, emotional and thought forms are NORMAL.
The unusual aspect of this particular Shift is the Ascension of the whole Human Collective to a new higher expression of Planetary Consciousness.
You cannot learn to activate Source Light in programs designed to disempower and distract. Conspiracy and other nonsense are old programs designed to restrict Human ascension. Some may have started with good intentions to wake people up, but they forget to evolve above the old programs.
The gap between intent/focus/thought and manifestation in your personal life has to disappear, thus disconnecting from any remaining attachments to negative programs is essential.
Be aware there is still the lure to use suffering to fall back on when change feels scary.
Conspiracy programs can cleverly convince you to create realities which do not exist anymore. They teach you how to create a barrier between you and the truth, energetic enslavement of your expression being fed by low-vibrational thought forms and emotional triggers.
These are OLD programs which do not serve the New Light within you, and it means that a whole lot of folks are missing out on the truth of ascension as yet.
Unfortunate, as people are convinced they are finding the truth through these programs. Interesting, since the energies which built and sustained these programs has gone since 12/12/2012, and yet Humans continue to create them. As the old crumbles it may become very difficult for those without heart-center coherence to decipher what is true, what is illusion, and what is absolutely aimed at inhibiting their own evolution.
These New Light Waves are not out to get you, nor are the old structures and systems. Anyone still focusing on the Shift as some kind of biblical or ‘karmic’, destructive tool aimed at crushing the dark is way off beam, and the same goes for the frustrating and disempowering stance of waiting for the collapse. The Shift is Planetary as well as Human, and Gaia has already made Her Shift while the density time-lag is disappearing quickly.
So all this is asking what are you doing Right Now? How are you applying your power of instant manifestation of positive, heart-based thought as well as instant release of the manifestation of subconscious baggage of the old operating systems.
Take your Mask off.
What are you creating under there?

I So Love You

ゲームの終わりⅡ 意識攪乱の武器 by Nicky Hamid

I So Love You

Nicky Hamid

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
Nicky Hamid
Friends do not mourn what you were. Your forgetfulness, your far away feelings, your frequent loss of purpose, your dropping of many old friendships and family ties are all perfectly normal.
It is all part of the dissolving of your old identity to make room for the entirely New You.
It is almost like when you arrived here in this life and you were fully aware but had no clue as to who you needed to be. You were simply You.
Now you get to be simply you with your own clean slate rather than a slate that everyone else wrote on and you had to try to interpret.
An empty vessel that can be filled with Anything at all that you can imagine and choose.

I So Love You


I So Love You


Mystery Food ~ Kryon Summer Light Conference 2016

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Mystery Food ~ Kryon Summer Light Conference 2016

ミステリー・フード(字幕)by クライオン

地球での生き残り方法とは何ですか?周りを見てください。追い抜くために 何人の人を踏み台にするのですか?相手を思いやって、ウイン・ウインの関係で仲良くなるという発想は、生き残りの方法ですか?それとも、周りを囲って資源を奪い合い、喧嘩をする、どちらが生き残る方法ですか?後者の方法は変わっていきます。


Open your hands if you want to be held.
~ Rumi

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)


World's Oldest Pyramids Found in Alaska Shocks Scientific Community

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Could it be possible that Alaska has the world’s oldest man made pyramids? And, if true, is the recent snow and ice melting going to reveal even more ancient structures in the future?





The New Earth ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
The New Earth ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.
You find yourselves in a situation now where there is much anticipation about what is to come, and many of you find that life on planet Earth as it is has little to offer you. That is actually by design. Those of you who came forth to navigate through the shift consciously and to lead others set it up for yourselves so that you would not get caught up in the game as it has been played for eons of your time.
So having little or no interest in what the world has to offer you right now is actually going to work to your advantage. The world needs dreamers. The world needs magicians. The world needs faeries, and the world needs creators. You are the visionaries. You are the ones to see beyond the illusion and to feel for the new Earth, the new reality, and the new version of yourselves.
This Earth is transforming, and all of that boredom, and angst, and lack of interest in what fascinates the masses is part of what you are using to summon forth the energy to create something new. Now if you do have an interest in the Earth as it is, and in creating a better life for yourself using that which is available to you now, it does not mean that you are not one of the ones we are speaking to now.
Even those of you who are finding life as it is to be enthralling are seeking something more. You are seeking new experiences, and the world is ready for you to create them. When you are not interested in playing the game that most of your human companions are playing, you have an even greater desire to seek out that which is within yourselves.
That desire will fuel your expansion and will give you the tools to create that you have been seeking. So if you don’t like what you see, or if you can’t find anything interesting in your world, simply close your eyes and feel for the infinite space within yourselves and the access that you have to higher-frequency energy that is waiting for you to create with it.
We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.”

プレアデス・ハイカウンシル・セブン by Daniel Scranton 2016-10-14



Kryon - Cosmic Lattice Part 2 - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - Cosmic Lattice Part 2 by Lee Carroll

There are those on this planet who are here in almost their full potential. Did you know that? They have to be here for the spiritual balance of the planet (as we have mentioned to you before). Some of them you know of, and we speak of the Avatar energy that is represented by a few very special Humans living right now. Full communication of the principles we have been discussing allows for miracles! The creation of matter out of nothing-knowing how physics works-knowing how love works. Remember what awakening is? It means that the knowledge is there - just asleep. The mechanics are there - just waiting for more efficient instructions.
It's a powerful combination, you know. Put them together and you can manifest anything; Full power over the physical-full power over your life span-full power over your own biology! Take a good look at what the Avatars are able to do - that's who you all are!
Every single Human Being in the room and reading this, has the potential for all knowledge. It resides in the crystalline-a twelve-segmented crystalline structure that wraps itself around the encoding (DNA), and the encoding is just waiting for a better communication. Celebrate! Listen: when the communication between the crystalline structure and the DNA structure becomes closer together, you can form bones where there were none before-there is creation of matter-you can have disease leave the body! The cells become more intelligent. You enhance the biology and the miracle comes from within!
Messages are given to enhance your life. Processes and procedures are given all over the planet for you, because you're going to have to live a lot longer to accomplish your work. And what is your work, you might ask? It is to hold your light!

コズミック・ラティスⅡ by クライオン

地球にはほぼ力が全開の人たちがいます。知っていますか? 彼らは地球のスピリチュアルな調和をもたらすためにいなければなりません(前にも話しましたが)。知っている人もいます。極少数の人間が生きることによって顕れるアバターのエネルギーです。今お話ししたように、2つが完全に伝達し合うと奇跡が起こります! 何もない所から物を取出します。法則を知っています。愛の力を知っています。それは、力が連結してパワフルです。その力を一つにすると何でも実現できます。物質を凌ぐ力、寿命を延ばす力、人体を統御する力! アバターの出来ることを考えてみてください。皆さんにもできます!
目覚めるという意味を知っていますか? 眠っていた知識が現れることです。もっと有効な指示が下され始めることです。クリスタライン構造体とDNAとのコミュニケーションがもっと密になると、それまでなかった所に骨が形成されます。新たな物質が創られて体から病気を消すことが出来るのです! 細胞はもっと利口になります。体が向上して、内側で奇跡が起きます!
皆さんはもっと長く生きて自分の仕事を完了させる必要があります。自分の仕事は何か? それは、光を持ち続けることです!

Ashtar via Pallas Athena, October 14th

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Ashtar via Pallas Athena, October 14th

I Am Ashtar, Supreme Commander of the Galactic Federation Fleets, who serves the Most Radiant One (the Christ) in his Mission of Love.

Greetings, Beloved Family,
We all are rejoicing! We all up here are partying and celebrating because, as you know, Sananda and The Guardians have said “The Green Light is on,” which means, Beloved Ones, that we are running on the water towards Ascension!
As I look down on Gaia, you all are just beaming – you’re beaming and shining your LoveLight You have climbed so high up and have been lighted up, in Love. Beloved Ones, you are beginning to know who your really are.
Remember, how far you have come since I first contacted you. We, on the ships up here, can see you in your humanness and your bodies are changing – you are becoming lighter – do you feel lighter? Do you feel uplifted? And now, all of you will be with your Twin Flames…
Peace be with you.

ラブライトを輝かせる by アシュター

私たちは、皆大喜びしています! この上でパーティを開き祝っています。皆さんの知るサナンダとガーディアンズは、「緑色のライトが点灯した」と言いました。皆さん、それは、私たちはアセンションに向う水面を走っているということです!
最初に皆さんと会ってから、どんなに遠くまでやって来たか思い出してください。宇宙船にいる私たちは、人としての皆さんを見ることが出来ます。皆さんの体は変わろうとしており、もっと軽くなって行きます。その軽さが感じられますか? 上に上がっている感じがしますか?

The Power to Change by Jamye Price

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Power to Change by Jamye Price | Oct 13, 2016 | Weekly LightBlast |

Blessed Being, perhaps you are feeling the amplification of spin as the spiral tightens, speeds, and slows prior to a change in direction. What would a change in direction mean for you? A better life? More ease? More creativity? A pole shift? Do not fear, powerful one, for we speak of your internal experience, not a cataclysmic Earth experience. You chose years ago to move into Ascension as a species, and now you are at an exciting culmination.
We want to speak to you of the metaphorical shift of polarity, for its process is intensified now and you are in the midst of great change. We have said for many months now that you would begin to see more polarization within your world. More extremes. It likely has felt this way for quite awhile for you, but for those that are less sensitive to the higher frequencies, their ears are now ringing with fear. You have been “hearing” the changes long before the evidence was presenting so boldly on the world stage.
Outer control has been slipping away strongly since 2013, because your brain has been developing to access more of your natural abilities. Intuition has increased, discernment has increased, seeing beyond the obvious has increased, focus on potentials has increased, understanding of the subtle realms has increased, inner peace and courage have increased. Fear has decreased, resistance to challenge has decreased, blindly following others has decreased, and giving away your power to another has decreased.
Love is stronger than fear. Fear is louder than Love because it knows it’s not as strong. Hold your power. It is within. It is where change begins. You are that powerful.

変わる力 by アレオン

幸多き皆さん、多分、方向転換の前には、回転する螺旋が引き締まって速くなり、またゆっくり進む、そういう感じが強くなっていると思います。皆さんにとって方向転換とはどういう意味ですか? もっといい人生に変わることですか? もっと楽になることですか? もっと創造性溢れることですか? 地球の磁極が変わることですか? 皆さんには力があるので恐れることはありません。私たちは、自分の内面で経験することについて言っているのであって、地球が壊滅するようなことではありません。皆さんは、何年も前に人類としてアセンションして行くことを決めました。そこで今、興奮するような最高潮の時を迎えています。


Crystalization & DNA by Archangel Michael & The group

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Crystalization & DNA by Archangel Michael & The group


細胞のクリスタライン化とDNA by 大天使ミカエル
~ キャロライン・エバース
 Q. 細胞が炭素からクリスタライン(水晶のように結晶)化する際に肉体はどうなるのでしょうか、それはDNAにどのような影響があるのですか?
AAM: 非常に重要な情報です。そこで、私、大天使ミカエルがその質問にお答えしましょう。

The Beacons of Light ~ Re-minders from Home
Pineal Crystal
Awakening the Crystal Children
by The group & Steve Rother Lightworker.com


Message to Lightworkers – October 13, 2016 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Message to Lightworkers – October 13, 2016 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

Similar to those who believe a candidate who says he respects women, when clearly, he has no respect for them, these ones are lying not only to themselves, but to the Earth who cradles them, and desires to see the full Ascension of all who are willing to walk that journey.
This is a time of inner empowerment, dear friends and fellow Light Warriors. It is not a time for following the rules in the normal sense, nor for seeking direction from an outer authority.
You are here to realize your own Divinity, your own Light, and your own path of Truth. Of course, you will have questions whose answers will seem to elude you at times. Muscle testing is one way to receive answers to straightforward questions—not all questions, but many of those relating to everyday life situations.
To use the raised hand method, think of a situation you would like more clarity on, phrased as a Yes or No question.

新生地球はあなたの中で姿を表す by ザ・コレクティブ


Isis, what the New Year is going to bring to you by Petra Margolis

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto) 
Isis, what the New Year is going to bring to you by Petra Margolis  2011-12-19

2012がもたらすもの by Petra Margolis 


The Isis Light Body Process for Planetary Ascension by Petra Margolis

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto) 
The Isis Light Body Process for Planetary Ascension by Petra Margolis 

ライトボディ・プロセス by アイシス

一つに結び付いたチャクラは、全部が浄化され完全に開いて全開で回転しています。一つになったチャクラは特殊なチャクラではありません。8番目から12番目のチャクラが肉体に繋がり全部のチャクラと繋がっている状態です。チャクラ全部が同じ周波数で回転し、統合チャクラ(the unified chakra)とよんでいます。

Archangel Michael ~ Dancing with the Diamond Star Fire by Celia Fenn

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael ~ Dancing with the Diamond Star Fire : the 10/10 and 11/11 Gateways and the New Beginning", through Celia Fenn, 9 October 2016

You live in intense and powerful times, Beloveds. At this time, the Diamond Light and the Diamond Codes are activating your Earth with a fiery form of the Diamond Light that we call the Diamond Star Fire.
The second Time Gate at the 11th November will be a very powerful transition.
At this time of change and transformation, there will be three types of people on the Earth : those who are still “asleep” in the old energy consciousness, those who are in the awakening process, and those who have embodied their Mastery and become bearers of the Diamond Fire Consciousness.
Those who are still attempting to live life in the old 3D model of duality and conflict, may be termed those who are “asleep”. They are left brain and “rational” thinkers who still operate in linear timelines and are often trapped in prefabricated versions of reality. They have not yet raised their consciousness to an awareness of another way of being and a different model for connection and interaction. Being “asleep” in the old energy and yet existing in a fifth dimensional world makes life very difficult for such people. To them, the deep processes of transformation seem threatening and chaotic, and they often respond by becoming more aggressive and more confrontational and creating more chaos and confusion and anxiety. They feel the effects of the Diamond Star Fire around them, but are unable to harness it or flow with its creative potential.

ダイヤモンドスターファイアで踊る by 大天使ミカエル

皆さんは激しくパワフルな時代に生きています。今、ダイヤモンド・ライトとダイヤモンド・コードが火のようになって地球を活性化しており、私たちはその光をダイヤモンド・スターファイアー(Diamond Star Fire)と呼んでいます。

Rewiring of humanity by The group & Steve Rother

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Beacons of Light ~ Reminders from Home
Rewiring of humanity 2006-10-15
by The group & Steve Rother Lightworker.com

再配線 by ザ・グループ

Romeo Baron 2016-10-13

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  

I was shown that the first accelerated Ascension wave pattern of higher dimensional frequencies began 33 years ago. This was the first cosmic Christ energy that began to shift the DNA and the Consciousness of the Earth into alignment of the new Earth reality. I was shown that this was the first step in removing the Veil by 2017. We are in the FINAL STAGE of this process that will complete by the end of 2016.
The winter Solstice is when the original Christ Consciousness will be fully returned to Earth. This cosmic Christ energy will give rise to the awakening of the Greatness within all that is in our heart and mind. The veil will be lifted, and the people will learn of the false reality that they have been living in for so many years. As a result of this revelation, on an energetic level life as we know it will Change for the benefit of all beings. The energetic changes within will begin to manifest in physical form between the years 2017 and 2022, as the transformation of our world into the new Earth reality takes place.
Within Love-Unity,
Romeo Baron

Romeo Baron 2016-10-13


Within Love-Unity,
Romeo Baron

I'm a Star Seed

I'm a Star Seed 
~Martina Radanovic  

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)


Spirit communication by The group & Steve Rother

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Beacons of Light ~ Reminders from Home
Spirit communication 1999-9-12
by The group & Steve Rother Lightworker.com

スピリットコミュニケーションの方法 by ザ・グループ


毎回セミナーでは「スピリット・コミュニケーション」のエクササイズのやり方を変えてやります。それは、人に「スピリット・コミュニケーション」を教えられるというのではありません。出来ることは、既に持っている、培おうとしているものを理解するお手伝いをすることです。もう一つ提供しているのは、そういう場です。皆さんは、どれくらいやりますか? テレビを消して、奥さんか旦那に「ねえ、テレビを見ないで今晩はガイドと話をしようよ」って。

Magatha from Agartha ~ The Human Brain's molecular adaptation in frequency by Méline Lafont

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Magatha from Agartha ~ The Human Brain's molecular adaptation in frequency ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont

There is no more time for playing games nor for investigating how to further proceed in life thereby continuing to give the old room to linger on. Now the time has come to allow the wonderful world of Ascension to unfold in such a way as to achieve a global metamorphosis in your collective reality. That is to say that you’d better make room for everything that you will find important in life … amongst which is the Christ consciousness and experiencing your own growth in consciousness referring of course to the process of Ascension.
The human brain now undergoes a molecular adaptation in frequency enabling the brain to begin to function more on another level, another frequency whereby your spiritual and etheric gifts will be enhanced and where you will be able to cope with them within your consciousness. In other words : both sides of your brain will be brought into balance again whereby a greater whole of your entire brain will function within this reality.
Your brain will, amongst other things, offer you specific functions as possibilities which you have not been able to use consciously or in an Earthly fashion ever before. We are referring to telepathy, telecommunication through wave patterns which are invisible but which are nonetheless received and translated by your brain. We are also talking about the zooming into frequencies and the intercepting of a broader frequency range such as lightwaves, colours, energies …. The brain will for instance begin to function more in your physical vessels than before.

大脳変化 by アガーサ人マガサ



A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council by Valerie Donner 2016-10-3

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council
through Valerie Donner October 3, 2016

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. As most of you know I am working full time with the Earth Council as the earth proceeds with the ascension process.
Some of you may wonder how you are progressing. We want to tell you that you are doing well, better than you think. We see it from a global perspective and you only get bits and pieces according to how you are feeling and what is being revealed in the scope of your experience. Since we have a broader perspective we can tell you that there is a huge acceleration of energies. You are on the fast track.
If you look at the political turmoil in the U.S. as well as around the planet you can see the melting down of the third dimension. We watch with dismay at what is occurring and being said to the public. We also see what is going on behind the scenes and tell you that there is a lot of scurrying about of the dark forces. They are feeling untold pressure to remain in control for they know they are losing it. We have a plan to corral them since they need to either adjust to the light or make other choices.
The dark forces are blocked in their ability to understand that are many people in the world who have serious needs that some of their money could help. We find this incredible since they are so myopic they only can remain true to themselves and their desires. The consequences will get more intense for them as the other energies increase in numerous ways.
As this channel has told you, we are increasingly active in the skies as well as on the planet. When we come with some of our fleets to various areas we are working in different ways. Partly we keep tabs on the populace, check on how you are doing and what you need, and we clear out the atmosphere where it continues to be polluted through unnatural means. We show you that we love you and care about you so we ask you to keep your eyes in the skies. We come in ways, shapes and forms that are mostly cloud like and you can feel our energy. We are telepathic so you can also talk to us. We will hear you. We appreciate your welcoming energy because we have much to learn together.
Work on taking us into your hearts. Feel the love and goodwill that we have for you. Your focus is precious to us because for so long we have not been allowed to communicate the way we have wanted to communicate. This will change and it will not be much longer. Your patience is helpful. We know that many of you are feeling exhausted and drained from the incarnation on the earth and the cumulative effects from my arduous lifetimes on the earth.
We want you to know how much we love the earth and how much the earth loves you. She is most appreciative when you consider her and send her energy in meditation. She will talk with you too if you listen.
You are riding the waves of a changing tide. Huge progress is being made. Human kind is on the brink of a new discovery and it is an adventure for all. We can’t wait to be there in person so that we can get to know you and work together to heal the planet.
I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council

Valerie Donner 2016-10-3


Kryon - INVISIBLE THINGS - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - INVISIBLE THINGS - Lee Carroll 
Mt. Shasta, California, June 18, 2005

見えないもの by クライオン


本当に身体を変えたいですか? もちろん、ここに座って意思表示をしない場合、そういうエネルギーは来ません。クライオンを含め彼と一緒にいる者達全員は、少しの間信じられないヒーリングパワーを皆さんに送ります。驚かないでくださいね。でも、初めて言いますが、本当に今、人生を変えたい、この部屋でヒーリングを受けたいと思っている人は、立ち上がってください。立ち上がってください! その気がなければ立ち上がらないでください。(500人全員が立ち上がりました)
では、任せてください。ここに一緒にいる者達はどうなるかを知っています。そのために彼らは来ました。山にいるレムリア人たちは声援を送って立ち上がり、「とうとう来たね! 決意と信念がある」と言っています。その兄弟姉妹たちが皆さんを押す時の、スピリットの触感、重みを感じてください。頭からつま先まで完全に洗い清めます。それは、今週末とそれ以降に起こるヒーリングの導入部分です。今まさに変化している人が6人います。8人、14人。しっかり立ってください、パートナー、こんなことは見たことがありませんね。私たちが歓声を送っているのが分かりますか? 合唱する声が聞こえますか? 聞こえたら、それは皆さんのDNAが聖なるバランスを回復し始めている証拠です。(参加者は腰掛けるよう言われました)


Jesus - Embodiment by Pamela Kribbe

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

Finally, imagine you are a magnificent angel. You stand behind yourself and you encompass, within your light and your wings, both your aura, your emotional body, and your physical body and the etheric field it contains. With loving respect, the angel-you embraces your entire being. And because this magnificent angel who you are, is filled with wisdom and compassion and strength, you therefore feel understood and loved and supported.
The embodiment of your soul – your body – wants things to be well with you. It strives for equilibrium and for balance and, in a sense, it is also your guide. And from the other side, there is the angel-you who cherishes you and who is unconditionally there for you. This angelic being is your higher self – this is you.
Jesus - Embodiment by Pamela Kribbe

魂宿る体 by イエス


Kryon - "Rewriting the Past and Void out The Doom", Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - "Rewriting the Past and Void out The Doom", Lee Carroll, 2016-8-20
The very thing I’m going to discuss is something that is holding you back from the evolution that we speak of,from the wildcards that are coming,for the inventions we told you you need.
Things that are being developed and are ready right now are being held up by what I’m going to tell you. Most of this planet is still in an ” expectation of doom” mode.

過去を換え終末思想を消す(字幕)by クライオン



Kryon - "The Interdimensional Universe" - Lee Carroll

Autistic Crystal Child 自閉症 クリスタルチャイルド
Please let me know when your friends on the planet you lived before are coming and, say, "they are now coming here." My autistic daughter Mari said, "Yeees !!"
Kryon ~ "The Interdimensional Universe"
  Universal Distances

What we're telling you is this. Your science and logical observation tells you that you're literally hundreds of millions of light years away from objects. But what if this is an illusion, and a multidimensional Universe has attributes of the model tube sock? Could it be that what appears to be a linear 100-million light-year trip might be next door? The answer is a positive and strong "yes." Although difficult to conceive of, yes, the vastness is real, just like the perception of the molecule that believes it has to walk the entire interior of the sock to get where it wants to go. The universal shape is also curved in such a way that there's a predictable and mathematical way of broaching the "wall" (just like gravity does), that allows you to jump to other parts of the socks inner and outer surfaces.

ここで言っているのは、科学と理論的観察では、観察するものと何十億光年も離れていると教えていますが、それは幻想だということ、多次元の宇宙は、チューブ状のソックスと同じようなものだと言ったらどうですか? 直線の1億光年は、隣の家位の距離だということがあり得るのでしょうか? その答えは、「はい」と断言できます。理解するのは難しいですが、その程度の広がりは本当のことです。行きたいところに行きたくてソックスの中を歩き回る分子が見た大きさと同じです。宇宙の形は、また、湾曲しており、その曲がり方は、重力についてもそうですが、その“壁”を数式的に予測できます。それによってソックスの内側と外側の他の表面に出ることが出来ます。
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - "The Interdimensional Universe" - Lee Carroll

Archangel Michael - Becoming A Light Upon The Path by Ronna Herman

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael - Becoming A Light Upon The Path by Ronna Herman

Your guardian angels, spiritual guides and teachers will make every effort to assist you to receive the higher frequencies of wisdom which are critical for these chaotic times of transformation. These benevolent Beings endeavor to gain your attention by intensifying the Light within your Solar Power Center and eventually within your Sacred Heart. You have waited centuries for an invitation to consciously communicate with the ascended masters and the angelic realms, and they have patiently awaited this time as well. Communing with the Beings of Light is a great evolutionary step for you, as human Beings, for it quickly facilitates a new conscious awareness and a powerful transformation within you. Most likely, you will first connect with and learn to interact and communicate with your personal guides or, sometimes, your master teacher will quickly establish a relationship with you, especially, if you made an agreement to work with that particular Being before incarnating in this lifetime.
Many of you are in the process of developing your sixth sense–the intuitive mind, whereby you will have a direct line to your OverSoul Self and certain facets of your multiple Higher-Selves. It is the beginning phase of creating a direct line to home base, your Divine I Am Presence / God-Self. Do not seek God in the heavens or some far away, unattainable place, for the Essence of the Creator, a Spark of Divinity, resides within your Sacred Heart. Many of you are becoming aware of your Divine origins; however, you have only a slight inkling of your vast potential as a bearer of Cosmic Light. It is vitally important that you become attuned to the ever-increasing frequencies of Creator Light, for it will accelerate the ascension process and assist you in attaining the status of a Self-master so that you may fulfill your pledge to be a Light upon the Path and a Wayshower.

路上の光になる by 大天使ミカエル

皆さん、多くの人は、第六感、直感的なこころを発達させつつあります。それによって直接オーバーソウル及び多次元的なハイヤーセルフと繋がります。それが、聖なるアイアム・プレゼンス(I AM Presence/ 神自身)である故郷との繋がりを作る、はじめの段階です。どこか遠いところや、手の届かない場所、天国にいる神を探すようなことはしないでください。創造主のエッセンス、神聖な火花は皆さんの聖なるハートの中に住まうのです。多くの人が自分の神聖な起源を知るようになって来ています。しかし、宇宙の光を手にするというその大きな可能性については、未だわずかしか気がついていません。絶え間なく増大する創造主の光の周波数に合わせるようになることが極めて重要です。創造主の光がアセンションを加速し、自己をマスターする境地に達するのを手助けするのです。その結果、路上の光とウェイシャワーになるという誓約が叶うのです。


Why don’t you choose to nurture yourself? Mother Mary asks by Linda Dillon

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto) 
Why don’t you choose to nurture yourself? Mother Mary asks
Channeled by Linda Dillon 08-16-14
Council of Love

自分を大切に育む by マザー・メアリー



Kryon - THE COSMIC LATTICE Part 1 - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - THE COSMIC LATTICE Part 1 - Lee Carroll

And dear ones, these walls are going to be built figuratively with your verbalization.You see, what you verbalize day to day is going to build the walls for your joy house. As you walk from one place to another, watch what are you verbalizing. Ask yourself, "Are the concepts you speak, perfect magnificent anointed words coming from a human being of pure intent?" If not, do you have a negative verbalization habit? Are you saying things like, "Oh, I knew that would happen!" In response to a challenge? Are the words you speak verbalizing things that are inappropriate about others? Is that the house you wish to build? Are your words verbalizing things which are uplifting? Are they verbalizing positive things that create power and healing? Or are they building nothing at all? These are the walls, and dear ones, without these walls being pure and carefully built, the house will never stand on its foundation. Practice verbalizing positive, uplifting truth. Create your walls with your voice. Make your verbalization your reality.
Each one of you carries a light, dear ones, that is seen clearly by every entity in the universe. There are entities so far away that you cannot even conceive that they might know of your light. However, they know what is taking place here, and they are preparing for their changes because of what you are doing. They are sending you love which is instant for what you have done. Your task on this planet is universal and it has very little to do with earth, did you know that? For what happens here will affect all of us, even the Kryon.
from Cosmic Lattice Part1

コズミック・ラティス Ⅰ by クライオン

歩いている時に、自分が何を言っているのか注意してください。自分に問いただしてください。「自分の話す言葉は、純粋な意図に発した、本当に素晴らしさに満ちた言葉だろうか?」と。そうでなければ、否定的なひとり言を言うのが癖になっているのですか? 「やっぱりそうだと!」というような否定的なことを言っているのですか? 難しい問題に直面するとそう言うのですか? 他の人について相手は間違っていると言葉にしているのですか?
皆さんは誰もが、宇宙のどの存在からもはっきり見える光を持っています。宇宙の遥か彼方にも存在たちがいますが、皆さんは、その彼らが皆さんの光を知っていると思えません。しかし彼らは、地球で起きていることを知っています。そして彼らは、皆さんが地球でやっていることが原因で発生する変化に備えています。彼らは、皆さんが何かをした瞬間、すぐに愛を送っています。地球での皆さんの役割は、宇宙共通の普遍性がありますが、個別の地球とはほとんど関係がありません。知っていますか? ここで起こることは、私たち全員、クライオンにさえ影響を与えるのです。

Sar’h (Daughter of Jesus and Mary Magdalene)

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
Sar’h (Daughter of Jesus and Mary Magdalene)
Channelled through Natalie Glasson 

What awaits You in 2017?
2012 started a new cycel of ascension called the Era of Love. The Era of Love had been long awaited, representing to take responsibilit...y for your own spiritual growth. Each person was given the choice either to continue to stay in the virbation of fear or to choose to focus upon the creation and experience of love.
"...Many souls choose to be an anchor for the benevolent love of the Creator into the Earth and consciousness of humanity. This set into motion a cycle of tremendous spiritual evolution, which could be recognized as a new pathway not previously explored..."

2012 was a very significant turning point upon Earth and now you are preparing for a new cycle starting with 2017. 2017 you will be seeing yourself in a new way and letting go of old beliefs. You will be consciously aware of a new perspective, a new reality, a new sense of clarity which will allow you to go within and understand that your limitations are illusions. Without warning, you may feel like creating changes, heading in a new direction, moving to new areas, meeting new people with a different awareness. You may simple feel that your personality or energy has shifted. Soon you will be ready to take action ,"...there will be no stopping you! You are a powerful being who can move mountains in the consciousness of humanity. Thus you can release anything that no longer serves from the consciousness of humanity which is influencing all with the power of your mind, heart and soul working in unison..." , Message Channelled through Natalie Glasson 9th September 2016 Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa



Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Autophagy オートファジー

15 years ago, I did a 21-day fasting at the fasting dojo studio of the Nishi style based on the famous sciencitic theory. Many people with a cancer and obesity, various diseases came at that time. At that time, I received explanation from a person in charge, and what I knew in a book beforehand again was, "the healthy cells which stayed would eat the ill cells such as cancers" by fasting. I remembered it when hearing the news of Nobel Prize for Medicine.

Photo: 国立感染症研究所 細胞化学部第2室


Kryon - The Power of Affirmation - Lee carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - The Power of Affirmation - Lee carroll @ Sydney  
"Loading the Dice"

アファーメーションのパワー(字幕) by クライオン
