Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Energies of August 2016 & The Lion’s Gate ~ Natalia Alba
The intensity of summer is being beyond what we could possibly imagine! As we approach the Lion’s Gate, and towards the month of September, this fiery frequency will continue to increase – as we also have the coming of the Eclipses, having one this month and ending in September. We have a cosmic blessing to keep dissolving more old layers of our human self and its illusory bubble, and to embody higher level of consciousness as we keep activating our Light Body and descending/grounding its Wisdom and purity within our being and physical vehicles.
This revealing summer is also showing us so much Truth about all the aspects of us and situations that are still in need of more balance and unity! During this intense month of August, we may feel how everything and everyone that no longer can coexist with our new frequency, will move away from our path, as the more we embody our LoveLight Essence, the more we evolve within this endless spiral, the more we realize that letting go is essential for us as ascending souls, to remain in a state of harmony and refinement, and those who are not ready to be in a state of constant change, liberation and acceptance of what Is at every moment, will follow their own journey. As we already know that in our ascension journey, we will always be having many soul encounters that will enrich our evolutionary path no matter how they choose to do so.
Prepare for contact with the Higher Realms/Guides and Star companions. Some of us already communicate in our unique way with our Star Family, others will start receiving visions, speaking telepathically, or clearly seeing them as previously agreed. We are all different, all forms of communications are equal, some of you will physically see, others will receive messages by inner knowing/soul remembrance, all is True if it resonates for you, as the Truth will always feel clarifying, respectful, simple and above all, will never interfere in our unique path. Embrace who you are and your unique role, as the more you choose to embody your True Essence, the more you will start allowing yourself contact with other beings who are also ascending as we do.
This will be especially occurring during the Lion’s Gate, where a cosmic passage will once again that will also connect with certain sacred places on Earth, giving us the gift to embody new star codes as well as communicate with those who are assisting us from other Realms within Creation. Stay open without judging anything you experience, your human mind will interfere, discern and feel instead of thinking, be ready to share what you receive and allow your being to align with who you truly are and with the cosmic knowledge that is being poured into you at all times – for you to become the Cosmic sovereign being that you decided to be. The Lions Gate comes to confirm us, to help us remember, we are all powerful beings with all we need within, it is time to rise as Gods/Goddesses Sovereigns and stop relying on outer forces.
8月のエネルギー・ライオンのゲート by Natalia Alba
夏の強いエネルギーは想像以上です! ライオンのゲートに近づき、その後9月に向かいながら、この激しいエネルギーはますます激しさを増し、秋分を迎えます。宇宙は人間の古い層とその幻想の膜を消し続け、高い意識を身につけることに祝福を送っています。そうしてライトボディを活性化し、その叡智と純粋なエネルギーを私たち自身と肉体に降ろして行きます。
この夏は、また、もっと均整が取れて調和する必要のある自分のあらゆる面や状況が明るみに出ます! 8月中に新しい周波数と両立しないものを感じ、出来ない人が、自分の前から離れて行くのが分かります。そこで自分の愛と光を身につけていきます。そこで終わりなき進化の螺旋を進む、アセンションする魂として、手放し調和を維持することが不可欠であることが今まで以上に分かるようになります。一方、変化や自由、受容に背を向ける人はその人自身の道に入っていきます。アセンションの途上では、多くの魂との出会いがあり、本人が何をするかに関係なくそれによって私たちの進化の道が豊かになります。
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