Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Angelicguides - The Process of Ascension by Taryn Crimi
Quite simply put it is the natural process of evolution of your soul, reverting back to its most natural form in the higher dimensions. Ascending can and does have many meanings. It is a very tricky thing to explain; especially to a newly awakened human who has never before heard any of this before and has been engrossed in the lower belief systems. So what we wanted to say is that it simply is the elevation of your beliefs, your overall vibration and frequency. Right now on a scale of 1-10 many of you are vibrating at about a 2-4. This can fluctuate but very little in order to remain in the 3rd and 4th dimensions. By consciously choosing to ascend you consciously make the decision to increase your overall vibration. Now with keeping that intent in mind, you do not need to know how to ascend; because on a subconscious level you are already quite aware how to do so. But as you focus your intent on increasing your vibration, naturally anything that is not of the higher vibration will come to the surface to finally be cleared and dealt with. Because as you move into the higher dimensions you no longer have the limitations that you put upon yourselves here. You have a much more expanded sense of awareness and you begin remembering much of what you came to forget.
アセンションプロセス by 天使界
Angelicguides - The Process of Ascension by Taryn Crimi
Quite simply put it is the natural process of evolution of your soul, reverting back to its most natural form in the higher dimensions. Ascending can and does have many meanings. It is a very tricky thing to explain; especially to a newly awakened human who has never before heard any of this before and has been engrossed in the lower belief systems. So what we wanted to say is that it simply is the elevation of your beliefs, your overall vibration and frequency. Right now on a scale of 1-10 many of you are vibrating at about a 2-4. This can fluctuate but very little in order to remain in the 3rd and 4th dimensions. By consciously choosing to ascend you consciously make the decision to increase your overall vibration. Now with keeping that intent in mind, you do not need to know how to ascend; because on a subconscious level you are already quite aware how to do so. But as you focus your intent on increasing your vibration, naturally anything that is not of the higher vibration will come to the surface to finally be cleared and dealt with. Because as you move into the higher dimensions you no longer have the limitations that you put upon yourselves here. You have a much more expanded sense of awareness and you begin remembering much of what you came to forget.
アセンションプロセス by 天使界
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