Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi
"Do this, and manifest everything you desire"
Today we would like to focus your attention upon the topic of manifesting your desires. Of course each and every one of you have many desires in which you have set your sights upon; you have wished for them, so why haven’t they come true yet? This is what we would like to discuss in hopes of helping you become more clear about what is needed in order for your dreams to come true.
Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi
"Do this, and manifest everything you desire"
Today we would like to focus your attention upon the topic of manifesting your desires. Of course each and every one of you have many desires in which you have set your sights upon; you have wished for them, so why haven’t they come true yet? This is what we would like to discuss in hopes of helping you become more clear about what is needed in order for your dreams to come true.
Each and every one of you have things that you once wanted and now have. You successfully manifested those desires into your life. Often times there are some areas in your life which you find to be much easier to manifest positive results than in other areas of your life. For some, a loving relationship has always been something they could easily create, or perfect health and well being, for others abundance is quite easy to manifest, each of you have areas that are working very well and other areas that could use a little refocusing.
So why is it that some desires manifest so easily, and some do not? Ahh, a wonderful question. Allow us to share our perspective. You see, when you view your reality in terms of energy, frequency and vibration rather than just in experiences and results you will have an easier time understanding how anything manifests. The universe is neutral, it does not have a filter. It does not give good things to good people and bad things to bad people, no more so than a mirror giving good reflections to the deserving and bad reflections to the less than deserving. The universe is continually responding to each and every thought, which is essentially the vibration that you emit throughout all of eternity with each new thought. The beautiful thing about your reality is that you always get to make a new choice, choose a new focus, choose a new vibration.
願いを叶える by エンジェリック・ガイド
今日は願いを叶えることについて話したいと思います。皆それぞれが、多くの願いを持ち思い描いています。これまで願ってきました。でも、それが叶わなかった理由は何ですか? その点について話したいと思います。夢を実現するために何が必要なのか、明確にできるようにしようと思います。
「じゃあ、簡単に実現できるものと、そうじゃないものがある理由は何ですか?」。 素晴らしい質問です。私たちの考え方をお話しします。現実を単なる経験やその結果ではなく、エネルギー、周波数、波動というように考えられれば、もっと簡単に物事が現実になることがよく分かるでしょう。宇宙は中立です。特定のフィルターにかけることはありません。いい人にはいいことを与え、悪い人に悪いことを与えることはしません。宇宙は、価値のある人は見映え良く映り、そうでない人は悪く映るような鏡ではありません。宇宙は、絶えず一つ一つそれぞれの考え方に合わせています。それが、本質的に皆さんの出す波動です。常に新しい考えという波動を出しています。現実の素晴らしいところは、常に新しい選択、新しい関心、新しい波動を選べるという点にあります。
So why is it that some desires manifest so easily, and some do not? Ahh, a wonderful question. Allow us to share our perspective. You see, when you view your reality in terms of energy, frequency and vibration rather than just in experiences and results you will have an easier time understanding how anything manifests. The universe is neutral, it does not have a filter. It does not give good things to good people and bad things to bad people, no more so than a mirror giving good reflections to the deserving and bad reflections to the less than deserving. The universe is continually responding to each and every thought, which is essentially the vibration that you emit throughout all of eternity with each new thought. The beautiful thing about your reality is that you always get to make a new choice, choose a new focus, choose a new vibration.
願いを叶える by エンジェリック・ガイド
今日は願いを叶えることについて話したいと思います。皆それぞれが、多くの願いを持ち思い描いています。これまで願ってきました。でも、それが叶わなかった理由は何ですか? その点について話したいと思います。夢を実現するために何が必要なのか、明確にできるようにしようと思います。
「じゃあ、簡単に実現できるものと、そうじゃないものがある理由は何ですか?」。 素晴らしい質問です。私たちの考え方をお話しします。現実を単なる経験やその結果ではなく、エネルギー、周波数、波動というように考えられれば、もっと簡単に物事が現実になることがよく分かるでしょう。宇宙は中立です。特定のフィルターにかけることはありません。いい人にはいいことを与え、悪い人に悪いことを与えることはしません。宇宙は、価値のある人は見映え良く映り、そうでない人は悪く映るような鏡ではありません。宇宙は、絶えず一つ一つそれぞれの考え方に合わせています。それが、本質的に皆さんの出す波動です。常に新しい考えという波動を出しています。現実の素晴らしいところは、常に新しい選択、新しい関心、新しい波動を選べるという点にあります。
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