Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Andromedans – New Earth is approaching fast
Vera Ingeborg 2016-8-27
We are in exciting times. Everything is accelerating, can you feel it? This may seem exhausting and too much to take, but this is really a reward. As a collective you have managed to shift energies so quickly, that you have decided to move into a faster timeline than planned. We, your brothers and sisters, are observing what is going on on planet earth with pride. Ascension is happening even faster than planned, in terms of linear time. At the same time, linear time is dissolving, that is why you often feel completely lost in time and space and everything seems to happen simultaneously in one moment, followed by a feeling of nothing happening at all the next. You are realigning to the new environment and the laws of the fifth dimension. Any scheduling, planning ahead and keeping appointments can feel very uncomfortable. The 5th dimension in the physical is all about living in complete freedom, oneness, authenticity and unconditional love. Structures are ending. Structures are what kept you in 3D. Routines, habits, recurring appointments, time tables – they are all ending. You are adapting to New Earth. As the new chosen timeline accelerates, a lot of people feel even more intensified emotional breakouts, mental spiralling and heavy physical body pain. The linear time slot to go through healing and releasing is compressed even more, so are the wave patterns used to do the purging. The time of emotional heavy water energy is ending. You are entering an episode of fire energy.
新生地球に速く近づいている by アンドロメダ
興奮する時代です。すべてが加速していますが、感じますか? それで疲れて休養がたくさん必要になりますが、それはご褒美なのです。皆さん全員が非常に速くエネルギー変換をやってのけています。予定よりも早いタイムラインを進んできました。皆さんの兄弟姉妹の私たちは、地球で起きていることを誇らしく感じ、じっと見ています。アセンションは直線の時間では予定よりも早く起きています。同時に、直線の時間が消えようとしていますが、だから時間と余裕がない感じがし、すべてが同時に一瞬で起きているように感じます。しかし、その後で、何も起きていない感じがします。
The Andromedans – New Earth is approaching fast
Vera Ingeborg 2016-8-27
We are in exciting times. Everything is accelerating, can you feel it? This may seem exhausting and too much to take, but this is really a reward. As a collective you have managed to shift energies so quickly, that you have decided to move into a faster timeline than planned. We, your brothers and sisters, are observing what is going on on planet earth with pride. Ascension is happening even faster than planned, in terms of linear time. At the same time, linear time is dissolving, that is why you often feel completely lost in time and space and everything seems to happen simultaneously in one moment, followed by a feeling of nothing happening at all the next. You are realigning to the new environment and the laws of the fifth dimension. Any scheduling, planning ahead and keeping appointments can feel very uncomfortable. The 5th dimension in the physical is all about living in complete freedom, oneness, authenticity and unconditional love. Structures are ending. Structures are what kept you in 3D. Routines, habits, recurring appointments, time tables – they are all ending. You are adapting to New Earth. As the new chosen timeline accelerates, a lot of people feel even more intensified emotional breakouts, mental spiralling and heavy physical body pain. The linear time slot to go through healing and releasing is compressed even more, so are the wave patterns used to do the purging. The time of emotional heavy water energy is ending. You are entering an episode of fire energy.
新生地球に速く近づいている by アンドロメダ
興奮する時代です。すべてが加速していますが、感じますか? それで疲れて休養がたくさん必要になりますが、それはご褒美なのです。皆さん全員が非常に速くエネルギー変換をやってのけています。予定よりも早いタイムラインを進んできました。皆さんの兄弟姉妹の私たちは、地球で起きていることを誇らしく感じ、じっと見ています。アセンションは直線の時間では予定よりも早く起きています。同時に、直線の時間が消えようとしていますが、だから時間と余裕がない感じがし、すべてが同時に一瞬で起きているように感じます。しかし、その後で、何も起きていない感じがします。
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