Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - 18 More Years, from "The Process"
Lee Carroll, December 2011 in Laguna Hills, CA
Now, just think: When you reach the other side of 2012, you will have 18 more years to go where you are still in the energy of the Galactic Alignment. It's a 36-year window and you're not even halfway through it [speaking of the precession of the equinoxes].
Here's what that means to Spirit: There's an energy created in this alignment window that is absolutely special and will not occur again for 26,000 years. You have 18 more years to change this planet in this specific energy of manifestation, to plant the seeds. You're already doing it. It's already happening. At the end of the 18 years, I'll give you a prophecy: The beginning of real peace on Earth in the Middle East.
You're going to see ways of solving puzzles that you never saw before. In that amount of time, the youngsters, who are only teenagers now, will be leaders. They'll be on their way up. They'll be thinking about concepts you could not think of in an older energy. They will be solving puzzles that you said were unsolvable. There will be technology that is going to help the planet in ways you didn't even dream could be. That's the prophecy in 18 years, for I know the consciousness of those coming and I can see what the strongest potentials are of the planet at that time - all because old souls awakened and did their job.
~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll
Kryon - 18 More Years, from "The Process"
Lee Carroll, December 2011 in Laguna Hills, CA
Now, just think: When you reach the other side of 2012, you will have 18 more years to go where you are still in the energy of the Galactic Alignment. It's a 36-year window and you're not even halfway through it [speaking of the precession of the equinoxes].
Here's what that means to Spirit: There's an energy created in this alignment window that is absolutely special and will not occur again for 26,000 years. You have 18 more years to change this planet in this specific energy of manifestation, to plant the seeds. You're already doing it. It's already happening. At the end of the 18 years, I'll give you a prophecy: The beginning of real peace on Earth in the Middle East.
You're going to see ways of solving puzzles that you never saw before. In that amount of time, the youngsters, who are only teenagers now, will be leaders. They'll be on their way up. They'll be thinking about concepts you could not think of in an older energy. They will be solving puzzles that you said were unsolvable. There will be technology that is going to help the planet in ways you didn't even dream could be. That's the prophecy in 18 years, for I know the consciousness of those coming and I can see what the strongest potentials are of the planet at that time - all because old souls awakened and did their job.
~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll
それで皆さんは謎を解きながら、私たちが以前に来るよと言った変化の中に進もうとして います。それが今ここにあります。考えてください。2012年の後半になると、その後 18年間、銀河の整列に入ります。2012年のその時が36年の窓です。今はまだ、春 分歳差の中間点にも来ていません。
スピリットにとって、それが大きな意味を持ちます。この整列の窓で生まれたエネルギー は、完全に特別で、その後26,000年間、二度と同じ事は起こりません。顕在化の、 種をまくためのこの特別なエネルギーで地球を変える期間が後、18年あるのです。皆さ んはもうそのことをやっています。もう起きています。18年後の最後の時、どうなって いるか予言します。地球の平和、中東に本当の平和が訪れ始めます。
今まで見たことがなかったように難問が解決していくのが分かるでしょう。それまでに、 今は10代の若者がリーダーとして登場するでしょう。彼らが世に出るでしょう。古い時 代に考えつかなかったようなことを考えます。彼らが、解決不能と言われた問題を解きま す。これまで夢想だにしなかった方法で地球を助けるテクノロジーが現れるでしょう。そ れが、18年間についての予言です。私は、そういうことが現れることを知っています。 その時の地球で一番強く可能性の高いことが何か、全部分かります。オールドソウルが目 覚め、自分の役割を果たした結果です。どう感じますか?
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