Romeo Baron
The Equinox (entry vortex) will commence on the 22nd September 2016. This will create a frequency jump further through the 4D gateway portal that will cause more high vibrational interstellar energies of the orginal Christ light consciousness to permeate the etheric and physical structures of mother Earth.
The anchoring of these higher ascension energies will further raise our personal vibrations and our energetic fields, and that of mother Earth as well for the complete shift into the new Earth reality. This will enable us to fully open and access newer energies and shift the etheric structures of our physical bodies, which will help to re-balance and accelerate not only mother Earth and her healing and activation process, but our own.
This alignment will be particularly crucial, as our entire solar system spirals out to pass through long distances of cosmic clouds within the space-time continuum to go around the Great Central Sun.
In two months from now the opening the Ascension Portals will be completed and this will allow the original Christ light consciousness to REMOVE anything that is not in harmonic alignment with the original divine plan for mother Earth.The negative rulers of our planet can only do their dirty work here until then, before the Divine Plan makes life impossible for them to even exist.
The powerful opening of the Ascension Portals will transform the planet and all life into higher vibratory states...bringing us closer and closer to the Cosmic Bodies of Light which we truly are. With the opening of these Portals, it completes mother Earth's Multi-Dimensional template activation and that of our own.
The complete opening of these Ascension Portals will allow all Star-ship fleets of the Alliance to travel through mother Earth. These Star-ships from the entire Cosmos will be able to travel Inter-Dimensionally here through the Star Gates as our planet will once again be a HUB for the harmonic Universe.
We will become a new humanity and once again the Guardians of the Universe who are the most loving, benevolent beings who reflect the Christ light consciousness of the absolute Divine.
So be it.
Within Harmony, Divine Love, and Oneness.
~Romeo Baron
[Final Telepathic Planetary Ascension Message]
Romeo Baron
This alignment will be particularly crucial, as our entire solar system spirals out to pass through long distances of cosmic clouds within the space-time continuum to go around the Great Central Sun.
In two months from now the opening the Ascension Portals will be completed and this will allow the original Christ light consciousness to REMOVE anything that is not in harmonic alignment with the original divine plan for mother Earth.The negative rulers of our planet can only do their dirty work here until then, before the Divine Plan makes life impossible for them to even exist.
The powerful opening of the Ascension Portals will transform the planet and all life into higher vibratory states...bringing us closer and closer to the Cosmic Bodies of Light which we truly are. With the opening of these Portals, it completes mother Earth's Multi-Dimensional template activation and that of our own.
The complete opening of these Ascension Portals will allow all Star-ship fleets of the Alliance to travel through mother Earth. These Star-ships from the entire Cosmos will be able to travel Inter-Dimensionally here through the Star Gates as our planet will once again be a HUB for the harmonic Universe.
We will become a new humanity and once again the Guardians of the Universe who are the most loving, benevolent beings who reflect the Christ light consciousness of the absolute Divine.
So be it.
Within Harmony, Divine Love, and Oneness.
~Romeo Baron
[Final Telepathic Planetary Ascension Message]
Romeo Baron
Romeo Baron
Romeo Baron
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