
Archangel Michael- Dragon and Star Child by Celia Fenn

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael- Dragon and Star Child by Celia Fenn

Elemental Reconnection and the work of the Dragon Consciousness
Beloved Ones, as you proceed with the work of Reconnecting with the Elemental energies of the Planet, you are once again connecting with the Dragon energy with Love and Honor. The Dragons carry the energies of the Elemental fires of creation on the Planetary and Cosmic levels. In the past, in order to facilitate the evolution of the Mental body within the Human species, it was agreed that the intense energy of the creative fires would be allowed to receed and the cooler mental powers would become more prominent for a while. And so it was that the Dragon energy was allowed to withdraw from your consciousness and this led to feelings of abandonment and fear and anger that were represented in your mythologies as stories of dragons being evil and needing to be killed and repressed.
Know that now is the time for the Dragon energy to be released and to return to its renewed mission on the Earth. The Dragons of Earth, Air, Fire and Water carry the creative fire and are ready to serve the unfolding of the Divine Plan on the New Earth. The intense energy of Excitement and Joy that many of you are feeling is the Joy of the Dragons as they once more move among you and take up their work as Keepers of the Creative Fires under the direction of the Angelic Elohim in the creation of Form on the New Earth.
The first major task that has been undertaken by the Dragons of Earth has been the clearing of toxic emotional residues both within the human energy field and within the Earth herself.
As a result of the Program of Nuclear weapons and bombs, there has been an accunulation of toxic energy in the Earth's emotional field. This has been collected by the Earth Dragons in co-operation with other Inner Earth beings and taken to various power points on the Planet. On the 6th of August, the anniversary of the first atomic mass destruction at Hiroshima in Japan, this energy was released by the Dragons and removed from the Earth. This was done with the assistance of a group of incarnated Lightworker souls whose specific mission was to activate their own Dragon energy and to work with the Dragons in this process of clearing and cleansing in order to faciltate renewal and recreation or rebirthing.
Beloved Lightworkers, for you, as individuals, the return of the Dragon energies has required that you integrate fully with your kundalini fire, for this is the Dragon energy within the Human Form.

 ドラゴンとスター・チャイルド by 大天使ミカエル


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