Kryon - Recalibration Completion - Lee Carroll
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - Recalibration Completion - Lee Carroll
刷新終了2(字幕)by クライオン
Kryon - Recalibration Completion - Lee Carroll
刷新終了2(字幕)by クライオン
でも、また元に戻っていきます。長い時間がかかったと思うかもしれません。私たちはまた元通りになる、もっと強くなると言いました。これからそうなります。待っていたのであれば元に戻ります。今までの人生で一番強くその可能性が感じられます。ヒーラーの人、それまでの2倍の力が付きます。思ってもいなかったサイキックな力が出てきます。リーディングする力が表れます。「クライオン、まさか自分が病気になるとは思ってなかったよ」。- 本当ですか? 「能力がなくなって病気になるとは」。「そのどこに喜びがあるのですか?」と言います。そして私たちはずっと腰かけて、あなたの手を取って、辛抱、辛抱、辛抱してくださいと言っています。
Prepare for Equinox Energy Gateway by Selacia
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
-Prepare for Equinox Energy Gateway-
by Selacia 2017-03
春分に備える by セラシア
-Prepare for Equinox Energy Gateway-
by Selacia 2017-03
春分に備える by セラシア
Orin - What is a Soul Mate ? by Sanaya Roman
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Orin - What is a Soul Mate ?
by Sanaya Roman
ソウルメイトとは何か? by オリン
Orin - What is a Soul Mate ?
by Sanaya Roman
ソウルメイトとは何か? by オリン
Jesus - Love Relationships by Pamela Kribbe
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Jesus - Love Relationships
by Pamela Kribbe
Newsletter http://jeshua.net/ - February 2013 (in Through the Gate)
恋愛関係 by イエス
Jesus - Love Relationships
by Pamela Kribbe
Newsletter http://jeshua.net/ - February 2013 (in Through the Gate)
恋愛関係 by イエス
Telepathic Communication - Thoughts, Words and Oneness - We Can See The Real You by petra margolis
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Telepathic Communication - Thoughts, Words and Oneness - We Can See The Real You
by petra margolis 2012-2-25
ワンネス by アイシス
Telepathic Communication - Thoughts, Words and Oneness - We Can See The Real You
by petra margolis 2012-2-25
ワンネス by アイシス
Balancing Sexual Energy by The group & Steve Rother
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Balancing Sexual Energy
by The group & Steve Rother
セクシャルエネルギーを調和する(字幕)by スティーヴ&ザ・グループ
Balancing Sexual Energy
by The group & Steve Rother
セクシャルエネルギーを調和する(字幕)by スティーヴ&ザ・グループ
Sophia – the Return to Wisdom by Judith Kusel
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Sophia – the Return to Wisdom
by Judith Kusel 2014-1-24
叡智の帰還 by ソフィア
Sophia – the Return to Wisdom
by Judith Kusel 2014-1-24
叡智の帰還 by ソフィア
Nature Is Speaking – Julia Roberts is Mother Nature
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Nature Is Speaking – Julia Roberts is Mother Nature | Conservation International (CI)
マザー・ネーチャーが語る via ジュリア・ロバーツ
Nature Is Speaking – Julia Roberts is Mother Nature | Conservation International (CI)
マザー・ネーチャーが語る via ジュリア・ロバーツ
Isis - The relation between the physical and spiritual world by Petra Margolis
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Isis - The relation between the physical and spiritual world
by Petra Margolis 2011-10-15
物質世界とスピリチュアルな世界の関係 by アイシス
Isis - The relation between the physical and spiritual world
by Petra Margolis 2011-10-15
物質世界とスピリチュアルな世界の関係 by アイシス
Virtual Light Q & A and 2 minute readings byThe group & Steve Rother
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The group & Steve Rother
*Virtual Light Q & A and 2 minute readings ~ Sept 24, 2011
*Coffee and Questions with Steve and Barbara Rother July 10, 2013
*VirtualLight #1 Steve and Austin Rother ~ Aug 27, 2011
Q&A – 個人リーディング(字幕) by スティーヴ&ザ・グループ
The group & Steve Rother
*Virtual Light Q & A and 2 minute readings ~ Sept 24, 2011
*Coffee and Questions with Steve and Barbara Rother July 10, 2013
*VirtualLight #1 Steve and Austin Rother ~ Aug 27, 2011
Q&A – 個人リーディング(字幕) by スティーヴ&ザ・グループ
Saint Germain ~ Drink Lots of Pure Water by Aruna Byers
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Saint Germain ~ Drink Lots of Pure Water
Channeled by Aruna Byers 2012-2-20
セント・ジャーメイン 大量の水分補給 by Aruna Byers
Saint Germain ~ Drink Lots of Pure Water
Channeled by Aruna Byers 2012-2-20
セント・ジャーメイン 大量の水分補給 by Aruna Byers
"DOWNLOADING YOUR NEW DIVINE BLUEPRINT" Archangel Michael Through Ronna Herman
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael Through Ronna Herman LM-11-2014
聖なるブループリントをダウンロードする by 大天使ミカエル
Archangel Michael Through Ronna Herman LM-11-2014
聖なるブループリントをダウンロードする by 大天使ミカエル
Lightworkermike ショート2017-03
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Pleiadian High Council via Lauren C. Gorgo
Pleiadian High Council via Lauren C. Gorgo
Archangel Gabriel by Shelley Young
The group & Steve Rother
*This Is How The Incoming TIDAL WAVES Of ENERGY Will Transform You!
by in5d (Gregg Braden・グレッグ・ブレイデン)
Archangel Gabriel by Shelley Young
The group & Steve Rother
*This Is How The Incoming TIDAL WAVES Of ENERGY Will Transform You!
by in5d (Gregg Braden・グレッグ・ブレイデン)
Masters: The Vibration of Love by Victoria Cochrane
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Victoria Cochrane’s Channellings from the Masters: The Vibration of Love 2017-3-11
The Vibration of Love by Archangel Michael
Stepping into the Light by Saint Germain
愛の波動 by 大天使ミカエル&セント・ジャーメイン
Victoria Cochrane’s Channellings from the Masters: The Vibration of Love 2017-3-11
The Vibration of Love by Archangel Michael
Stepping into the Light by Saint Germain
愛の波動 by 大天使ミカエル&セント・ジャーメイン
The Field ~ KRYON through Lee Carroll
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Field
~ KRYON through Lee Carroll www.kryon.com
You all have a "vibration" of your own, like a string on an instrument that vibrates. If you vibrate slightly differently, you can be in tune with the cosmos.
The Field is that physical space around you that can resonate with another source.
It's like you were designed to resonate with something you are unaware of. This attitude of resonance is tuned to togetherness and harmony, and you are starting to be asked to resound to The Field.
The Field
~ KRYON through Lee Carroll www.kryon.com
You all have a "vibration" of your own, like a string on an instrument that vibrates. If you vibrate slightly differently, you can be in tune with the cosmos.
The Field is that physical space around you that can resonate with another source.
It's like you were designed to resonate with something you are unaware of. This attitude of resonance is tuned to togetherness and harmony, and you are starting to be asked to resound to The Field.
The Field is a benevolent, harmonious vibration, and if you were to then go and resonate with it with your consciousness, you can activate your cellular structure and live longer. Did you know that harmonizing and resonating with The Field within your own consciousness at the right time and the right place actually can cause spontaneous remission? Those who can completely harmonize with The Field can actually control and alter physics!
Since 2012, The Field has increased its awareness and more and more old souls are seeing that they can harmonize and find the frequencies of consciousness that are in The Field.
It's outside of linearity and scientists are calling it quantum entrainment or entanglement - "things that want to work together in an odd nonlinear way, which are benevolent and harmonious". Literally, things that don't normally work together can do so when they're exposed to The Field. It's happening more and more.
Use of The Field
The Field was created for you in this new energy, for old souls. It is literally waiting as a resonate frequency of your consciousness to be activated.
You can call it enhanced intuition if you wish. The Field is that which helps those who are in tune with it and it coordinates things. It puts things together. It makes different things harmonize and vibrate at the same frequency. Let's interpret that harmonization as a solution and a life that makes sense. It's an energy that answers problems when you didn't think there would be answers at all!
“ Innate " has been called the wisdom body of the Human Being. Almost like a body sensitivity that is beyond you and inside you,( muscle-test ) ..There is part of the body that knows more than you do, which is called innate… When the bridge is finally built, you will all be your own medical intuitive! Right now, you're not. However, the innate is the secret, and the answer to using The Field. Innate is already connected to The Field. That means YOU are already connected to The Field.
Now, in this enhanced new energy, The Field has increased. It is more available to synchronize with, to entangle with, than ever before. It is ready to put things together for you, situationally, biologically and consciously. It is ready to expose you to your Higher-Self in a way that you had only hoped for in the past.
Now, be careful, for there are those of you who are too linear to do this. ... You can't even begin to understand the physics of a multidimensional circle. What you are doing is enhancing a time fractal of the future. You are creating that which is not here yet (from your thinking), but the way we see it, The Field is already there and working the solution. It already exists.
You start stating who you are, because it's who you're going to be. In your linear time, it hasn't happened, but to us, it has! Listen, each one of you who is listening to this, I know that you have got something to say to your body; I know it. It's time to connect to The Field!
Dear ones, you're already equipped. Your connection to this field is already there. That's the beauty of the creator and this energy today. It is asking you to resonate to something beautiful, then stand back and watch it work..
~ Saskia Waheina
Since 2012, The Field has increased its awareness and more and more old souls are seeing that they can harmonize and find the frequencies of consciousness that are in The Field.
It's outside of linearity and scientists are calling it quantum entrainment or entanglement - "things that want to work together in an odd nonlinear way, which are benevolent and harmonious". Literally, things that don't normally work together can do so when they're exposed to The Field. It's happening more and more.
Use of The Field
The Field was created for you in this new energy, for old souls. It is literally waiting as a resonate frequency of your consciousness to be activated.
You can call it enhanced intuition if you wish. The Field is that which helps those who are in tune with it and it coordinates things. It puts things together. It makes different things harmonize and vibrate at the same frequency. Let's interpret that harmonization as a solution and a life that makes sense. It's an energy that answers problems when you didn't think there would be answers at all!
“ Innate " has been called the wisdom body of the Human Being. Almost like a body sensitivity that is beyond you and inside you,( muscle-test ) ..There is part of the body that knows more than you do, which is called innate… When the bridge is finally built, you will all be your own medical intuitive! Right now, you're not. However, the innate is the secret, and the answer to using The Field. Innate is already connected to The Field. That means YOU are already connected to The Field.
Now, in this enhanced new energy, The Field has increased. It is more available to synchronize with, to entangle with, than ever before. It is ready to put things together for you, situationally, biologically and consciously. It is ready to expose you to your Higher-Self in a way that you had only hoped for in the past.
Now, be careful, for there are those of you who are too linear to do this. ... You can't even begin to understand the physics of a multidimensional circle. What you are doing is enhancing a time fractal of the future. You are creating that which is not here yet (from your thinking), but the way we see it, The Field is already there and working the solution. It already exists.
You start stating who you are, because it's who you're going to be. In your linear time, it hasn't happened, but to us, it has! Listen, each one of you who is listening to this, I know that you have got something to say to your body; I know it. It's time to connect to The Field!
Dear ones, you're already equipped. Your connection to this field is already there. That's the beauty of the creator and this energy today. It is asking you to resonate to something beautiful, then stand back and watch it work..

~ Saskia Waheina
ここで、もう一つ別の言葉ではっきりさせることが出来ます。経験した人もいます。自分の周りにあるものと共振する場についていろいろなチャネリングされ、それについて語る人もいました。その場が、フィールドです。フィールドは愛に溢れ調和した波動です。もし、意識がそのフィールドに共振するようになったとしたら、あなた自身の細胞は生き生きと動き出し、もっと長生きします。意識が正しい時と場で実際に自分のフィールドに共振し調和すると、自然治癒が起こりますが、知っていますか? どうしてそういうことが可能なのか知っていますか? フィールドと完全に一致し調和した人は、皆さんの知る物理法則をコントール、変更できます! 物理法則を操った歴史上のマスターの話を聞いたことがありますか? 実際に彼らの多くがそうでした。最近、インドで亡くなったマスターも同じことが出来ました。
ここで、もう一つ別の言葉ではっきりさせることが出来ます。経験した人もいます。自分の周りにあるものと共振する場についていろいろなチャネリングされ、それについて語る人もいました。その場が、フィールドです。フィールドは愛に溢れ調和した波動です。もし、意識がそのフィールドに共振するようになったとしたら、あなた自身の細胞は生き生きと動き出し、もっと長生きします。意識が正しい時と場で実際に自分のフィールドに共振し調和すると、自然治癒が起こりますが、知っていますか? どうしてそういうことが可能なのか知っていますか? フィールドと完全に一致し調和した人は、皆さんの知る物理法則をコントール、変更できます! 物理法則を操った歴史上のマスターの話を聞いたことがありますか? 実際に彼らの多くがそうでした。最近、インドで亡くなったマスターも同じことが出来ました。
Kryon - Spiritual Logic - Lee Carroll
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - Spiritual Logic - Lee Carroll
Kryon - Spiritual Logic - Lee Carroll
11:11(字幕)by クライオン
The gift of tragedy by The group & Steve Rother
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Beacons of Light ~Reminders from Home 2005-10-15
The gift of tragedy
by The group & Steve Rother
悲劇の贈り物 by ザ・グループ
Beacons of Light ~Reminders from Home 2005-10-15
The gift of tragedy
by The group & Steve Rother
悲劇の贈り物 by ザ・グループ
New wave of love ~ to JAPAN 2011-12 by The group & Steve Rother
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
New wave of love ~ to JAPAN 2011-12
The group & Steve Rother
新しい愛の波動 by スティーヴ&ザ・グループ
New wave of love ~ to JAPAN 2011-12
The group & Steve Rother
新しい愛の波動 by スティーヴ&ザ・グループ
Being of Service by the Ascended Masters through Natalie Glasson
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomtoo)
Being of Service, Part 2, by the Ascended Masters
Channelled through Natalie Glasson 2011-3-13
奉仕する by アセンデッド・マスターズ
Being of Service, Part 2, by the Ascended Masters
Channelled through Natalie Glasson 2011-3-13
奉仕する by アセンデッド・マスターズ
You Hold The Key To Your Own Magnificence ~Archangel Michael by Ronna Herman
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
You Hold The Key To Your Own Magnificence
~Archangel Michael channeled by Ronna Herman 2011-4-11
壮大さの鍵 by 大天使ミカエル
You Hold The Key To Your Own Magnificence
~Archangel Michael channeled by Ronna Herman 2011-4-11
壮大さの鍵 by 大天使ミカエル
The Harmonic Concordance from Beacons of Light
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
You have considered the earth to be a very dark place and that is why we call you lightworkers. A lightworker is simply a soul who has made a conscious choice to spread light on the planet earth.
Dear ones, you are the Angels of the new planet of free choice. You are Angels- in-training at this moment, but we tell you we could not have picked better candidates. Hold it proudly. Take it with you every step of the way. Walk with a spiritual confidence on earth that you are here on purpose. That is why you came.And when the collective vibration of humanity reaches a level that can trigger it, it will surface very quickly.
~ The Harmonic Concordance from Beacons of Light
by The group & Steve Rother
ハーモニック・コンコーダンス by ザ・グループ
You have considered the earth to be a very dark place and that is why we call you lightworkers. A lightworker is simply a soul who has made a conscious choice to spread light on the planet earth.
Dear ones, you are the Angels of the new planet of free choice. You are Angels- in-training at this moment, but we tell you we could not have picked better candidates. Hold it proudly. Take it with you every step of the way. Walk with a spiritual confidence on earth that you are here on purpose. That is why you came.And when the collective vibration of humanity reaches a level that can trigger it, it will surface very quickly.
~ The Harmonic Concordance from Beacons of Light
by The group & Steve Rother
ハーモニック・コンコーダンス by ザ・グループ
When Nothing(ness) Is Sacred, The Evolution of Religion into Spirituality : Archangel Metatron via Tyberonn, 3/9/2017
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
We tell you that there is no joy greater, more exquisite than the true self-realization of Truth.
~ When Nothing(ness) Is Sacred, The Evolution of Religion into Spirituality : Archangel Metatron via Tyberonn, 3/9/2017
空が神聖になる時 by 大天使メタトロン
We tell you that there is no joy greater, more exquisite than the true self-realization of Truth.
~ When Nothing(ness) Is Sacred, The Evolution of Religion into Spirituality : Archangel Metatron via Tyberonn, 3/9/2017
空が神聖になる時 by 大天使メタトロン
Excerpts from "When Nothing(ness) Is Sacred, The Evolution of Religion into Spirituality" - Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Excerpts from "When Nothing(ness) Is Sacred, The Evolution of Religion into Spirituality" - Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn 2017-3-9
...There was indeed a 'historic' enlightened Christ, incarnate as Jeshua ben Joseph, but much of his true message was later diverted by the organized governmental church for the establishment of 'fear-based' control, political manipulation & convenience. And we tell you the crucifixion, as you think of it, did not historically occur in 3d.
Excerpts from "When Nothing(ness) Is Sacred, The Evolution of Religion into Spirituality" - Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn 2017-3-9
...There was indeed a 'historic' enlightened Christ, incarnate as Jeshua ben Joseph, but much of his true message was later diverted by the organized governmental church for the establishment of 'fear-based' control, political manipulation & convenience. And we tell you the crucifixion, as you think of it, did not historically occur in 3d.
.... These shifts will enable a greater connection to multi-dimensional cognizance & wisdom. Humanity, as we have shared previously are shifting, slowly, into the new crystal-esque (silicon based) body type. We tell you that the new generations born into the Crystal Vortexes of Arkansas & Brazil, are already beginning to take on subtle physiological changes, although these benevolent mutations will not begin to be medically recognized for another generation or two. The human brain will begin to activate in previously dormant areas, to encompass greater awareness. With this is the ongoing expansion into the 33 chakric system, expanding from the 12 physio-chakras.
....The greatly anticipated 'contact' with your 'Star' Ancestors will have occurred by the 23rd century. You will be in the new body type predicted by Cayce and others. The basic shape will be the same, but the silicon base flesh will be more luminescent. Human auras will tangibly glow, and to an extent, each individual's auric identity will take precedence over the physical attributes. Racial differences will still be present, but less distinct. The colors and energy projected from the 'auric' spiritual essence will take antecedence over physical characteristics. Human bodies will be less dense in '3d matter' composition, thinner, and virtually hairless. The cranium will be slightly more elongated, with wider foreheads, increased size will be induced by the greater brain activity......
人類の長期的展望 by 大天使メタトロン(抜粋)
....The greatly anticipated 'contact' with your 'Star' Ancestors will have occurred by the 23rd century. You will be in the new body type predicted by Cayce and others. The basic shape will be the same, but the silicon base flesh will be more luminescent. Human auras will tangibly glow, and to an extent, each individual's auric identity will take precedence over the physical attributes. Racial differences will still be present, but less distinct. The colors and energy projected from the 'auric' spiritual essence will take antecedence over physical characteristics. Human bodies will be less dense in '3d matter' composition, thinner, and virtually hairless. The cranium will be slightly more elongated, with wider foreheads, increased size will be induced by the greater brain activity......
人類の長期的展望 by 大天使メタトロン(抜粋)
Your Cells Are Listening: How Talking To Your Body Can Help You Heal by Therese Wade
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Your Cells Are Listening: How Talking To Your Body Can Help You Heal
“Every part of your body has its own consciousness or its own soul.” These transformative words, spoken by indigenous medicine women, began my journey within to discover the extraordinary healing capacity of the human body.
When this perspective was introduced to me, I was suffering from a severe chronic pain disorder. I suddenly imagined incorporating this concept into my meditation routine. I thought, Can my body hear me…can I talk to it to gain its cooperation in healing this condition?
Your Cells Are Listening: How Talking To Your Body Can Help You Heal
“Every part of your body has its own consciousness or its own soul.” These transformative words, spoken by indigenous medicine women, began my journey within to discover the extraordinary healing capacity of the human body.
When this perspective was introduced to me, I was suffering from a severe chronic pain disorder. I suddenly imagined incorporating this concept into my meditation routine. I thought, Can my body hear me…can I talk to it to gain its cooperation in healing this condition?
That night, after reaching a state of deep calm through meditation, I inwardly engaged my body in a heartfelt conversation, with hope, but having no idea what to expect. After about one hour of this focused communication, something amazing happened. My tissues began to respond. Connective tissue pulled and stretched apart layers of scar tissue. Nerves fired and my calf muscles began to perform flexion and extension exercises independently of my conscious control. As this response continued, one of my calf muscles that had become paralyzed by the neuropathic condition — diagnosed as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy — came back to life as electric-like jolts shot through the area.
~ Therese Wade
体に語ってヒーリングする方法 by テレーズ・ウェイド
思いました。体は私の言葉を聴くのだろうか? 体に話しかけてこの病気を治せるのだろうか?
~ Therese Wade
体に語ってヒーリングする方法 by テレーズ・ウェイド
思いました。体は私の言葉を聴くのだろうか? 体に話しかけてこの病気を治せるのだろうか?
Adama・Atlantis and Lemuria
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Adama ~ From "Telos" by Dianne Robbins http://diannerobbins.com/index.htm
Atlantis and Lemuria by The Greater Picture.
アダマ・レムリア vs アトランティス
Adama ~ From "Telos" by Dianne Robbins http://diannerobbins.com/index.htm
Atlantis and Lemuria by The Greater Picture.
アダマ・レムリア vs アトランティス
Gaia by Pepper Lewis
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Gaia by Pepper Lewis 2011-04
ガイアのメッセージ by ペパー・ルイス
Gaia by Pepper Lewis 2011-04
ガイアのメッセージ by ペパー・ルイス
Earth speaks ~ The Cycle of Your Seasons by Pamela Kribbe
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Earth speaks ~ The Cycle of Your Seasons
by Pamela Kribbe 2014-2-5
季節は巡る by ガイア
Earth speaks ~ The Cycle of Your Seasons
by Pamela Kribbe 2014-2-5
季節は巡る by ガイア
Archangel Gabriel ~ Surrender letting go by Marlene Swetlishoff
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Gabriel ~ Surrender letting go
by Marlene Swetlishoff 2011-11-17
Archangel Metatron - Meditation~Part with old things...
by Karen Doonan
預ける手放す by ガブリエル&メタトロン
Archangel Gabriel ~ Surrender letting go
by Marlene Swetlishoff 2011-11-17
Archangel Metatron - Meditation~Part with old things...
by Karen Doonan
預ける手放す by ガブリエル&メタトロン
The Human Condition - This Is Not a Drill! by The group & Steve Rother
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
~ The Human Condition - This Is Not a Drill! by The group from Beacons of Light 2007-12-15
So choose, every day, to be on purpose. Choose, every day, to evaluate your belief systems and your true motivations for doing things. Especially examine your reactions to things that oppose your belief systems. There are many times when you do not wish to look at your motivations because you have judgments about yourself or you think this motivation is not good enough. I should be saving the world instead of making myself happy. I should be doing something to end world hunger rather than buy myself chocolate.
人間という状態 by ザ・グループ
だから、毎日意図的に選ぶ。毎日選択するのです。自分の考えを見直し、やろうとする際に本当の動機を見直すのです。特に、自分の考えとは正反対の物事に対して、自分がどう反応するかを吟味するのです。自分を価値判断したくないから、または自分の動機が不十分だ、そう考えたくないから、まじめに動機を見つめようとはしたくない、そういう時が今までどれくらいありましたか? 自分が幸せになる代わりに、「世間を優先すべきだ、迷惑はかけられない。チョコレートを買わないで世界の飢餓を救わねば、何かしなくては」。
~ The Human Condition - This Is Not a Drill! by The group from Beacons of Light 2007-12-15
So choose, every day, to be on purpose. Choose, every day, to evaluate your belief systems and your true motivations for doing things. Especially examine your reactions to things that oppose your belief systems. There are many times when you do not wish to look at your motivations because you have judgments about yourself or you think this motivation is not good enough. I should be saving the world instead of making myself happy. I should be doing something to end world hunger rather than buy myself chocolate.
人間という状態 by ザ・グループ
だから、毎日意図的に選ぶ。毎日選択するのです。自分の考えを見直し、やろうとする際に本当の動機を見直すのです。特に、自分の考えとは正反対の物事に対して、自分がどう反応するかを吟味するのです。自分を価値判断したくないから、または自分の動機が不十分だ、そう考えたくないから、まじめに動機を見つめようとはしたくない、そういう時が今までどれくらいありましたか? 自分が幸せになる代わりに、「世間を優先すべきだ、迷惑はかけられない。チョコレートを買わないで世界の飢餓を救わねば、何かしなくては」。
Your Connection with Humanity by Master Jesus, Through Natalie Glasson
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Your Connection with Humanity by Master Jesus
(Old normal by jesus)
Channeled Through Natalie Glasson 2011/8/29
ふつう by イエス
Your Connection with Humanity by Master Jesus
(Old normal by jesus)
Channeled Through Natalie Glasson 2011/8/29
ふつう by イエス
Your sacred contract by The group & Steve Rother
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Beacons of Light ~ Reminders from Home 2006-9-15
Your sacred contract - Plan 'B'
by The group & Steve Rother
聖なる契約 by ザ・グループ
Beacons of Light ~ Reminders from Home 2006-9-15
Your sacred contract - Plan 'B'
by The group & Steve Rother
聖なる契約 by ザ・グループ
Adama of Telos: by Asara 2017-3-4
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Adama of Telos:
"Greetings, Beloved Ones.We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
Adama of Telos:
"Greetings, Beloved Ones.We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
It is time for you to recognize all higher dimensional aspects of your Being and to begin to integrate them into your physical experience.
The more you are allowing for your higher dimensional aspects to be expressed through you into your reality, the easier your experience of the New Earth becomes. In the New Earth Reality, you are the full expression of your higher dimensional Self, while you remain in your physical vehicle.
This is a very unique occurrence on such a mass level. To assist you with this process, your Higher Self has orchestrated many upgrades and the clearing of old programs within your DNA, emotional body, energy body and soul.
~Asara 2017-3-4
統合化 by アダマ
The more you are allowing for your higher dimensional aspects to be expressed through you into your reality, the easier your experience of the New Earth becomes. In the New Earth Reality, you are the full expression of your higher dimensional Self, while you remain in your physical vehicle.
This is a very unique occurrence on such a mass level. To assist you with this process, your Higher Self has orchestrated many upgrades and the clearing of old programs within your DNA, emotional body, energy body and soul.
~Asara 2017-3-4
統合化 by アダマ
Jesus ~ The Way of the Soul by Victoria Cochrane
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Jesus ~ The Way of the Soul
by Victoria Cochrane 2017-3-1
Life is fleeting although, in human terms, it may last for decades or even a century. Some people live long lives while others are only on Earth for a very short time. No matter how long one lives, the impact a person’s life has upon the planet and the people around them is important and has a great effect on the imprint on one’s soul. It may seem that the events occurring through one’s life are random and unplanned, when in fact most people on Earth are living out lives that have been planned and mapped out from the time of their birth until their death: their parents, their siblings, their major lessons and higher purpose for being on Earth are all planned before birth. One’s soul family will also promise to enter one’s life at certain points in a lifetime in order to help keep one on track or to help in times of need or crisis. A lifetime of woe, then, is usually chosen and can be the source of major learning and fast-tracking of soul growth for that person, even though the person may not be consciously aware of it.
魂の道 by イエス
Jesus ~ The Way of the Soul
by Victoria Cochrane 2017-3-1
Life is fleeting although, in human terms, it may last for decades or even a century. Some people live long lives while others are only on Earth for a very short time. No matter how long one lives, the impact a person’s life has upon the planet and the people around them is important and has a great effect on the imprint on one’s soul. It may seem that the events occurring through one’s life are random and unplanned, when in fact most people on Earth are living out lives that have been planned and mapped out from the time of their birth until their death: their parents, their siblings, their major lessons and higher purpose for being on Earth are all planned before birth. One’s soul family will also promise to enter one’s life at certain points in a lifetime in order to help keep one on track or to help in times of need or crisis. A lifetime of woe, then, is usually chosen and can be the source of major learning and fast-tracking of soul growth for that person, even though the person may not be consciously aware of it.
魂の道 by イエス
The Blue Avians ~ The Turning Point ~By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Blue Avians ~ The Turning Point ~By Ute Posegga-Rudel, 03/01/2017
Dearest Humans!
As we look at your affairs we can affirm to you that your world is on an upswing. It is on the very turning point, where all energies, after having touched the lowest level they can reach, inevitably must turn upwards – and that point of turning upwards has arrived now!
The Blue Avians ~ The Turning Point ~By Ute Posegga-Rudel, 03/01/2017
Dearest Humans!
As we look at your affairs we can affirm to you that your world is on an upswing. It is on the very turning point, where all energies, after having touched the lowest level they can reach, inevitably must turn upwards – and that point of turning upwards has arrived now!
This could happen as a sufficient number of you are yourselves at that turning point after reaching the bottom of your subconscious from where on you can’t go deeper, but by law you must go into the other direction towards the light: it is the turning point in human consciousness, having gone through an immense process of development in awareness and growing expansion of consciousness, not only concerning your mundane affairs but also your spiritual potential.
[This is] extremely good news! It has never happened before since the fall in Atlantis. Even better: having gone through this immense process of working through the separation from your own Divinity, you have arrived at a place of spiritual strength, humanity had never before accomplished in its entire history! Consider in this regard that you now have integrated the dimensions of duality in extreme density, but your soul still has managed to go through it, to come out on the other side more radiant than ever before!
ターニングポイント by ブルーエイビアン
それは本当に素晴らしい話です! アトランティス崩壊以降なかったことです。もっと良くなっています。神聖な自分から分かれてから大きなプロセスを経験して精神的な強さという標識まで辿り着きました。人類の歴史上成し得なかったことです! 皆さんは両極に密度を持つ重い2極的対立の次元を統合したのです。魂は上手くそれをやり抜いて、反対側の今までにないほど明るく輝く地点に出たのです。そのことを改めて考えて見てください。
[This is] extremely good news! It has never happened before since the fall in Atlantis. Even better: having gone through this immense process of working through the separation from your own Divinity, you have arrived at a place of spiritual strength, humanity had never before accomplished in its entire history! Consider in this regard that you now have integrated the dimensions of duality in extreme density, but your soul still has managed to go through it, to come out on the other side more radiant than ever before!
ターニングポイント by ブルーエイビアン
それは本当に素晴らしい話です! アトランティス崩壊以降なかったことです。もっと良くなっています。神聖な自分から分かれてから大きなプロセスを経験して精神的な強さという標識まで辿り着きました。人類の歴史上成し得なかったことです! 皆さんは両極に密度を持つ重い2極的対立の次元を統合したのです。魂は上手くそれをやり抜いて、反対側の今までにないほど明るく輝く地点に出たのです。そのことを改めて考えて見てください。
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
by Ronna Herman LM-3-2017
Long, long ago, you, who would later come forth as the StarSeed Wayshowers for the Ascension of humanity and the Earth, agreed to take on a special role on the planet Earth sometime in the far distant future. This group of brave Souls would incarnate into every race, color, culture and creed, and they would be spread far and wide upon the planet in preparation for a preordained cosmic drama: the mass ascension of humanity and the Earth, along with all material manifestations within this Sub-Universe.
スターシード・ウェイシャワーですか?by 大天使ミカエル
by Ronna Herman LM-3-2017
Long, long ago, you, who would later come forth as the StarSeed Wayshowers for the Ascension of humanity and the Earth, agreed to take on a special role on the planet Earth sometime in the far distant future. This group of brave Souls would incarnate into every race, color, culture and creed, and they would be spread far and wide upon the planet in preparation for a preordained cosmic drama: the mass ascension of humanity and the Earth, along with all material manifestations within this Sub-Universe.
スターシード・ウェイシャワーですか?by 大天使ミカエル
Redirecting your light by The group & Steve Rother
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Beacons of Light ~ Redirecting your light 2011-10-15
by The group & Steve Rother
新しいゲームを演じる by ザ・グループ
Beacons of Light ~ Redirecting your light 2011-10-15
by The group & Steve Rother
新しいゲームを演じる by ザ・グループ
Archangel Michael ~ Earth Team Support – Timeline Energies and the PTD Effects thru Celia Fenn
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael ~ Earth Team Support – Timeline Energies and the PTD Effects thru Celia Fenn
Beloved Family of Light, we know that many of you are having difficulties in the current energies. “what is going on?”…..so many of you are asking as you deal with a physical reality that seems to be going a little crazy. “What am I doing here?” ...is another question we are asked, and so we will answer your questions in terms of the New Reality and a new Perception of Time and Space.
Please understand that when you passed through the Great Portal of 2012 you entered into a completely new relationship with Time and Space. Many of you became Rainbow Light Warriors and you began to also work with Time, with Timelines and with Quantum Jumping between Timelines. It is this new aspect of your work on Earth that is creating these deep feelings of confusion and anxiety. This is the first time that you have attempted this form of Time Perception and Creation in the Human Form. It is because you have now activated your Light Body and your Multi-Dimensional Being that you are able to access a new perception of Reality.
Timeline Jumping and How it Feels
Now, Beloved Family of Light, this information is given especially to support the Earth Warrior Team who have just Quantum Jumped Timelines as a Team in order to work in the version of Earth that is most chaotic and confused at the present moment. Your Physical and Emotional Bodies may be trying to process the intense stress of Quantum Jumping Timelines in a physical vehicle. This is what we call the PTD effect, Post Timeline-Jump Distress.
Earth Support Teams and PTD
Dearly Beloved Warriors of Light, if you feel lost and disoriented after your jump, know that there is a huge Support Team of Angelic Light Beings on hand to guide you and support you and bring you back into balance. Rest, if you need to. There is time for your New Work and the the New People you will work with to find you. Your “Teams” are assembling with new projects and new ideas for the next phase of the work. Remember always to draw on the Diamond Light in your Hearts and to feel and work with Divine Love and Compassion that flows through the Diamond Light. Know that the Earth supports you and opens a path for you in this New Reality. Nature supports you. All is well!
Diamond Codes: Guidelines for the New Reality
Beloved Light Warriors, here we will summarize the information given in the “Diamond Codes”, to assist you to bring your body back into balance.
タイムラインのエネルギーとPTD by 大天使ミカエル
アセンションと変容の過程を進み、ライトボディを活性化し、松果体のスイッチを入れたので、皆さんは余りストレスなくタイムラインを飛び越えることが出来ます。全くストレスがないというわけではありません。ある程度は感じます。でも「ダイヤモンド・コード」という私たちのガイドラインに沿って行けばすぐに新しいタイムラインがしっくり来るでしょう。 大きなタイムラインがシフトして多くの人は混乱を引き起こし、方向感覚を見失いました。その時に「心理的疲労感」を起こし、短期間記憶を失いました。睡眠障害、ストレス、不安といった中で肉体と精神はこのラディカルな方向転換に順応しようとしました。肉体と感情体は肉体のままでタイムラインをクォンタムジャンプしようとして強いストレスを受けます。それが「ポスト・タイムラインージャンプ・ディストレス(PTD: Post Timeline-Jump Distressタイムライン飛躍後ストレス障害)」現象というものです。
Archangel Michael ~ Earth Team Support – Timeline Energies and the PTD Effects thru Celia Fenn
Beloved Family of Light, we know that many of you are having difficulties in the current energies. “what is going on?”…..so many of you are asking as you deal with a physical reality that seems to be going a little crazy. “What am I doing here?” ...is another question we are asked, and so we will answer your questions in terms of the New Reality and a new Perception of Time and Space.
Please understand that when you passed through the Great Portal of 2012 you entered into a completely new relationship with Time and Space. Many of you became Rainbow Light Warriors and you began to also work with Time, with Timelines and with Quantum Jumping between Timelines. It is this new aspect of your work on Earth that is creating these deep feelings of confusion and anxiety. This is the first time that you have attempted this form of Time Perception and Creation in the Human Form. It is because you have now activated your Light Body and your Multi-Dimensional Being that you are able to access a new perception of Reality.
Timeline Jumping and How it Feels
Now, Beloved Family of Light, this information is given especially to support the Earth Warrior Team who have just Quantum Jumped Timelines as a Team in order to work in the version of Earth that is most chaotic and confused at the present moment. Your Physical and Emotional Bodies may be trying to process the intense stress of Quantum Jumping Timelines in a physical vehicle. This is what we call the PTD effect, Post Timeline-Jump Distress.
Earth Support Teams and PTD
Dearly Beloved Warriors of Light, if you feel lost and disoriented after your jump, know that there is a huge Support Team of Angelic Light Beings on hand to guide you and support you and bring you back into balance. Rest, if you need to. There is time for your New Work and the the New People you will work with to find you. Your “Teams” are assembling with new projects and new ideas for the next phase of the work. Remember always to draw on the Diamond Light in your Hearts and to feel and work with Divine Love and Compassion that flows through the Diamond Light. Know that the Earth supports you and opens a path for you in this New Reality. Nature supports you. All is well!
Diamond Codes: Guidelines for the New Reality
Beloved Light Warriors, here we will summarize the information given in the “Diamond Codes”, to assist you to bring your body back into balance.
タイムラインのエネルギーとPTD by 大天使ミカエル
アセンションと変容の過程を進み、ライトボディを活性化し、松果体のスイッチを入れたので、皆さんは余りストレスなくタイムラインを飛び越えることが出来ます。全くストレスがないというわけではありません。ある程度は感じます。でも「ダイヤモンド・コード」という私たちのガイドラインに沿って行けばすぐに新しいタイムラインがしっくり来るでしょう。 大きなタイムラインがシフトして多くの人は混乱を引き起こし、方向感覚を見失いました。その時に「心理的疲労感」を起こし、短期間記憶を失いました。睡眠障害、ストレス、不安といった中で肉体と精神はこのラディカルな方向転換に順応しようとしました。肉体と感情体は肉体のままでタイムラインをクォンタムジャンプしようとして強いストレスを受けます。それが「ポスト・タイムラインージャンプ・ディストレス(PTD: Post Timeline-Jump Distressタイムライン飛躍後ストレス障害)」現象というものです。
Fairies and Little People by Tricia McCannon
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Fairies and Little People
by Tricia McCannon
妖精と小人 by トリシア・マッキャノン
Fairies and Little People
by Tricia McCannon
妖精と小人 by トリシア・マッキャノン
Jesus ~ You can only change yourselves, but when you do the whole world changes! by John Smallman
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Jesus ~ You can only change yourselves, but when you do the whole world changes!
February 27, 2017 by John Smallman
自分を変えることだけが出来る by イエス
Jesus ~ You can only change yourselves, but when you do the whole world changes!
February 27, 2017 by John Smallman
自分を変えることだけが出来る by イエス
Archangel Raphael ~ March 2017 Spiritual Messages by mariateresa999
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
March 2017 Spiritual Messages with Archangel Raphael
Posted on February 26, 2017 by mariateresa999
大天使ラファエル 2017年3月のメッセージ by マリア・テレサ
March 2017 Spiritual Messages with Archangel Raphael
Posted on February 26, 2017 by mariateresa999
大天使ラファエル 2017年3月のメッセージ by マリア・テレサ
"THE MYSTERY OF THE VESICA PISCIS" Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman LM-10-2012
ヴェシカ・パイシーズのミステリー by 大天使ミカエル
Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman LM-10-2012
ヴェシカ・パイシーズのミステリー by 大天使ミカエル
Kryon - Armageddon ~ Israel Tour - Lee Carroll
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - Armageddon ~ Israel Tour #9, Lee Carroll
ハルマゲドンの舞台 by クライオン
Kryon - Armageddon ~ Israel Tour #9, Lee Carroll
ハルマゲドンの舞台 by クライオン
How Can We Change the World? By Master Saint Germain through Natalie Glasson
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
How Can We Change the World? By Master Saint Germain
Channelled through Natalie Glasson 2013-11-28
世界をどう変えるか? by セント・ジャーメイン
How Can We Change the World? By Master Saint Germain
Channelled through Natalie Glasson 2013-11-28
世界をどう変えるか? by セント・ジャーメイン
Star Being Messages by Ron Radhoff
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Star Being Messages by Ron Radhoff
あるETのメッセージ by ロン・ラドホフ
Star Being Messages by Ron Radhoff
あるETのメッセージ by ロン・ラドホフ
Quantum astrology 2017-2-26 by by Michelle Karén
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Quantum astrology 2017-2-26
by Michelle Karén
ミッシェル・カレン 2/26のクオンタム占星学
Quantum astrology 2017-2-26
by Michelle Karén
ミッシェル・カレン 2/26のクオンタム占星学
Archangel Michael by Asara 2017-2-26
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael by Asara 2017-2-26
Archangel Michael by Asara 2017-2-26
Archangel Uriel: Use The Power Of Prayer by Jennifer Hoffman
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Uriel: Use The Power Of Prayer by Jennifer Hoffman
How many times have you prayed for better relationships, more money, a better job, a new home, peace and joy? And how many times do you repeat your prayers when you do not receive what you asked for? Do you pray the same prayers every day or every week? Do you believe that your prayers will be answered or do you think that the Creator and the Universe are deaf because your prayers go unanswered? What do you do then, do you feel defeated and powerless? Do you ask again and hope that your prayers are heard? You should know that every prayer reaches Source and every desire of your heart is answered. The fact that it seems your prayer is not answered immediately is not a sign that you are not being heard, but that there are other lessons or issues involved in the outcome.
祈りのパワーを使う by 大天使ウリエル
Archangel Uriel: Use The Power Of Prayer by Jennifer Hoffman
How many times have you prayed for better relationships, more money, a better job, a new home, peace and joy? And how many times do you repeat your prayers when you do not receive what you asked for? Do you pray the same prayers every day or every week? Do you believe that your prayers will be answered or do you think that the Creator and the Universe are deaf because your prayers go unanswered? What do you do then, do you feel defeated and powerless? Do you ask again and hope that your prayers are heard? You should know that every prayer reaches Source and every desire of your heart is answered. The fact that it seems your prayer is not answered immediately is not a sign that you are not being heard, but that there are other lessons or issues involved in the outcome.
祈りのパワーを使う by 大天使ウリエル
これまで、いい関係や多くのお金、いい仕事、いい家、平和、喜びなど、何度祈って来ましたか? お願いしたことがそうならない時に何度祈りを繰り返しますか? 同じ祈りをするのは、毎日ですか、毎週ですか? 祈ったら返事があると信じていますか? それとも、返事がないので創造主や宇宙は聞いていないと思いますか? その時にはどうしますか、ダメだったとがっかりしますか? また、祈りが聞き届けられるようにお願いしますか? 皆さんに知ってほしいのは、祈る都度、皆さんの祈りは創造主に届くこと、心の願いは聞き届けられていることです。すぐに返事がないように思えても、だからと言ってそれで聴いてもらえていないことにはなりません。が、実は、そこには、結果に関わる何らかの他の学びや問題があるのです。
The end of Karma & Creating a new Age ~ Archangel Uriel by Jennifer Hoffman
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The end of Karma & Creating a new Age
~ Archangel Uriel Channeled by Jennifer Hoffman
カルマの終焉と新時代の創造 by 大天使ウリエル
The end of Karma & Creating a new Age
~ Archangel Uriel Channeled by Jennifer Hoffman
カルマの終焉と新時代の創造 by 大天使ウリエル
Saint Germain On Soul Groups by Paul E. Yandeau
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Saint Germain On Soul Groups
Channeled by Paul E. Yandeau
ソウル・グループ by セント・ジャーメイン
Saint Germain On Soul Groups
Channeled by Paul E. Yandeau
ソウル・グループ by セント・ジャーメイン
Wild Energies! Changes in Partnerships and the End of Duality by Vera Ingeborg
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Wild Energies! Changes in Partnerships and the End of Duality
by Vera Ingeborg, Feb 22, 2017
In addition to that, we are dealing with the effects of a timeline split. At the moment, we have two 3D/4D timelines (i.e. realities) running in parallel to a 5D timeline which is splitting off from the old ones. While the 5D timeline is leading to New Earth, and a complete shift in reality into oneness, community and unconditional love, the other two timelines are headed into darkness and fear. This causes that we are experiencing duality in parallel. Happiness and sadness at the same time, being active and passive at the same time, being awake and tired at the same time. We feel unable to take any decisions and stuck. Focus on the 5D timeline and move your energy there. It can be helpful to take a moment to close your eyes, imagine a place that you love and that supports you with all the energy you need and where you feel happy and whole. Feel this energy and let it spread into your whole body and system. This will help you to see clearer, what the 5D timeline is pulling you to be and do.
Wild Energies! Changes in Partnerships and the End of Duality
by Vera Ingeborg, Feb 22, 2017
In addition to that, we are dealing with the effects of a timeline split. At the moment, we have two 3D/4D timelines (i.e. realities) running in parallel to a 5D timeline which is splitting off from the old ones. While the 5D timeline is leading to New Earth, and a complete shift in reality into oneness, community and unconditional love, the other two timelines are headed into darkness and fear. This causes that we are experiencing duality in parallel. Happiness and sadness at the same time, being active and passive at the same time, being awake and tired at the same time. We feel unable to take any decisions and stuck. Focus on the 5D timeline and move your energy there. It can be helpful to take a moment to close your eyes, imagine a place that you love and that supports you with all the energy you need and where you feel happy and whole. Feel this energy and let it spread into your whole body and system. This will help you to see clearer, what the 5D timeline is pulling you to be and do.
All of these events are building up to the Spring Equinox on March 21.
ワイルドエナジー! by ベラ・インゲボルグ
それに加えて、私たちはタイムラインの分岐にも直面します。現時点では、古いものから分岐した5次元、それと並行する2つの3次元-4次元というタイムライン(現実)があります。 5次元のタイムラインは新生地球に通じ、ワンネス、共同体(コミュニティ)、無条件の愛の現実に入る一方で、他の3次元と4次元の2つのタイムラインは闇と恐怖に向かっています。それによって、私たちは同時に2つの世界・現実を経験していきます。幸せと悲しみ、消極性と積極性、生き生きした意識と鈍い意識を同時に経験します。決断できず行き詰っている感じがします。5次元のタイムラインを意識しそこに自分がいると想像し、その状態のエネルギーになってください。少し目を閉じて好きな場所を思い浮かべ、自分を支えてくれるエネルギー環境がそこにあり、幸せで何一つ欠けているものはないと感じます。そのようなエネルギーを感じて全身に広げてください。それによって、自分がどんどん5次元のタイムライン上に乗りそこにいることがはっきり分かっていきます。
ワイルドエナジー! by ベラ・インゲボルグ
それに加えて、私たちはタイムラインの分岐にも直面します。現時点では、古いものから分岐した5次元、それと並行する2つの3次元-4次元というタイムライン(現実)があります。 5次元のタイムラインは新生地球に通じ、ワンネス、共同体(コミュニティ)、無条件の愛の現実に入る一方で、他の3次元と4次元の2つのタイムラインは闇と恐怖に向かっています。それによって、私たちは同時に2つの世界・現実を経験していきます。幸せと悲しみ、消極性と積極性、生き生きした意識と鈍い意識を同時に経験します。決断できず行き詰っている感じがします。5次元のタイムラインを意識しそこに自分がいると想像し、その状態のエネルギーになってください。少し目を閉じて好きな場所を思い浮かべ、自分を支えてくれるエネルギー環境がそこにあり、幸せで何一つ欠けているものはないと感じます。そのようなエネルギーを感じて全身に広げてください。それによって、自分がどんどん5次元のタイムライン上に乗りそこにいることがはっきり分かっていきます。
Aligning Yourself with Your Ascension by The Andromedans via Natalie Glasson
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Aligning Yourself with Your Ascension by The Andromedans via Natalie Glasson
Being in harmony with your ascension is when you are willing to recognise the needs and requirements of your entire being, while recognising that your needs change, as new energies and shifts come forth. When you are in harmony with your ascension and the energies flowing with great power into the Earth, you are able and willing to sense your needs on a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level, being able to serve and nurture yourself in the most perfect way. You allow yourself to be inspired by the ascension energies as to how you can serve yourself, encouraging yourself to move through the transitions effortlessly. With each ascension energy and shift which is anchored into the Earth and your being, there is consciousness and guidance that comes forth for all to receive. This explains and inspires anyone who is willing to receive, how to synthesise and integrate with the ener gies, as well as the best way to achieve this. In truth, everything is provided to you, there is simply a need to tune in, and the information is shared abundantly.
アセンションの波に整列する by アンドロメダ
Aligning Yourself with Your Ascension by The Andromedans via Natalie Glasson
Being in harmony with your ascension is when you are willing to recognise the needs and requirements of your entire being, while recognising that your needs change, as new energies and shifts come forth. When you are in harmony with your ascension and the energies flowing with great power into the Earth, you are able and willing to sense your needs on a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level, being able to serve and nurture yourself in the most perfect way. You allow yourself to be inspired by the ascension energies as to how you can serve yourself, encouraging yourself to move through the transitions effortlessly. With each ascension energy and shift which is anchored into the Earth and your being, there is consciousness and guidance that comes forth for all to receive. This explains and inspires anyone who is willing to receive, how to synthesise and integrate with the ener gies, as well as the best way to achieve this. In truth, everything is provided to you, there is simply a need to tune in, and the information is shared abundantly.
アセンションの波に整列する by アンドロメダ
Intuitive Astrology: New Moon Solar Eclipse February 2017 by Tanaaz
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Intuitive Astrology: New Moon Solar Eclipse February 2017
by Tanaaz
The New Moon Solar Eclipse falls in the intuitive and watery sign of Pisces on February 26th.
Intuitive Astrology: New Moon Solar Eclipse February 2017
by Tanaaz
The New Moon Solar Eclipse falls in the intuitive and watery sign of Pisces on February 26th.
This Solar Eclipse is the first of the year and is going to set the tone and energy for the months ahead. In fact, whatever energy transpires on this Eclipse is likely to create a theme that will last until the next Solar Eclipse on August 21st.
Earlier this month on February 11, we had a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, which was all about endings, letting go and clearing out the past. This energy has still been lingering but will shift as the New Moon Solar Eclipse energy takes over.
If Lunar Eclipses are all about endings, Solar Eclipses are all about new beginnings. Whatever emotions or events were stirred earlier this month are likely to melt away and shift in a new direction as February draws to a close.
Energetically, the Universe has been calling on all of us to move through a process of endings. To some extent, we have all been called on by the Universe in different ways to shed the old in order to make way for the new.
2月の新月日食 by Tanaaz
Earlier this month on February 11, we had a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, which was all about endings, letting go and clearing out the past. This energy has still been lingering but will shift as the New Moon Solar Eclipse energy takes over.
If Lunar Eclipses are all about endings, Solar Eclipses are all about new beginnings. Whatever emotions or events were stirred earlier this month are likely to melt away and shift in a new direction as February draws to a close.
Energetically, the Universe has been calling on all of us to move through a process of endings. To some extent, we have all been called on by the Universe in different ways to shed the old in order to make way for the new.
2月の新月日食 by Tanaaz
"What is Ascension?" by Master Saint Germain through Méline Portia Lafont
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
What is Ascension?
Ascension as explained by Master Saint Germain
through Méline Portia Lafont
アセンションはあなた by セント・ジャーメイン
What is Ascension?
Ascension as explained by Master Saint Germain
through Méline Portia Lafont
アセンションはあなた by セント・ジャーメイン
Adamus Saint-Germain "On Paris Attacks" channeled through Geoffrey Hoppe
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Adamus Saint-Germain "On Paris Attacks" channeled through Geoffrey Hoppe 2015-11-14
ADAMUS: Indeed. I Am that I Am, Adamus of Sovereign Domain.
The situation with the bombings in Paris, you’ve asked me to talk about. I’d like to first acknowledge that,in my last lifetime as Count St.Germain, I spent many, many of my years in France. It was one of the most delightful places on the planet, and to this day, even though I am now not living in human form on this Earth – I’m what many would call an Ascended Master – I still have such a deep love for the people of France and a deep love for the land. But I also understand that this situation goes far, far beyond the borders of France and even Europe. It is a global situation.
This basic unrest stems from the planet’s overall trend and desire for freedom. Humans all around the world are having awakenings. There is more and more of a desire for true freedom. However, at the same time it’s creating a backlash, an opposite effect, because there are also those who are trying to go back – trying to go back in time, trying to go back to old values, trying to go back to old traditions. They fear freedom for themselves and for others. They fear this awakening of humanity, so what they’re trying to do is pull back and literally restrict the freedom.
But there is another important element that comes into play here, because in times like this when there is the transition into what many would call the New Energy or new consciousness, there is also a lot of power play on this planet. There is tremendous seeking of power, and the ones that you call the terrorists have found that not only is this a cause for them, but it is a great way to attain the power. But ultimately, ultimately the desire for freedom will trump or supersede all the desires for power. Ultimately, whether it is in the next few years or few decades, this world will come to realize that power is truly an illusion. Power is an old human game, and it doesn’t have a place on the planet anymore.
パリ銃撃事件 by アダムス・セント・ジャーメイン
アダムス:I Am that I Am、私はアダムス・ソブリン・ドメインです。パリ爆撃事件について話してほしいということですが、先ず、私がセント・ジャーメイン伯爵だった前回の人生(1710–1784)の時は、長年フランスで過ごしました。フランスは地球で最も楽しい所の一つで、今は人間ではありませんが、今でも楽しい所です。私は今は、いわゆるアセンデッド・マスターですが、いまだにフランスの人々には深い愛を抱き、その土地に愛着を持っています。しかし、また、今回の事件は、フランスやヨーロッパに留まらない、地球規模の問題であることは知っています。
Adamus Saint-Germain "On Paris Attacks" channeled through Geoffrey Hoppe 2015-11-14
ADAMUS: Indeed. I Am that I Am, Adamus of Sovereign Domain.
The situation with the bombings in Paris, you’ve asked me to talk about. I’d like to first acknowledge that,in my last lifetime as Count St.Germain, I spent many, many of my years in France. It was one of the most delightful places on the planet, and to this day, even though I am now not living in human form on this Earth – I’m what many would call an Ascended Master – I still have such a deep love for the people of France and a deep love for the land. But I also understand that this situation goes far, far beyond the borders of France and even Europe. It is a global situation.
This basic unrest stems from the planet’s overall trend and desire for freedom. Humans all around the world are having awakenings. There is more and more of a desire for true freedom. However, at the same time it’s creating a backlash, an opposite effect, because there are also those who are trying to go back – trying to go back in time, trying to go back to old values, trying to go back to old traditions. They fear freedom for themselves and for others. They fear this awakening of humanity, so what they’re trying to do is pull back and literally restrict the freedom.
But there is another important element that comes into play here, because in times like this when there is the transition into what many would call the New Energy or new consciousness, there is also a lot of power play on this planet. There is tremendous seeking of power, and the ones that you call the terrorists have found that not only is this a cause for them, but it is a great way to attain the power. But ultimately, ultimately the desire for freedom will trump or supersede all the desires for power. Ultimately, whether it is in the next few years or few decades, this world will come to realize that power is truly an illusion. Power is an old human game, and it doesn’t have a place on the planet anymore.
パリ銃撃事件 by アダムス・セント・ジャーメイン
アダムス:I Am that I Am、私はアダムス・ソブリン・ドメインです。パリ爆撃事件について話してほしいということですが、先ず、私がセント・ジャーメイン伯爵だった前回の人生(1710–1784)の時は、長年フランスで過ごしました。フランスは地球で最も楽しい所の一つで、今は人間ではありませんが、今でも楽しい所です。私は今は、いわゆるアセンデッド・マスターですが、いまだにフランスの人々には深い愛を抱き、その土地に愛着を持っています。しかし、また、今回の事件は、フランスやヨーロッパに留まらない、地球規模の問題であることは知っています。
Many Of You Are Moving Beyond The Old Paradigm And Embracing The New “St. Germain” channeled by James McConnell
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Many Of You Are Moving Beyond The Old Paradigm And Embracing The New
“St. Germain” channeled by James McConnell 2017-2-19
新たな夜明け by セント・ジャーメイン
Many Of You Are Moving Beyond The Old Paradigm And Embracing The New
“St. Germain” channeled by James McConnell 2017-2-19
新たな夜明け by セント・ジャーメイン
Beginning Phase of Frequencies Separating on Earth by Jenny Schiltz
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Beginning Phase of Frequencies Separating on Earth
by Jenny Schiltz 2017-2-20
Sananda: All the frequencies have been available to every person, what one must do is to align with the predominating frequency in order to move into that reality. This is still true, however there will be a separation coming. At the moment one can feel the oneness of what has been called 5th Dimension while in the next moment they find themselves lost in lower emotions.
Beginning Phase of Frequencies Separating on Earth
by Jenny Schiltz 2017-2-20
Sananda: All the frequencies have been available to every person, what one must do is to align with the predominating frequency in order to move into that reality. This is still true, however there will be a separation coming. At the moment one can feel the oneness of what has been called 5th Dimension while in the next moment they find themselves lost in lower emotions.
It is not to say that the emotions of sadness or even anger are not felt in the higher frequencies, as they are. Yet, how one moves through those emotions changes. Gone is the blame and destructive lashing out. Instead these emotions when felt within the higher frequencies allow one to see what adjustments can be made within that will affect the outer creation of their reality.
With the separation of the frequencies, the widening of the gap between each grouping, it will become much harder for one to move seamlessly from the lower to higher frequencies.
周波数の分岐初期段階 by サナンダ
With the separation of the frequencies, the widening of the gap between each grouping, it will become much harder for one to move seamlessly from the lower to higher frequencies.
周波数の分岐初期段階 by サナンダ
The Journey to Truth by Archangel Michael ~ Natalie Glasson
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Journey to Truth by Archangel Michael
Channelled through Natalie Glasson 10th October 2011
ジョセフのストーリー by 大天使ミカエル
The Journey to Truth by Archangel Michael
Channelled through Natalie Glasson 10th October 2011
ジョセフのストーリー by 大天使ミカエル
Archangel Michael ~ An Unprecedented Evolutionary Process Is Under Way via Ronna Herman
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael ~ An Unprecedented Evolutionary Process Is Under Way via Ronna Herman
We have taught you to become “a living meditation” whereby you are able to function efficiently in your earthly environment while maintaining a balanced Alpha State of consciousness. The next step is to endeavor to live in a constant state of joy and gratitude, thereby becoming a “living prayer.” When your endeavors are directed toward the highest good for all humankind, a special dispensation is given, and a greater measure of Creator Light will be made available to you.
前例のない進化 by 大天使ミカエル
Archangel Michael ~ An Unprecedented Evolutionary Process Is Under Way via Ronna Herman
We have taught you to become “a living meditation” whereby you are able to function efficiently in your earthly environment while maintaining a balanced Alpha State of consciousness. The next step is to endeavor to live in a constant state of joy and gratitude, thereby becoming a “living prayer.” When your endeavors are directed toward the highest good for all humankind, a special dispensation is given, and a greater measure of Creator Light will be made available to you.
前例のない進化 by 大天使ミカエル
Kryon - The Future of DNA via Lee Carroll
Translaion by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - The Future of DNA
A Human baby comes into the planet today, but what is going on today is different from when you were born.Their Genesis cells, the "how a Human works" cells, are changing.
New born kids are starting to awaken to being intuitive about their own health. The bridge isn't built yet to innate, but it is closer with them and they're feeling something. Innate is talking to them for the first time. Listen: You didn't have it, but they do. Listen to them.
Kryon - The Future of DNA
A Human baby comes into the planet today, but what is going on today is different from when you were born.Their Genesis cells, the "how a Human works" cells, are changing.
New born kids are starting to awaken to being intuitive about their own health. The bridge isn't built yet to innate, but it is closer with them and they're feeling something. Innate is talking to them for the first time. Listen: You didn't have it, but they do. Listen to them.
You're going to see children remembering how to walk and how to eat much earlier, without training. It will be faster than the older paradigm, and faster than the doctors who know about child development will have seen. It will be "off the scale". Get ready for it; it's instinct. It's simple chemistry. It's the DNA working better. via Lee Carroll
DNAの未来 by クライオン
DNAの未来 by クライオン
New Science- DNA Begins As A Quantum Wave by Lance Schuttler
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
New Science- DNA Begins As A Quantum Wave
by Lance Schuttler 2017-1-18
One strand of DNA from one single cell contains enough information to clone an entire organism. Obviously, understanding DNA allows us to understand much about life and the universe around us. A deeper understanding of the new science tell us that DNA beings not as a molecule, but as a wave form. Even more interestingly, this wave form exists as a pattern within time and space and is coded throughout the entire universe.
New Science- DNA Begins As A Quantum Wave
by Lance Schuttler 2017-1-18
One strand of DNA from one single cell contains enough information to clone an entire organism. Obviously, understanding DNA allows us to understand much about life and the universe around us. A deeper understanding of the new science tell us that DNA beings not as a molecule, but as a wave form. Even more interestingly, this wave form exists as a pattern within time and space and is coded throughout the entire universe.
We are surrounded by pulsating waves of invisible genetic information, whose waves create microscopic gravitational forces that pull in atoms and molecules from their surrounding environment to construct DNA.
One scientist who caught these microgravitational forces in their action is Dr. Sergey Leikin.
この微視的重力(microgravitational forces)の動きを最初に捉えた一人の科学者が、セルゲイ・レーイキン(Sergey Leikin)博士です。
One scientist who caught these microgravitational forces in their action is Dr. Sergey Leikin.
この微視的重力(microgravitational forces)の動きを最初に捉えた一人の科学者が、セルゲイ・レーイキン(Sergey Leikin)博士です。
9 year old discusses the meaning of life and the universe
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
9 year old discusses the meaning of life and the universe
9 year old discusses the meaning of life and the universe
Pleiadian Message by Barbara Marciniak
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Pleiadian Message by Barbara Marciniak
Members of the Bringers of the Dawn or the Family of Light work in teams.
You don't go into systems alone.
You need each other to do this work because you cannot hold the frequency by yourself.
By going in as teams, you increase the odds of successfully carrying out the plan.
You are like rays and light spirals of the central sun that are very intelligent, and you are guided by a great intelligence inside the central sun.
~ バーバラ・マーシニアック
Pleiadian Message by Barbara Marciniak
Members of the Bringers of the Dawn or the Family of Light work in teams.
You don't go into systems alone.
You need each other to do this work because you cannot hold the frequency by yourself.
By going in as teams, you increase the odds of successfully carrying out the plan.
You are like rays and light spirals of the central sun that are very intelligent, and you are guided by a great intelligence inside the central sun.
~ バーバラ・マーシニアック
Lord Metatron - The Aquarian Shift via James Tyberonn
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Lord Metatron
Dear Ones, we tell you again the Ascension of the Planet did occur, and humanity made it so. Even if much of humanity does not recognize it in 3d consciousness, the Earth has indeed changed, graduated into a new paradigm. The savant among you realize this.
Lord Metatron
Dear Ones, we tell you again the Ascension of the Planet did occur, and humanity made it so. Even if much of humanity does not recognize it in 3d consciousness, the Earth has indeed changed, graduated into a new paradigm. The savant among you realize this.
Your scientist are aware of a unique phase of the earth in which most of your present biological life emerged. It is called the Cambrian Radiation. The Cambrian phase was one of great plasmic influx onto your earth, and it brought new life forms to your planet. Darwin, the renowned evolutionist, admitted that the Cambrian Radiation was the most valid argument against his theory of evolution. ( Darwin, the renowned evolutionist, admitted that the Cambrian Radiation was the most valid argument against his theory of evolution.)
This is also happening now. The current solar radiation became turbo-charged in 1989 and will continue. Incredible numbers of coronal mass ejections bombarded the earth with unimaginable radiation, ions and electrons.
The ionic radiation will absolutely up-shift your biology, change your DNA. You will become less dense. We will term this the Aquarian Shift, although the channel prefers geologic vernacular , referring to it as the'Anthropocene Radiation'.
- The Aquarian Shift via James Tyberonn 2012-12-31
アクエリアンシフト by メタトロン
アクエリアンシフト‐アントロポセン放射(Anthropocene Radiation)
多くの陰謀論者は、気候変動の要因は人間によるものだと言いたげです。しかしそれは事実ではありません。記録に残る歴史上類を見ないほど、何十億トンものプラズマがここ20年以上地球を直撃してきました。HAARPによって大気が暖められた結果と考えるのは、非論理的です。そのようなことが出来るテクノロジーは存在しません。気候変動は、太陽プラズマなのです! 以前、地球が転換し生物がシフトした時があり、その時代は、約5億8000万年前のカンブリア紀です。
This is also happening now. The current solar radiation became turbo-charged in 1989 and will continue. Incredible numbers of coronal mass ejections bombarded the earth with unimaginable radiation, ions and electrons.
The ionic radiation will absolutely up-shift your biology, change your DNA. You will become less dense. We will term this the Aquarian Shift, although the channel prefers geologic vernacular , referring to it as the'Anthropocene Radiation'.
- The Aquarian Shift via James Tyberonn 2012-12-31
アクエリアンシフト by メタトロン
アクエリアンシフト‐アントロポセン放射(Anthropocene Radiation)
多くの陰謀論者は、気候変動の要因は人間によるものだと言いたげです。しかしそれは事実ではありません。記録に残る歴史上類を見ないほど、何十億トンものプラズマがここ20年以上地球を直撃してきました。HAARPによって大気が暖められた結果と考えるのは、非論理的です。そのようなことが出来るテクノロジーは存在しません。気候変動は、太陽プラズマなのです! 以前、地球が転換し生物がシフトした時があり、その時代は、約5億8000万年前のカンブリア紀です。
Archangel Michael-The Evolution of The Soul by Ronna Herman
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael-The Evolution of The Soul by Ronna Herman
Also, remember this: an important part of your mission on Earth is to intensify the Light of the lower dimensions.
Archangel Michael-The Evolution of The Soul by Ronna Herman
Also, remember this: an important part of your mission on Earth is to intensify the Light of the lower dimensions.
An aspirant on the Path must focus on both outer and inner world training. You must strive to become a conscious observer of what is taking place around you. Training yourself to become fully engaged with focused awareness of the physical events in everyday life is vitally important, as well as learning to process the harmonious and the discordant frequency patterns to which you are subjected. You must then take the appropriate action. Practicing emotional and mental discipline is also very important as you seek to become a master of Self. You must not turn your back on the world and life’s experiences, but face them head-on. However, it is vital that you learn to view life from a higher vantage point. Endeavor to see the bigger picture and not get entangled in the small story dramas.
魂の進化 by 大天使ミカエル
魂の進化 by 大天使ミカエル
Ascension Chakras – New and Old by Karen Downing
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Ascension Chakras – New and Old
Karen Downing 2015-7-28/2016-10-26
As you raise your vibration and consciousness, so too does Gaia (Mother Earth) and because of this, vast changes are occurring; chakras are merging, moving, and forming, an upgrade that will roll out in 3 stages.Some of these chakras are just emerging on the Earth plane, but have been chakra points in the spiritual body all along. It is only now that we have raised the vibration of the planet and ourselves to a place where these new chakras can emerge in our physical world. This change is directly related to our collective Ascension process.
Ascension Chakras – New and Old
Karen Downing 2015-7-28/2016-10-26
As you raise your vibration and consciousness, so too does Gaia (Mother Earth) and because of this, vast changes are occurring; chakras are merging, moving, and forming, an upgrade that will roll out in 3 stages.Some of these chakras are just emerging on the Earth plane, but have been chakra points in the spiritual body all along. It is only now that we have raised the vibration of the planet and ourselves to a place where these new chakras can emerge in our physical world. This change is directly related to our collective Ascension process.
Chakra Upgrade Order.....
アセンションチャクラ by Karen Downing
アセンションチャクラ by Karen Downing
Soul Mission and Life Purpose by Karen Downing
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Soul Mission and Life Purpose
by Karen Downing 2015-2-8
魂のミッションと人生目標 by オーロラ
Soul Mission and Life Purpose
by Karen Downing 2015-2-8
魂のミッションと人生目標 by オーロラ
Divine Balance ~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Divine Balance
~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll
In the balance of the divine, the Human forgets that in the planning stages not only were the problems and the challenges created for lessons, but the solutions as well. That is the divine balance for you to remember.
From Kryon Book 7
Divine Balance
~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll
In the balance of the divine, the Human forgets that in the planning stages not only were the problems and the challenges created for lessons, but the solutions as well. That is the divine balance for you to remember.
From Kryon Book 7
クライオン ~聖なるバランス
The Collective - A Brief Message to Lightworkers - February 12, 2017 by Caroline Oceana Ryan
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Collective - A Brief Message to Lightworkers - February 12, 2017
Greetings, dear ones! We are pleased to have this chance to speak with you today.
The Collective - A Brief Message to Lightworkers - February 12, 2017
Greetings, dear ones! We are pleased to have this chance to speak with you today.
We are aware of the increasing divide in the world, and we do not speak of religious or political divide, but of another divide.
This is between two groups: the first being those who stress and worry that the old ways of doing things, or making changes by moving objects, people, and ideas from without, is no longer as effective as it once was.
The second group being those who increasingly understand that life and all its outer forms are created from within.
Most of you reading this are amongst those for whom the second choice is the norm, as you more and more look within to decide what you will create, concentrating and visualizing it, calling upon Earth’s and the cosmos’s energies, and breathing them out into new creations, as you declare and expect your new creations to be present with you.
Whatever this may be, whether an outer object or situation, a new and higher health condition, a new or far happier connection with a loved one—you are increasingly realizing that you are not alone in what you desire to create.
共同創造 by ザ・コレクティブ
This is between two groups: the first being those who stress and worry that the old ways of doing things, or making changes by moving objects, people, and ideas from without, is no longer as effective as it once was.
The second group being those who increasingly understand that life and all its outer forms are created from within.
Most of you reading this are amongst those for whom the second choice is the norm, as you more and more look within to decide what you will create, concentrating and visualizing it, calling upon Earth’s and the cosmos’s energies, and breathing them out into new creations, as you declare and expect your new creations to be present with you.
Whatever this may be, whether an outer object or situation, a new and higher health condition, a new or far happier connection with a loved one—you are increasingly realizing that you are not alone in what you desire to create.
共同創造 by ザ・コレクティブ
Root That Kills 98 Percent of Cancer Cells in 48 Hours by Twain Yobra
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Root That Kills 98 Percent of Cancer Cells in 48 Hours
By Twain Yobra 2017-2-3
研究者は、常に癌と戦う方法を模索しています。ほとんどのテストは失敗しますが、中には驚くべき結果が明らかになっています。事実、その幾つかは化学療法より良い結果を示していますので紹介します。化学療法は非常な苦しみと痛みを伴い、体内の健康な細胞も殺します。実際、 ほとんどの癌患者の死亡を引き起こします。
Root That Kills 98 Percent of Cancer Cells in 48 Hours
By Twain Yobra 2017-2-3
研究者は、常に癌と戦う方法を模索しています。ほとんどのテストは失敗しますが、中には驚くべき結果が明らかになっています。事実、その幾つかは化学療法より良い結果を示していますので紹介します。化学療法は非常な苦しみと痛みを伴い、体内の健康な細胞も殺します。実際、 ほとんどの癌患者の死亡を引き起こします。
タンポポは実際にがん患者がその致命的な病気の治療を促進しました。ジョン・ディカルボ(John DiCarlo)の話は確かに納得するものです。あなたは、ジョンが白血病を治療するためにあらゆる方法を試したが、何も変わらないように見えました。医師は、タンポポの紅茶を飲むようアドバイスして、このお茶を数ヶ月飲んだ後、がんは消え、以来、彼はがんに発病していません。
タンポポの根が消化器系の問題、食欲不振、便秘を治療するために長年中国人によって使用されていたことを知っていますか? 研究者たちは、この根がこれまで考えられていたよりも強力であることを証明しました。研究(*)の結果、研究者らは、タンポポ根エキスは48時間で、がん(白血病)細胞を殺すことができることを明らかにしました。それは癌細胞の増殖を遅らせ、最終的にそれらを死滅させます。
(ショート 2017-02)
タンポポは実際にがん患者がその致命的な病気の治療を促進しました。ジョン・ディカルボ(John DiCarlo)の話は確かに納得するものです。あなたは、ジョンが白血病を治療するためにあらゆる方法を試したが、何も変わらないように見えました。医師は、タンポポの紅茶を飲むようアドバイスして、このお茶を数ヶ月飲んだ後、がんは消え、以来、彼はがんに発病していません。
タンポポの根が消化器系の問題、食欲不振、便秘を治療するために長年中国人によって使用されていたことを知っていますか? 研究者たちは、この根がこれまで考えられていたよりも強力であることを証明しました。研究(*)の結果、研究者らは、タンポポ根エキスは48時間で、がん(白血病)細胞を殺すことができることを明らかにしました。それは癌細胞の増殖を遅らせ、最終的にそれらを死滅させます。
(ショート 2017-02)
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
"Greetings, Beloved Family! This is to answer your many requests for my perspective upon the current status of the government of the United States of America - most specifically upon the one who has been inaugurated as President, Mr. Donald Trump. I shall first make the observation that since that event occurred, and although much talk of change and new ways of doing things has occurred, there is still a preponderance of confusion about him.
"Greetings, Beloved Family! This is to answer your many requests for my perspective upon the current status of the government of the United States of America - most specifically upon the one who has been inaugurated as President, Mr. Donald Trump. I shall first make the observation that since that event occurred, and although much talk of change and new ways of doing things has occurred, there is still a preponderance of confusion about him.
"On the one hand are those who have welcomed him, yet are puzzled by some of his announcements and appointments. For instance, consider the top echelons among the drug companies, who are literally afraid that their livelihoods - and lifestyles - are in jeopardy. And yes, among them are those who supported his candidacy. Meanwhile, we are seeing huge and non-stop openings for education about the so-called alternative methods - a veritable tsunami of information coming to Light as they become more and more known!
大覚醒 by アシュター
ファミリーの皆さん、こんにちは! ここで、アメリカ合衆国政府の現状、特に大統領に就任したドナルド・トランプ氏についてリクエストが数多くあったのでお答えします。先ず、彼が大統領になって以降についてです。また、いろいろなことが変わり今までにないやり方でやっていくのではないかなど様々な意見・憶測がありましたが、依然として、彼についてはよく分からない、混乱しているのが現状です。
彼を歓迎する人がいながら、彼が公表したことや方針に戸惑う人がいます。例えば、 製薬会社の首脳たちは、文字通り、これまでの暮らしやライフスタイルが危機にさらされるのではないかと恐れています。もちろん、その中には、立候補したトランプ氏を応援した人もいます。というのは、今後、大体的に続けざまに、いわゆる代替療法に関する教育が始まり、文字通り、津波のように大量の情報が出現し、益々多くの人の知る所となります!
大覚醒 by アシュター
ファミリーの皆さん、こんにちは! ここで、アメリカ合衆国政府の現状、特に大統領に就任したドナルド・トランプ氏についてリクエストが数多くあったのでお答えします。先ず、彼が大統領になって以降についてです。また、いろいろなことが変わり今までにないやり方でやっていくのではないかなど様々な意見・憶測がありましたが、依然として、彼についてはよく分からない、混乱しているのが現状です。
彼を歓迎する人がいながら、彼が公表したことや方針に戸惑う人がいます。例えば、 製薬会社の首脳たちは、文字通り、これまでの暮らしやライフスタイルが危機にさらされるのではないかと恐れています。もちろん、その中には、立候補したトランプ氏を応援した人もいます。というのは、今後、大体的に続けざまに、いわゆる代替療法に関する教育が始まり、文字通り、津波のように大量の情報が出現し、益々多くの人の知る所となります!
Arcturian Group Message 2/12/17 by Marilyn Raffaele
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Arcturian Group Message 2/12/17
Marilyn Raffaele http://www.onenessofall.com/
Dear ones, we wish to express our congratulations for the courage you hold in the face of many issues appearing to be in opposition to the peace and harmony you were expecting. Never doubt that what you are witnessing is the necessary process of a world waking up. There remain those who require powerful experiences in order to wake up or even move a little beyond complacency. Many remain stuck in the glue of illusion.
Arcturian Group Message 2/12/17
Marilyn Raffaele http://www.onenessofall.com/
Dear ones, we wish to express our congratulations for the courage you hold in the face of many issues appearing to be in opposition to the peace and harmony you were expecting. Never doubt that what you are witnessing is the necessary process of a world waking up. There remain those who require powerful experiences in order to wake up or even move a little beyond complacency. Many remain stuck in the glue of illusion.
The true essence of every individual is Divine, regardless of how they may act or what they believe themselves to be. Everyone living on earth has chosen to experience a sense of separation in order to re-remember Oneness. However, along the way of lifetimes, many got lost in the experiences of separation and became hypnotized inadvertently creating a collective consciousness of duality and separation--the third dimensional belief system.
Observe and give gratitude for everything, for you are bearing witness to the awakening of the masses and the disintegration of the old. It is what mankind has desired and brought into manifestation. Those living with closed eyes are beginning to open them, and those with already open eyes are seeing more clearly. However, be alert to any judgements you may hold with regard to how the awakening process must appear.
アークトゥルス・グループ 2017/2/12
Observe and give gratitude for everything, for you are bearing witness to the awakening of the masses and the disintegration of the old. It is what mankind has desired and brought into manifestation. Those living with closed eyes are beginning to open them, and those with already open eyes are seeing more clearly. However, be alert to any judgements you may hold with regard to how the awakening process must appear.
アークトゥルス・グループ 2017/2/12
Archangel Metatron - The Truth About Your Enlightenment by Natalie Glasson
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Metatron - The Truth About Your Enlightenment
by Natalie Glasson 2017-2-10
Greetings and love is expressed to you from the Angelic Kingdom through my being, Archangel Metatron. I am currently and have been for some time overseeing the ascension of humanity and the Earth. It is my purpose to ensure that all the necessary energies that humanity and the Earth require to aid their illumination and enlightenment are anchored, aiding the appropriate shifts. I ensure the inner planes and the Earth exist in harmony as major shifts of awakening occur. It is balance that I focus upon as well as ensuring that all receive the necessary ascension energies and guidance they require.
Archangel Metatron - The Truth About Your Enlightenment
by Natalie Glasson 2017-2-10
Greetings and love is expressed to you from the Angelic Kingdom through my being, Archangel Metatron. I am currently and have been for some time overseeing the ascension of humanity and the Earth. It is my purpose to ensure that all the necessary energies that humanity and the Earth require to aid their illumination and enlightenment are anchored, aiding the appropriate shifts. I ensure the inner planes and the Earth exist in harmony as major shifts of awakening occur. It is balance that I focus upon as well as ensuring that all receive the necessary ascension energies and guidance they require.
My purpose is achieved by holding a vision of all beings upon the Earth existing as enlightened, remembering the truth of the Creator and acting from the source of the Creator within. I hold a vision of your ultimate enlightened self for your current reality and existence upon the Earth. With my vision, I also store an energy and light frequency which is the equivalent level and dimension of energy you will hold and embody as your enlightened self upon the Earth. In truth, I am a reflection of your infinite opportunities of experience and embodiment upon the Earth. It is my role to support you in recognising, remembering and realising your enlightened self.
Allow yourself to sit in meditation, ask yourself, ‘Why do I seek enlightenment and why do I not realise or remember I am enlightened?’ Simply allow insights, realisations and understandings to dawn.
Sacred School of OmNa
悟りの真実 by 大天使メタトロン
瞑想して、自問自答してください。「自分はなぜ悟りを求めるのか? 悟っていることが分からないのはなぜか?」。
Allow yourself to sit in meditation, ask yourself, ‘Why do I seek enlightenment and why do I not realise or remember I am enlightened?’ Simply allow insights, realisations and understandings to dawn.
Sacred School of OmNa
悟りの真実 by 大天使メタトロン
瞑想して、自問自答してください。「自分はなぜ悟りを求めるのか? 悟っていることが分からないのはなぜか?」。
Adama of Telos: by ASARA 2017-2-11
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Adama of Telos: by ASARA 2017-2-11
Greetings, Beloved Ones.
Adama of Telos: by ASARA 2017-2-11
Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
As the energies are moving through the great portal of the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse and Comet appearance, it is the ending of one cycle and the beginning of a new one.
Many of you might have a feeling of acceleration and a sense that things will shift profoundly and you are correct.
With the beginning of this new cycle, a grand opening of a portal to the higher dimensions is taking place.
This will allow you to be more in the flow of what is being orchestrated by your Higher Self and your Divine Team of Light.
最新エネルギー by アダマ
As the energies are moving through the great portal of the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse and Comet appearance, it is the ending of one cycle and the beginning of a new one.
Many of you might have a feeling of acceleration and a sense that things will shift profoundly and you are correct.
With the beginning of this new cycle, a grand opening of a portal to the higher dimensions is taking place.
This will allow you to be more in the flow of what is being orchestrated by your Higher Self and your Divine Team of Light.
最新エネルギー by アダマ
Eclipse Dreams and the Thinning Veils between Dimensions by Deborah DL Zeta
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Eclipse Dreams and the Thinning Veils between Dimensions
by Deborah DL Zeta
食 – 夢と薄くなるベール by DL Zeta
Eclipse Dreams and the Thinning Veils between Dimensions
by Deborah DL Zeta
食 – 夢と薄くなるベール by DL Zeta
Michelle Karén - February 2017 Newsletter
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Michelle Karén
February 2017 Newsletter
Friday February 10 at 4:33 PM PST, we are graced with a Lunar Eclipse in Leo (22º28').
Lee carroll canaliza a Kryon. Barcelona 2013
ミシェル・カレン 2017-02
Michelle Karén
February 2017 Newsletter
Friday February 10 at 4:33 PM PST, we are graced with a Lunar Eclipse in Leo (22º28').
Lee carroll canaliza a Kryon. Barcelona 2013
ミシェル・カレン 2017-02
Archangel Michael ~ Assuming Your New Galactic Mission via Ronna Herman
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael via Ronna Herman
As you become more proficient as cocreators on the earthly plane, you must constantly monitor your energy patterns and seek to upgrade them. You must strive for sustained harmony and refined godly expression. You must liberate the power of the Sacred Fire within, which has lain dormant for many thousands of years. You must learn to direct and focus your energy into the areas of your life you wish to change. By establishing and constantly upgrading your Twelve Ray Creator Wheel of Life, you are planting the seeds of focused change; and you are supplying the Sacred Fire of Creation needed to manifest what you have envisioned. When you can do this proficiently, your personal world will become a wonderland, and you will become a beacon of Light for all to see.
~ Assuming Your New Galactic Mission
銀河の新しいミッション by 大天使ミカエル
Archangel Michael via Ronna Herman
As you become more proficient as cocreators on the earthly plane, you must constantly monitor your energy patterns and seek to upgrade them. You must strive for sustained harmony and refined godly expression. You must liberate the power of the Sacred Fire within, which has lain dormant for many thousands of years. You must learn to direct and focus your energy into the areas of your life you wish to change. By establishing and constantly upgrading your Twelve Ray Creator Wheel of Life, you are planting the seeds of focused change; and you are supplying the Sacred Fire of Creation needed to manifest what you have envisioned. When you can do this proficiently, your personal world will become a wonderland, and you will become a beacon of Light for all to see.
~ Assuming Your New Galactic Mission
銀河の新しいミッション by 大天使ミカエル
Archangel Gabriel - Brought to you by the Letter W by Shanta Gabriel
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Gabriel - Brought to you by the Letter W
Shanta Gabriel 2017-2-8
It may seem like a never ending effort to keep yourself in alignment with your highest soul’s reality. We assure you however that it is not the efforting that keeps you in alignment, it is the allowing. When you can relax your sense of effort, a new level of passion, joy and freedom can come through your alignment with All That Is.
Archangel Gabriel - Brought to you by the Letter W
Shanta Gabriel 2017-2-8
It may seem like a never ending effort to keep yourself in alignment with your highest soul’s reality. We assure you however that it is not the efforting that keeps you in alignment, it is the allowing. When you can relax your sense of effort, a new level of passion, joy and freedom can come through your alignment with All That Is.
Our message to you today is brought to you by the letter W. You may find yourself often in the presence of Worry, Wanting and Wishing. These are strong indications that you are out of alignment with your Source energy that flows abundantly as the River of All Creation
We are here to speak of the powerful W words: Wellbeing, Wholeness and Wonder. Those frequencies are matching the Highest Good within you in alignment with that which brings you Joy and Gratitude, Freedom and Happiness, in Harmony with what you most want to experience in life.
イニシャル“W” by 大天使ガブリエル
We are here to speak of the powerful W words: Wellbeing, Wholeness and Wonder. Those frequencies are matching the Highest Good within you in alignment with that which brings you Joy and Gratitude, Freedom and Happiness, in Harmony with what you most want to experience in life.
イニシャル“W” by 大天使ガブリエル
DL Zeta - Signposts of Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
DL Zeta - Signposts of Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness
Some who are already traveling into fifth-dimensional consciousness still hold uncertainties and doubts that make it difficult to fully acknowledge this is happening. To help you recognize those moments when you are more closely attuned to the broadcast of the New Earth, we offer here some signposts of fifth-dimensional consciousness:
1) A sense of inner peace and joy "for no reason at all.
2) A feeling of expansion and unlimited possibility.
3) A belief that everything that has ever happened in your life is part of divine perfection. This allows you to release all feelings of victimhood and take 100% responsibility for everything in your life.
4) A feeling of love and compassion for every aspect of yourself, which you naturally extend to all others.
5次元意識の目印 & 集団思考 by DL Zeta
DL Zeta - Signposts of Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness
Some who are already traveling into fifth-dimensional consciousness still hold uncertainties and doubts that make it difficult to fully acknowledge this is happening. To help you recognize those moments when you are more closely attuned to the broadcast of the New Earth, we offer here some signposts of fifth-dimensional consciousness:
1) A sense of inner peace and joy "for no reason at all.
2) A feeling of expansion and unlimited possibility.
3) A belief that everything that has ever happened in your life is part of divine perfection. This allows you to release all feelings of victimhood and take 100% responsibility for everything in your life.
4) A feeling of love and compassion for every aspect of yourself, which you naturally extend to all others.
5次元意識の目印 & 集団思考 by DL Zeta
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