Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Uriel: Use The Power Of Prayer by Jennifer Hoffman
How many times have you prayed for better relationships, more money, a better job, a new home, peace and joy? And how many times do you repeat your prayers when you do not receive what you asked for? Do you pray the same prayers every day or every week? Do you believe that your prayers will be answered or do you think that the Creator and the Universe are deaf because your prayers go unanswered? What do you do then, do you feel defeated and powerless? Do you ask again and hope that your prayers are heard? You should know that every prayer reaches Source and every desire of your heart is answered. The fact that it seems your prayer is not answered immediately is not a sign that you are not being heard, but that there are other lessons or issues involved in the outcome.
祈りのパワーを使う by 大天使ウリエル
Archangel Uriel: Use The Power Of Prayer by Jennifer Hoffman
How many times have you prayed for better relationships, more money, a better job, a new home, peace and joy? And how many times do you repeat your prayers when you do not receive what you asked for? Do you pray the same prayers every day or every week? Do you believe that your prayers will be answered or do you think that the Creator and the Universe are deaf because your prayers go unanswered? What do you do then, do you feel defeated and powerless? Do you ask again and hope that your prayers are heard? You should know that every prayer reaches Source and every desire of your heart is answered. The fact that it seems your prayer is not answered immediately is not a sign that you are not being heard, but that there are other lessons or issues involved in the outcome.
祈りのパワーを使う by 大天使ウリエル
これまで、いい関係や多くのお金、いい仕事、いい家、平和、喜びなど、何度祈って来ましたか? お願いしたことがそうならない時に何度祈りを繰り返しますか? 同じ祈りをするのは、毎日ですか、毎週ですか? 祈ったら返事があると信じていますか? それとも、返事がないので創造主や宇宙は聞いていないと思いますか? その時にはどうしますか、ダメだったとがっかりしますか? また、祈りが聞き届けられるようにお願いしますか? 皆さんに知ってほしいのは、祈る都度、皆さんの祈りは創造主に届くこと、心の願いは聞き届けられていることです。すぐに返事がないように思えても、だからと言ってそれで聴いてもらえていないことにはなりません。が、実は、そこには、結果に関わる何らかの他の学びや問題があるのです。
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