
Adamus Saint-Germain "On Paris Attacks" channeled through Geoffrey Hoppe

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Adamus Saint-Germain "On Paris Attacks" channeled through Geoffrey Hoppe 2015-11-14

ADAMUS: Indeed. I Am that I Am, Adamus of Sovereign Domain.
The situation with the bombings in Paris, you’ve asked me to talk about. I’d like to first acknowledge that,in my last lifetime as Count St.Germain, I spent many, many of my years in France. It was one of the most delightful places on the planet, and to this day, even though I am now not living in human form on this Earth – I’m what many would call an Ascended Master – I still have such a deep love for the people of France and a deep love for the land. But I also understand that this situation goes far, far beyond the borders of France and even Europe. It is a global situation.
This basic unrest stems from the planet’s overall trend and desire for freedom. Humans all around the world are having awakenings. There is more and more of a desire for true freedom. However, at the same time it’s creating a backlash, an opposite effect, because there are also those who are trying to go back – trying to go back in time, trying to go back to old values, trying to go back to old traditions. They fear freedom for themselves and for others. They fear this awakening of humanity, so what they’re trying to do is pull back and literally restrict the freedom.
But there is another important element that comes into play here, because in times like this when there is the transition into what many would call the New Energy or new consciousness, there is also a lot of power play on this planet. There is tremendous seeking of power, and the ones that you call the terrorists have found that not only is this a cause for them, but it is a great way to attain the power. But ultimately, ultimately the desire for freedom will trump or supersede all the desires for power. Ultimately, whether it is in the next few years or few decades, this world will come to realize that power is truly an illusion. Power is an old human game, and it doesn’t have a place on the planet anymore.

パリ銃撃事件 by アダムス・セント・ジャーメイン

アダムス:I Am that I Am、私はアダムス・ソブリン・ドメインです。パリ爆撃事件について話してほしいということですが、先ず、私がセント・ジャーメイン伯爵だった前回の人生(1710–1784)の時は、長年フランスで過ごしました。フランスは地球で最も楽しい所の一つで、今は人間ではありませんが、今でも楽しい所です。私は今は、いわゆるアセンデッド・マスターですが、いまだにフランスの人々には深い愛を抱き、その土地に愛着を持っています。しかし、また、今回の事件は、フランスやヨーロッパに留まらない、地球規模の問題であることは知っています。

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