Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Aligning Yourself with Your Ascension by The Andromedans via Natalie Glasson
Being in harmony with your ascension is when you are willing to recognise the needs and requirements of your entire being, while recognising that your needs change, as new energies and shifts come forth. When you are in harmony with your ascension and the energies flowing with great power into the Earth, you are able and willing to sense your needs on a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level, being able to serve and nurture yourself in the most perfect way. You allow yourself to be inspired by the ascension energies as to how you can serve yourself, encouraging yourself to move through the transitions effortlessly. With each ascension energy and shift which is anchored into the Earth and your being, there is consciousness and guidance that comes forth for all to receive. This explains and inspires anyone who is willing to receive, how to synthesise and integrate with the ener gies, as well as the best way to achieve this. In truth, everything is provided to you, there is simply a need to tune in, and the information is shared abundantly.
アセンションの波に整列する by アンドロメダ
Aligning Yourself with Your Ascension by The Andromedans via Natalie Glasson
Being in harmony with your ascension is when you are willing to recognise the needs and requirements of your entire being, while recognising that your needs change, as new energies and shifts come forth. When you are in harmony with your ascension and the energies flowing with great power into the Earth, you are able and willing to sense your needs on a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level, being able to serve and nurture yourself in the most perfect way. You allow yourself to be inspired by the ascension energies as to how you can serve yourself, encouraging yourself to move through the transitions effortlessly. With each ascension energy and shift which is anchored into the Earth and your being, there is consciousness and guidance that comes forth for all to receive. This explains and inspires anyone who is willing to receive, how to synthesise and integrate with the ener gies, as well as the best way to achieve this. In truth, everything is provided to you, there is simply a need to tune in, and the information is shared abundantly.
アセンションの波に整列する by アンドロメダ
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