
Archangel Metatron - The Truth About Your Enlightenment by Natalie Glasson

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Metatron - The Truth About Your Enlightenment
by Natalie Glasson 2017-2-10  

Greetings and love is expressed to you from the Angelic Kingdom through my being, Archangel Metatron. I am currently and have been for some time overseeing the ascension of humanity and the Earth. It is my purpose to ensure that all the necessary energies that humanity and the Earth require to aid their illumination and enlightenment are anchored, aiding the appropriate shifts. I ensure the inner planes and the Earth exist in harmony as major shifts of awakening occur. It is balance that I focus upon as well as ensuring that all receive the necessary ascension energies and guidance they require.
My purpose is achieved by holding a vision of all beings upon the Earth existing as enlightened, remembering the truth of the Creator and acting from the source of the Creator within. I hold a vision of your ultimate enlightened self for your current reality and existence upon the Earth. With my vision, I also store an energy and light frequency which is the equivalent level and dimension of energy you will hold and embody as your enlightened self upon the Earth. In truth, I am a reflection of your infinite opportunities of experience and embodiment upon the Earth. It is my role to support you in recognising, remembering and realising your enlightened self.
Allow yourself to sit in meditation, ask yourself, ‘Why do I seek enlightenment and why do I not realise or remember I am enlightened?’ Simply allow insights, realisations and understandings to dawn.
Sacred School of OmNa

悟りの真実 by 大天使メタトロン

瞑想して、自問自答してください。「自分はなぜ悟りを求めるのか? 悟っていることが分からないのはなぜか?」。

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