
A Message to Lightworkers – February 7, 2017 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
A Message to Lightworkers – February 7, 2017 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

Most Light Bearers are understanding quite well, using their awakening levels of intuition and inner sight, that this is not a time of division, though it may appear to be.
It is in fact, a time of Unity, in which humankind is speaking out for its own, and on its own.
Emblematic of this outpouring of the commands of the higher selves of millions, is the conscious awareness that the Divine Feminine is more apparent, more palpably present, and more fully expressed now on the Earth than She has been for many thousands of years.
It was one of the requisite points of the dissolution of the pillars of Atlantean society, that the Feminine would be downgraded to that of a position of smallness and subservience under the male dominance.
And through various means—political, economic, social, technological, and etheric—that strange misbalance has remained over the centuries.
Until now.
Much of the posturing, yelling, name-calling, and shirking of responsibility that you are witnessing from a number of authoritarian leaders in both East and West, has to do with a desperate attempt to retain this imbalance, as they are aware that their current stance and the entire structure they answer to depends upon it.
And yet, that false structure is crumbling now, as assuredly as the higher dimensional forms and precepts of Atlantean society once crumbled.
For the tide has shifted.
This new era does not tolerate the forms of narrowness and constriction of either thought or form that the former era required of Earth’s people, while using fear as its basis of control.

ザ・コレクティブ 2017/2/7


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