
The 7 Levels of Soul Age by Melanie Beckler

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The 7 Levels of Soul Age by Melanie Beckler

Soul age is a concept used to describe the experiences of soul growth and the development of a soul across lifetimes.
Unlike physical age… Soul age is not determined based on time, or how many incarnations your soul has had into the physical.
Soul age is a highly personal description and way of tracking growth. It simply refers to how far your soul has progressed on the path of growth and soul development.
With increased soul wisdom comes advancement in soul age. This is why the number of lifetimes you have can be far more than the number of levels in any soul age.
No soul age is better, worse, ahead or behind of any other. Rather the pace at which a soul moves through the levels is something decided long before incarnations begin.
Some souls move through the ages quickly and others like to take their time in order to experience as much depth and learning at a certain level as possible.
After the soul has made its way through all of the levels in every soul age, a new cycle begins on the spiritual plane. The soul’s learning continues, but not through physical incarnations… But in the realms of spirit.
Soul age isn’t a reflection of how many lives you’ve lived. It’s more a reflection of how you’ve grown from the experiences you’ve had during your lives. Remember also that no spirit is more advanced than another. We are all simply in different places having different experiences on our evolutionary journeys.

7段階の魂年齢 by メラニー・ベックラー

魂の知恵が増すに従い、魂年齢が進みます。 このため、経験した生涯の数は、魂年齢の段階の数よりはるかに多くなります。魂年齢は、他の魂よりも優れているとか、悪い、あるいは進んでいる、遅れているという評価はできません。 むしろ、魂が段階を経験する道筋は、転生が決まるはるか前に決まるものです。
早く年を魂年齢を経過する魂もいれば、できるだけ一定の段階で深く学べる経験をするために十分時間をかけるのが好きな魂もいます。魂年齢のすべての段階を終えた後、スピリチュアル・プレーンで新しいサイクルが始まります。 魂の学習は続きますが、肉体への転生はなくなり、スピリットのいろいろな世界での学習が続きます。
魂年齢は、何回肉体に生まれたかを示すものではありません。魂年齢は、人生を生きる間に経験によってどのくらい成長したのかを表します。 スピリットに他よりも進んでいるとかはありませんので忘れないでください。私たちは、皆、単に進化の旅で違った場所で違った経験をしているにすぎません。

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