
Lord Melchizadek - The Power of Crystals

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Lord Melchizadek - The Power of Crystals

Sacred geometry has long been a way for higher minds to send messages from the universe to worlds and the Earth. Crystals are formations using sacred geometry as a matter of course, each one being unique and coded in a particular way for a particular purpose at a particular point in time. There is no one crystal exactly the same, whereas geometrical shapes are exact replicas of each other and of a permanent nature.
The combination of sacred geometry within a crystal formation, then, is an exact science within a spectrum or continuum of change, for crystals continuously change, grow or diminish with time, wear and tear and the absorption of energy. The colours within the crystal itself may also change according to its location and its density. The longer a crystal remains in the ground the larger it may become, forming shapes within shapes that attract a certain vibration of light.
The diamond in this picture, although of imperfect shape, has been captured in a crystal and is a perfect example of sacred geometry in motion. In time, with the absorption of energy from the outside world, the diamond will become less perfect and more unique. Does not the human body do the same thing? Is not the body a creation in progress, growing, changing and aging, changing shape as it grows older and wiser? If the crystal were protected, however, from absorbing negative energy, it would take much longer to break down and thus would last much longer as well.

クリスタルのパワー by メルキゼデク

この写真のダイヤモンドは完璧な形ではありませんが、クリスタルを写した写真で、動き変形する神聖幾何学文様の完璧な見本です。やがて、外部のエネルギーを吸収してダイヤモンドの形はますます崩れてもっとユニークになるでしょう。人間の体にも同じようなことが起こるのですか? 人の体は、成長・変化し、加齢が進み、形が変わり、益々老いて賢くなるのですか? しかし、もしクリスタルがネガティブなエネルギーから守られれば、変形するのにもっと時間がかかり、もっと長期間同じ状態のままであり続けるでしょう。

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