
Lord Metatron - The Aquarian Shift via James Tyberonn

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Lord Metatron

Dear Ones, we tell you again the Ascension of the Planet did occur, and humanity made it so. Even if much of humanity does not recognize it in 3d consciousness, the Earth has indeed changed, graduated into a new paradigm. The savant among you realize this.
Your scientist are aware of a unique phase of the earth in which most of your present biological life emerged. It is called the Cambrian Radiation. The Cambrian phase was one of great plasmic influx onto your earth, and it brought new life forms to your planet. Darwin, the renowned evolutionist, admitted that the Cambrian Radiation was the most valid argument against his theory of evolution. ( Darwin, the renowned evolutionist, admitted that the Cambrian Radiation was the most valid argument against his theory of evolution.)
This is also happening now. The current solar radiation became turbo-charged in 1989 and will continue. Incredible numbers of coronal mass ejections bombarded the earth with unimaginable radiation, ions and electrons.
The ionic radiation will absolutely up-shift your biology, change your DNA. You will become less dense. We will term this the Aquarian Shift, although the channel prefers geologic vernacular , referring to it as the'Anthropocene Radiation'.
- The Aquarian Shift via James Tyberonn  2012-12-31  

アクエリアンシフト by メタトロン

アクエリアンシフト‐アントロポセン放射(Anthropocene Radiation)
多くの陰謀論者は、気候変動の要因は人間によるものだと言いたげです。しかしそれは事実ではありません。記録に残る歴史上類を見ないほど、何十億トンものプラズマがここ20年以上地球を直撃してきました。HAARPによって大気が暖められた結果と考えるのは、非論理的です。そのようなことが出来るテクノロジーは存在しません。気候変動は、太陽プラズマなのです! 以前、地球が転換し生物がシフトした時があり、その時代は、約5億8000万年前のカンブリア紀です。

Archangel Michael-The Evolution of The Soul by Ronna Herman

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael-The Evolution of The Soul by Ronna Herman

Also, remember this: an important part of your mission on Earth is to intensify the Light of the lower dimensions.
An aspirant on the Path must focus on both outer and inner world training. You must strive to become a conscious observer of what is taking place around you. Training yourself to become fully engaged with focused awareness of the physical events in everyday life is vitally important, as well as learning to process the harmonious and the discordant frequency patterns to which you are subjected. You must then take the appropriate action. Practicing emotional and mental discipline is also very important as you seek to become a master of Self. You must not turn your back on the world and life’s experiences, but face them head-on. However, it is vital that you learn to view life from a higher vantage point. Endeavor to see the bigger picture and not get entangled in the small story dramas.

魂の進化 by 大天使ミカエル


Ascension Chakras – New and Old by Karen Downing

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Ascension Chakras – New and Old
Karen Downing 2015-7-28/2016-10-26

As you raise your vibration and consciousness, so too does Gaia (Mother Earth) and because of this, vast changes are occurring; chakras are merging, moving, and forming, an upgrade that will roll out in 3 stages.Some of these chakras are just emerging on the Earth plane, but have been chakra points in the spiritual body all along. It is only now that we have raised the vibration of the planet and ourselves to a place where these new chakras can emerge in our physical world. This change is directly related to our collective Ascension process.
Chakra Upgrade Order.....

アセンションチャクラ by Karen Downing



Soul Mission and Life Purpose by Karen Downing

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Soul Mission and Life Purpose
 by Karen Downing  2015-2-8

魂のミッションと人生目標 by オーロラ

Divine Balance ~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Divine Balance
~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll
In the balance of the divine, the Human forgets that in the planning stages not only were the problems and the challenges created for lessons, but the solutions as well. That is the divine balance for you to remember. 
From Kryon Book 7

クライオン ~聖なるバランス

The Collective - A Brief Message to Lightworkers - February 12, 2017 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Collective - A Brief Message to Lightworkers - February 12, 2017

Greetings, dear ones! We are pleased to have this chance to speak with you today.
We are aware of the increasing divide in the world, and we do not speak of religious or political divide, but of another divide.
This is between two groups: the first being those who stress and worry that the old ways of doing things, or making changes by moving objects, people, and ideas from without, is no longer as effective as it once was.
The second group being those who increasingly understand that life and all its outer forms are created from within.
Most of you reading this are amongst those for whom the second choice is the norm, as you more and more look within to decide what you will create, concentrating and visualizing it, calling upon Earth’s and the cosmos’s energies, and breathing them out into new creations, as you declare and expect your new creations to be present with you.
Whatever this may be, whether an outer object or situation, a new and higher health condition, a new or far happier connection with a loved one—you are increasingly realizing that you are not alone in what you desire to create.

共同創造 by ザ・コレクティブ


Root That Kills 98 Percent of Cancer Cells in 48 Hours by Twain Yobra

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Root That Kills 98 Percent of Cancer Cells in 48 Hours
By Twain Yobra  2017-2-3


研究者は、常に癌と戦う方法を模索しています。ほとんどのテストは失敗しますが、中には驚くべき結果が明らかになっています。事実、その幾つかは化学療法より良い結果を示していますので紹介します。化学療法は非常な苦しみと痛みを伴い、体内の健康な細胞も殺します。実際、 ほとんどの癌患者の死亡を引き起こします。
タンポポは実際にがん患者がその致命的な病気の治療を促進しました。ジョン・ディカルボ(John DiCarlo)の話は確かに納得するものです。あなたは、ジョンが白血病を治療するためにあらゆる方法を試したが、何も変わらないように見えました。医師は、タンポポの紅茶を飲むようアドバイスして、このお茶を数ヶ月飲んだ後、がんは消え、以来、彼はがんに発病していません。
タンポポの根が消化器系の問題、食欲不振、便秘を治療するために長年中国人によって使用されていたことを知っていますか? 研究者たちは、この根がこれまで考えられていたよりも強力であることを証明しました。研究(*)の結果、研究者らは、タンポポ根エキスは48時間で、がん(白血病)細胞を殺すことができることを明らかにしました。それは癌細胞の増殖を遅らせ、最終的にそれらを死滅させます。
(ショート 2017-02)


Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

"Greetings, Beloved Family! This is to answer your many requests for my perspective upon the current status of the government of the United States of America - most specifically upon the one who has been inaugurated as President, Mr. Donald Trump. I shall first make the observation that since that event occurred, and although much talk of change and new ways of doing things has occurred, there is still a preponderance of confusion about him.
"On the one hand are those who have welcomed him, yet are puzzled by some of his announcements and appointments. For instance, consider the top echelons among the drug companies, who are literally afraid that their livelihoods - and lifestyles - are in jeopardy. And yes, among them are those who supported his candidacy. Meanwhile, we are seeing huge and non-stop openings for education about the so-called alternative methods - a veritable tsunami of information coming to Light as they become more and more known!

大覚醒 by アシュター

ファミリーの皆さん、こんにちは! ここで、アメリカ合衆国政府の現状、特に大統領に就任したドナルド・トランプ氏についてリクエストが数多くあったのでお答えします。先ず、彼が大統領になって以降についてです。また、いろいろなことが変わり今までにないやり方でやっていくのではないかなど様々な意見・憶測がありましたが、依然として、彼についてはよく分からない、混乱しているのが現状です。
彼を歓迎する人がいながら、彼が公表したことや方針に戸惑う人がいます。例えば、 製薬会社の首脳たちは、文字通り、これまでの暮らしやライフスタイルが危機にさらされるのではないかと恐れています。もちろん、その中には、立候補したトランプ氏を応援した人もいます。というのは、今後、大体的に続けざまに、いわゆる代替療法に関する教育が始まり、文字通り、津波のように大量の情報が出現し、益々多くの人の知る所となります! 

Arcturian Group Message 2/12/17 by Marilyn Raffaele

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Arcturian Group Message 2/12/17
Marilyn Raffaele http://www.onenessofall.com/

Dear ones, we wish to express our congratulations for the courage you hold in the face of many issues appearing to be in opposition to the peace and harmony you were expecting. Never doubt that what you are witnessing is the necessary process of a world waking up. There remain those who require powerful experiences in order to wake up or even move a little beyond complacency. Many remain stuck in the glue of illusion.
The true essence of every individual is Divine, regardless of how they may act or what they believe themselves to be. Everyone living on earth has chosen to experience a sense of separation in order to re-remember Oneness. However, along the way of lifetimes, many got lost in the experiences of separation and became hypnotized inadvertently creating a collective consciousness of duality and separation--the third dimensional belief system.
Observe and give gratitude for everything, for you are bearing witness to the awakening of the masses and the disintegration of the old. It is what mankind has desired and brought into manifestation. Those living with closed eyes are beginning to open them, and those with already open eyes are seeing more clearly. However, be alert to any judgements you may hold with regard to how the awakening process must appear.

アークトゥルス・グループ 2017/2/12


Archangel Metatron - The Truth About Your Enlightenment by Natalie Glasson

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Metatron - The Truth About Your Enlightenment
by Natalie Glasson 2017-2-10  

Greetings and love is expressed to you from the Angelic Kingdom through my being, Archangel Metatron. I am currently and have been for some time overseeing the ascension of humanity and the Earth. It is my purpose to ensure that all the necessary energies that humanity and the Earth require to aid their illumination and enlightenment are anchored, aiding the appropriate shifts. I ensure the inner planes and the Earth exist in harmony as major shifts of awakening occur. It is balance that I focus upon as well as ensuring that all receive the necessary ascension energies and guidance they require.
My purpose is achieved by holding a vision of all beings upon the Earth existing as enlightened, remembering the truth of the Creator and acting from the source of the Creator within. I hold a vision of your ultimate enlightened self for your current reality and existence upon the Earth. With my vision, I also store an energy and light frequency which is the equivalent level and dimension of energy you will hold and embody as your enlightened self upon the Earth. In truth, I am a reflection of your infinite opportunities of experience and embodiment upon the Earth. It is my role to support you in recognising, remembering and realising your enlightened self.
Allow yourself to sit in meditation, ask yourself, ‘Why do I seek enlightenment and why do I not realise or remember I am enlightened?’ Simply allow insights, realisations and understandings to dawn.
Sacred School of OmNa

悟りの真実 by 大天使メタトロン

瞑想して、自問自答してください。「自分はなぜ悟りを求めるのか? 悟っていることが分からないのはなぜか?」。

Adama of Telos: by ASARA 2017-2-11

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Adama of Telos: by ASARA 2017-2-11

Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
As the energies are moving through the great portal of the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse and Comet appearance, it is the ending of one cycle and the beginning of a new one.
Many of you might have a feeling of acceleration and a sense that things will shift profoundly and you are correct.
With the beginning of this new cycle, a grand opening of a portal to the higher dimensions is taking place.
This will allow you to be more in the flow of what is being orchestrated by your Higher Self and your Divine Team of Light.

最新エネルギー by アダマ


Eclipse Dreams and the Thinning Veils between Dimensions by Deborah DL Zeta

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Eclipse Dreams and the Thinning Veils between Dimensions
by Deborah DL Zeta

食 – 夢と薄くなるベール by DL Zeta



Michelle Karén - February 2017 Newsletter

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Michelle Karén
February 2017 Newsletter
Friday February 10 at 4:33 PM PST, we are graced with a Lunar Eclipse in Leo (22º28').

Lee carroll canaliza a Kryon. Barcelona 2013  

ミシェル・カレン 2017-02

Archangel Michael ~ Assuming Your New Galactic Mission via Ronna Herman

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael via Ronna Herman

As you become more proficient as cocreators on the earthly plane, you must constantly monitor your energy patterns and seek to upgrade them. You must strive for sustained harmony and refined godly expression. You must liberate the power of the Sacred Fire within, which has lain dormant for many thousands of years. You must learn to direct and focus your energy into the areas of your life you wish to change. By establishing and constantly upgrading your Twelve Ray Creator Wheel of Life, you are planting the seeds of focused change; and you are supplying the Sacred Fire of Creation needed to manifest what you have envisioned. When you can do this proficiently, your personal world will become a wonderland, and you will become a beacon of Light for all to see.
~ Assuming Your New Galactic Mission

銀河の新しいミッション by 大天使ミカエル


Archangel Gabriel - Brought to you by the Letter W by Shanta Gabriel

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Gabriel - Brought to you by the Letter W
Shanta Gabriel 2017-2-8

It may seem like a never ending effort to keep yourself in alignment with your highest soul’s reality. We assure you however that it is not the efforting that keeps you in alignment, it is the allowing. When you can relax your sense of effort, a new level of passion, joy and freedom can come through your alignment with All That Is.

Our message to you today is brought to you by the letter W. You may find yourself often in the presence of Worry, Wanting and Wishing. These are strong indications that you are out of alignment with your Source energy that flows abundantly as the River of All Creation
We are here to speak of the powerful W words: Wellbeing, Wholeness and Wonder. Those frequencies are matching the Highest Good within you in alignment with that which brings you Joy and Gratitude, Freedom and Happiness, in Harmony with what you most want to experience in life.

イニシャル“W” by 大天使ガブリエル



DL Zeta - Signposts of Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
DL Zeta - Signposts of Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness

Some who are already traveling into fifth-dimensional consciousness still hold uncertainties and doubts that make it difficult to fully acknowledge this is happening. To help you recognize those moments when you are more closely attuned to the broadcast of the New Earth, we offer here some signposts of fifth-dimensional consciousness:
1) A sense of inner peace and joy "for no reason at all.
2) A feeling of expansion and unlimited possibility.
3) A belief that everything that has ever happened in your life is part of divine perfection. This allows you to release all feelings of victimhood and take 100% responsibility for everything in your life.
4) A feeling of love and compassion for every aspect of yourself, which you naturally extend to all others.

5次元意識の目印 & 集団思考 by DL Zeta


Metatron - Mind is the Builder via J. Tyberonn

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Metatron - Mind is the Builder via J. Tyberonn  2014-2-16

"When you have no doubt, when you know and it is absolute....it is Belief".
It is through 'Mind' (not brain) that you form your reality in mass. Individually, it begins by self exploration by carefully auditing what works and does not work for you. When you discover the portions of your life that need changing, expansion and driving it with emotion are required in order to learn how to manifest your higher goals.
The clarity and intensity you insert behind the thought-desire or goal determines to a great degree the immediacy of its materialization. Once you learn the mechanics of conscious creation it is essential then to utilize the engine of genuine desire with image visualization and emotion to complete the process of physical manifestation.

マインドは建築家 by メタトロン


Angelic Guides - "The Key to Changing Anything"

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto) 
Angelic Guides - "The Key to Changing Anything"

Today we would like to focus your attention upon the topic of change. So many of you wish for change; change in financial situations, change in relationships, change in health and yet we watch as so many continually recreate the very same experiences over and over again. Yes, the set up might appear different, another year has passed, the people might be different but overall not much changes for so many. This is what we would like to further expand up on so that you may understand why this happens so often.
When you understand how the physical manifestation of anything happens you will understand how to create anything you desire. You all have heard that if you want change then you must change your habits. But we are not speaking about changing the actions that you take throughout your day; oh this will come, but what we are speaking about is changing your thoughts, your habitual thoughts.

変える極意 by エンジェリック・ガイド



A Message to Lightworkers – February 7, 2017 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
A Message to Lightworkers – February 7, 2017 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

Most Light Bearers are understanding quite well, using their awakening levels of intuition and inner sight, that this is not a time of division, though it may appear to be.
It is in fact, a time of Unity, in which humankind is speaking out for its own, and on its own.
Emblematic of this outpouring of the commands of the higher selves of millions, is the conscious awareness that the Divine Feminine is more apparent, more palpably present, and more fully expressed now on the Earth than She has been for many thousands of years.
It was one of the requisite points of the dissolution of the pillars of Atlantean society, that the Feminine would be downgraded to that of a position of smallness and subservience under the male dominance.
And through various means—political, economic, social, technological, and etheric—that strange misbalance has remained over the centuries.
Until now.
Much of the posturing, yelling, name-calling, and shirking of responsibility that you are witnessing from a number of authoritarian leaders in both East and West, has to do with a desperate attempt to retain this imbalance, as they are aware that their current stance and the entire structure they answer to depends upon it.
And yet, that false structure is crumbling now, as assuredly as the higher dimensional forms and precepts of Atlantean society once crumbled.
For the tide has shifted.
This new era does not tolerate the forms of narrowness and constriction of either thought or form that the former era required of Earth’s people, while using fear as its basis of control.

ザ・コレクティブ 2017/2/7



“ABDUCTION” by ranandaatchakra8

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
“ABDUCTION”- October 6, 2016 by ranandaatchakra8

Abduction is not really a true description of this activity. Abduction suggests that the abductee was taken against their will, but most people taken on board ET craft have made a pre-birth agreement to serve in this way, which they have forgotten because of inter-dimensional amnesia. Some details of their abduction are only remembered in the dream state or under hypnotic regression, because the subjects have received subconscious suggestions by their abductors, to forget the experience.
Most adults who are abducted go into fear and this shuts them off from the telepathic emanations of Love and other communications given to them by their abductors. Most children who are abducted do not go into fear. They remember having been abducted on previous occasions, and have become somewhat familiar with the little beings who take them from their bedrooms, dematerialize them, and float them through the walls or closed windows and into the waiting ship. These children feel the Love emanated by these little beings and remain open to telepathic communication with them. These beings are the upper 4D Souls employed by the higher dimensional (5D+) Souls, to collect their subjects from their beds or from their cars, because they themselves cannot tolerate the low frequency and the high level of pollution on the 3D Earth. They are of several different upper 4D races, but are generally between three and five feet tall, and even include the Grays, some of whom have worked for the Galactic Federation Of Light (GFL). However, the Grays no longer work for them in this way as they have withdrawn from the Earth at the turn of the millennium because they could no longer tolerate the rising level of pollution.

アブダクション by ラナンダ


Metatron ~ Lemurians-Inner Earth- Easter Island via J. Tyberonn

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Metatron ~ Lemurians-Inner Earth- Easter Island via J. Tyberonn

Very very few of the LeMurians venture to the surface in physical form, for indeed their adapted bodies would not be able to sustain the present sunlight (UV levels) for very long periods. This will begin to change after the establishment of the New Firmament in 2038.
We will add that some surface members of humanity are more resonate with the Inner Earth LeMurians because they have dually incarnated in the inner earth as well as the surface, but these are few. These special souls are providing a unique & honorable emissary service to both realms, and will play an important role when the LeMurians begin to surface after the mass Ascension of humanity in approximately 15 generations(450 years). This surfacing will occur in the areas of Easter Island, Patagonia, Arkansas, Titicaca (Tiahuanaco), the San Francisco Peaks (Arizona) , Turkey, Guatemala, Yucatan and Mt Shasta to name some of the major exit points.
Many of you feel that you are in your last earthen life experience. We tell you that beyond 2038 and into 2312 many of you will chose to return. Not for lesson, but for celebration, for joyous reunion.

レムリア人・イースター島・インナーアース by 大天使メタトロン



Archangel Michael 2017-2-2 by Asara

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael 2017-2-2
by Asara

大天使ミカエル 20170202

Life- ET- UFOs- Portal by Metatron, J. Tyberonn, E. Cayce

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Life- ET- UFOs- Portal by Metatron, J. Tyberonn, E. Cayce
Needle Rock Colorado, Mega Portal & Sirian-Pleiadean Base by J.Tyberonn

I have shared with many of you before, that my wife Anne & I experienced an incredible sighting of ET Spacecraft several years ago at Needle Rock, near Crawford Colorado. We were absolutely astonished at the sighting. We very clearly saw 3 'cigar shaped' craft emerging from beneath the rock, then circulating above the it, for several minutes before zooming away at an incredible rate of speed. This occurred during a family trip in 1992. It fascinating us. (We revisited Needle Rock last year in 2015 with Gentle Bear & Nia. We had amazing experiences.)
Metatron verified the validity of our 1992 'sighting' experience. It is extremely powerful, and per the Metatronic reading, has a Sirian-Pleiadean craft base beneath it.

生命・ET・ポータル by メタトロン・ティベロン・ケーシー

前にお話しましたが、ワイフのアンと私は、数年間にコロラド州クロフォードの近くのニードル・ロック(Needle Rock)でETの宇宙船を目撃しましたが、信じられないような光景でした。本当にびっくりしました。そこの岩の下から3機の葉巻型の宇宙船をはっきりと見ました。それから数分、岩の上空を旋回してから、目にもとまらぬ速さで離れて行きました。この時は、1992年に家族で旅行をしていた時です。本当に凄くてあっけにとられました。(去年の2015年にもまたそこに行きましたが、驚くような体験をしました)


Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

There is very little information available about life in the great “Mothercraft” or Lightships of “The Galactic Federation Of Light” (GFL) that are stationed in proximity to the Earth.
They are invisible to 3D vision and to our radar, because they vibrate at the higher, 5D frequency. There are also many of the much smaller, “Shuttlecraft”; “Vis Cars” and intermediate sized scout craft of various size that are frequently seen in our atmosphere and come under the blanket term; “UFOs”. The smaller ones are called “Vis Cars” and are four to six seaters, eqivalent to the family car, and are disc shaped. They can allow themselves to be seen by reducing their vibrational frequency. These smaller craft belong to several different ET races, such as Pleiadian, Sirian and Arcturian, etc, and all fly from their hangar deck on board one of the great Mothercraft.
These Mothercraft are truly “Great”. The Pleiadian ship “The White Winds” is a disc shaped ship that is as great in diameter as the distance from coast to coast in the USA, and has about 47 levels or decks. Other “Ships Of Light” are smaller, but the Ashtarian ship, “The Phoenix”, is still several hundred miles in diameter. Life onboard ships of this size is like living on a small planet, and shuttlecraft or Vis Cars are needed for any long distance travel within them.

宇宙船の生活 by ラナンダ

それらの宇宙船は3次元の視覚には捉えられず、レーダーでも捕捉出来ません。それは5次元の高い周波数で振動しているためです。また、もっと小さい“シャトル船”が数多くあります。“ビス・カー”(Vis Cars)や中規模の様々な大きさの偵察機があり、大気中で正体不明の“UFO”として目撃されます。小型船はビス・カーと呼ばれ、4~6人乗りのファミリーカーで円盤型をしています。そのような宇宙船は、周波数を下げて見えるようにしています。そのような宇宙船は、プレアデスやシリウス、アークトゥルスなど様々なETが所有するもので、巨大な母船の飛行甲板から飛来してきます。


Kryon - Quantum Patterning by Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - Quantum Patterning by Lee Carroll, 2016-1-23

Dear ones, the energy on this planet is going to change the old patterns. The patterns of consciousness lay in the attributes of the magnetic grid of the planet, as altered by the heliosphere of the sun. This grid, combined with the new place you are in space [where your solar system is headed], are going to modify the patterns of both of these consciousness examples and are going to make the one that is most complex with fractals far more powerful than the basic survival one. Did you get this? The new energy is changing how humanity reacts to the other Human fractals! It's time to grow up, and Human consciousness will evolve and no longer will there be a scale of light and dark like the scales of justice because the evil will then measure a far less powerful influence over compassionate and complex harmonic vibrations. Light will simply outweigh the simplistic patterns of the evil on the planet by a huge margin.

クオンタム・パターン by クライオン

皆さん、地球のエネルギーは古いパターンを変えようとしています。意識パターンは、太陽圏によって変更されて地球の磁気グリッドに広がります。このグリッドは、太陽圏が新たな宇宙空間の領域に進みながら、今お話しした人類の高低両方の意識パターンを修正・変更し、原始的な生き残りを遥かに凌駕するほど強力なフラクタルで非常に複雑化したパターンを創り上げます。分かりますか? 新しいエネルギーは、他の人間のフラクタル(従来のお決まりの思考・言動パターン)に対する反応の仕方を変えています! 今、成長する時です。人間の意識は進化して、正義の天秤のような光と闇という秤はなくなります。その理由は、悪の影響力は衰え、調和した複雑な曼陀羅のような愛と思いやりの波動を凌ぐことが出来なくなるからです。光が、最も無知な地球の悪のパターンを大幅に凌駕して行くだけです。

"Humans are Waking Up: For First Time in Recorded History, Schumann Resonance Jumping to 36+" by Edward Morgan

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
"Humans are Waking Up: For First Time in Recorded History, Schumann Resonance Jumping to 36+"
by Edward Morgan (Retconned) 2017-2-2

人間は目覚めている ~ シューマン共鳴の上昇


Lord Melchizadek - The Power of Crystals

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Lord Melchizadek - The Power of Crystals

Sacred geometry has long been a way for higher minds to send messages from the universe to worlds and the Earth. Crystals are formations using sacred geometry as a matter of course, each one being unique and coded in a particular way for a particular purpose at a particular point in time. There is no one crystal exactly the same, whereas geometrical shapes are exact replicas of each other and of a permanent nature.
The combination of sacred geometry within a crystal formation, then, is an exact science within a spectrum or continuum of change, for crystals continuously change, grow or diminish with time, wear and tear and the absorption of energy. The colours within the crystal itself may also change according to its location and its density. The longer a crystal remains in the ground the larger it may become, forming shapes within shapes that attract a certain vibration of light.
The diamond in this picture, although of imperfect shape, has been captured in a crystal and is a perfect example of sacred geometry in motion. In time, with the absorption of energy from the outside world, the diamond will become less perfect and more unique. Does not the human body do the same thing? Is not the body a creation in progress, growing, changing and aging, changing shape as it grows older and wiser? If the crystal were protected, however, from absorbing negative energy, it would take much longer to break down and thus would last much longer as well.

クリスタルのパワー by メルキゼデク

この写真のダイヤモンドは完璧な形ではありませんが、クリスタルを写した写真で、動き変形する神聖幾何学文様の完璧な見本です。やがて、外部のエネルギーを吸収してダイヤモンドの形はますます崩れてもっとユニークになるでしょう。人間の体にも同じようなことが起こるのですか? 人の体は、成長・変化し、加齢が進み、形が変わり、益々老いて賢くなるのですか? しかし、もしクリスタルがネガティブなエネルギーから守られれば、変形するのにもっと時間がかかり、もっと長期間同じ状態のままであり続けるでしょう。


The Osmotic Effect by Alexandrian Kosmos

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Osmotic Effect by Alexandrian Kosmos

Mother Earth’s last stage of her Fifth Dimension Transition began on April 30, 2016, when she began the alignment of her Seven Chakras into the Universal Grid of Sun-Stars beginning with her Root Chakra. In addition to beginning the alignment of her Seven Chakras on April 30, 2016, she also began generating an internal “Star Burst” from April 30 through June 8, 2016 as a result of her initializing alignment with the Universal Grid. Mother Earth generated a second internal “Star Burst” from October 27 to November 16, 2016. Essentially, dear Ones, all our days from April 30 through December 27, 2016 will have been SUPER ENERGY DAYS towards the installation of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field! On December 27, 2016 Mother Earth will complete her introductory Fifth Dimensional activity serving to stimulate the installation of her Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field. She will still have two more Chakras to align into the Universal Grid, her Crown Chakra on January 15, 2017 and her Heart Chakra on March 8, 2017. She will finally complete her entire Fifth Dimension Transition on March 27, 2017. Interwoven between the completion of Mother Earth’s introductory Fifth Dimensional activity on December 27, 2016 and the completion of her entire Fifth Dimension Transition on March 27, 2017 will be the Primordial Clay Period from December 13, 2016 through February 23, 2017, which is designed to ensure every Life form advancing with her absorbs the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency!

5次元移行時の変化 by アレクサンダー・コスモス

マザー・アースの5次元への移行の最終段階は、2016年4月30日に開始しました。その時、ルートチャクラを皮切りに7つのチャクラを宇宙の太陽-恒星のグリッドに整列させました。2016年4月30日、7つのチャクラを整列させ始めたことに加え、2016年4月30日から6月8日にかけて宇宙のグリッドと整列を開始した結果、マザー・アースはまた、自分の内部に「星形(Star Burst)」を形成し始めました。 そして、2016年10月27日から11月16日まで、2回目の「星形」を発生させました。


Seven Signs That An Angel Is With You! by Linda Preston

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Seven Signs That An Angel Is With You! by Linda Preston

Angels exist on a different vibrational frequency to humans, and most of us are therefore unable to see them but we can often feel their presence around us.
Angels have a way of making their presence known and it is not necessary to be deeply religious or to have a strong spiritual belief to sense the presence of an angel.
7 Signs That An Angel Is Close By
1. The temperature in the room may change.
2. An intriguing fragrance may appear out of nowhere.
3. Different colored lights may appear from nowhere.
4. You may hear angelic voices trying to communicate to you.
5. White feathers may suddenly appear in the most unlikely and unexpected of place.
6. Angels may appear to you in your dream state with a solution to a particular problem.
7. You may feel as if there is someone in the room with you.

天使がそばにいる7つのサイン by リンダ・プレストン


The 7 Levels of Soul Age by Melanie Beckler

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The 7 Levels of Soul Age by Melanie Beckler

Soul age is a concept used to describe the experiences of soul growth and the development of a soul across lifetimes.
Unlike physical age… Soul age is not determined based on time, or how many incarnations your soul has had into the physical.
Soul age is a highly personal description and way of tracking growth. It simply refers to how far your soul has progressed on the path of growth and soul development.
With increased soul wisdom comes advancement in soul age. This is why the number of lifetimes you have can be far more than the number of levels in any soul age.
No soul age is better, worse, ahead or behind of any other. Rather the pace at which a soul moves through the levels is something decided long before incarnations begin.
Some souls move through the ages quickly and others like to take their time in order to experience as much depth and learning at a certain level as possible.
After the soul has made its way through all of the levels in every soul age, a new cycle begins on the spiritual plane. The soul’s learning continues, but not through physical incarnations… But in the realms of spirit.
Soul age isn’t a reflection of how many lives you’ve lived. It’s more a reflection of how you’ve grown from the experiences you’ve had during your lives. Remember also that no spirit is more advanced than another. We are all simply in different places having different experiences on our evolutionary journeys.

7段階の魂年齢 by メラニー・ベックラー

魂の知恵が増すに従い、魂年齢が進みます。 このため、経験した生涯の数は、魂年齢の段階の数よりはるかに多くなります。魂年齢は、他の魂よりも優れているとか、悪い、あるいは進んでいる、遅れているという評価はできません。 むしろ、魂が段階を経験する道筋は、転生が決まるはるか前に決まるものです。
早く年を魂年齢を経過する魂もいれば、できるだけ一定の段階で深く学べる経験をするために十分時間をかけるのが好きな魂もいます。魂年齢のすべての段階を終えた後、スピリチュアル・プレーンで新しいサイクルが始まります。 魂の学習は続きますが、肉体への転生はなくなり、スピリットのいろいろな世界での学習が続きます。
魂年齢は、何回肉体に生まれたかを示すものではありません。魂年齢は、人生を生きる間に経験によってどのくらい成長したのかを表します。 スピリットに他よりも進んでいるとかはありませんので忘れないでください。私たちは、皆、単に進化の旅で違った場所で違った経験をしているにすぎません。


Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
December 13, 2016 via Linda Dillon

Yes, there is great chaos upon your planet and it has come to the surface for recognition, for elimination, for reworking, regridding, reformation. It matters not what you call it, sweet one. It is simply a matter of change of form and it is a necessary change of form, change of energy, change of substance so that humanity goes forth in heart, as love, as One.
It sounds so simple and yet, of course, it is not. And never is the aspect of free will, of self-determination, of choice ever interfered with from this side or this realm. Do we attempt and influence? Yes, we do. Do we guide and protect? Of course we do.
But the ultimate wisdom, the ultimate love, the ultimate knowing in the recognition of self-divinity is always ever present, omnipresent, and it will not be overridden. The challenge, of course – and this has never changed throughout time and space as you think of it – the challenge has always been the awakening of that omnipresent wisdom, the omnipresence of love within each and every heart.

現在の混乱と喜び by 大天使ミカエル

とてもシンプルに聞こえますが、もちろん、違います。 そして、またその変更は、こちら側のこの世界の自由意志・自己決定・自己選択が干渉され阻害されるということとは違います。その場合、私たちの意図的な影響があるのですか? あります。 私たちは皆さんを導き守りますか? もちろんです。
しかし、究極の知恵、究極の愛、究極的に自己が神聖であることを知っている状態が常に存在し、偏在しています。これからもそれが覆(くつがえ)ることはありません。 考えれば分かるように、これまで時間と空間を通して決して変わりませんでしたが、問題は常に、偏在する叡智に気づくかどうか、一人ひとりのハートの愛が偏在することに目覚めるかどうかでした。それが課題でした。

2017 The Call to Pioneer ~ Moving Into Creation After Completion ~ Channeled Message From Archangel Gabriel via Shelley Young

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
2017 The Call to Pioneer ~ Moving Into Creation After Completion ~ Channeled Message From Archangel Gabriel via Shelley Young

Greetings, Dear Ones! How pleased we are to be in your presence again. We honour you for your commitment to your enlightenment process, and your diligence to your growth and expansion. How much you have accomplished over the past year of your linear time!
The energetic shift between the energy of 2016 into 2017 is greater and more profound than you usually experience from one year to another. That is because you have just wrapped up a year of personal completion, as well as a cycle of completion. To be clear, it has been completion within completion, which is what has made 2016 a memorable year for many of you in terms of healing and release.
Every last thing within you that needed to be examined, felt, resolved, or released has made itself known to you, most insistently, for its resolution. There was no escaping what wished to be acknowledged. Simply put, whatever was between you and discovering your own divinity and stepping into your authentic power had to go.
This has been arduous work for you, as deep healing is challenging energetically in itself, and it has been coupled with strong influxes of energy flooding your planet, as well. If you are still feeling somewhat battered and worn, rest assured that the bulk of the work has been done, and you are in the phases of assimilation and integration (what we sometimes refer to as energetic fine-tuning.)
What all of this means is that you have done good and important work, all in preparation of the times you are now entering. To give you an idea of how profound the energetic work you have done is, you simply would not have been able to embody the energy you are now holding a mere few years ago. It would have been completely unsustainable in your bodies.

2017年 パイオニアへの呼びかけ by 大天使ガブリエル

こんにちは、皆さん! また皆さんの前でお話が出来て本当にうれしく思います。自分の悟りを進め、誠実に成長と意識の拡大を図る皆さんに敬意を表します。去年、皆さんは本当に大変なことをやり遂げました!

Celia Fenn - The 2/2 portal

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto) 

Celia Fenn
The sun is moving into action again.....as we approach the 2/2 portal on the 2nd of February.
There is a cluster of sunspots developing and we are also in the direct line of fire for Solar Wind from a Coronal Hole that is now facing Earth. This will reach Earth in the next 2 days.
The 2/2 will be our first initiation into the energies that will climax at the 8/8 in August, and will define our experience of this year.
Many people are feeling pain in the throat/sinus/head area, or have colds and flu. This is because there is intense activity in the "collective" throat chakra as we struggle to define who we are and how we position ourselves in this new 5th Dimensional landscape.
It is so necessary now to feel in your Heart and Soul your own divine essence and to stay focussed on your Soul, Spirit and New Earth Self.
