Translation by Ligtworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Winter Solstice 2016: The Dark Night of the Soul by Tanaaz
In the Northern Hemisphere, December 21st marks the Winter Solstice and the dark night of the soul.
Winter Solstice 2016: The Dark Night of the Soul by Tanaaz
In the Northern Hemisphere, December 21st marks the Winter Solstice and the dark night of the soul.
Traditionally the Winter Solstice has been a time to honor darkness and to journey deep within to reflect, restore and nourish from the inside out.
Every living being on this planet is a reflection of dark and light. As beautiful as a rose is when it’s in full bloom, it too still needs to die and wither away into the darkness in order to be reborn. Just like the petals float away and the bud closes for the winter in order to regenerate, we too follow a similar process.
Nature is always providing us clues as to the cosmic energy around us and where Mother Earth is directing her attention. By following the rhythms and cycles of the Goddess Mother Earth, we too can bring harmony and equilibrium to our own state of being.
The Winter Solstice also represents the Sun shifting into the 10th sign of the zodiac, Capricorn. Capricorn energy is practical, grounded and forces us to really assess and reflect on our lives and the energy we are putting out into the world.
2016 冬至:魂の闇夜 by Tanaaz
自然は、常に宇宙エネルギーに関する手掛かりと、マザーアースが心を注いでいるところについて手がかりを提供しています。 女神・母なる地球のリズムとサイクルに従うことによって、私たちも、調和し落ち着くことが出来ます。
冬至はまた、太陽が黄道12星座の中の10番目の宮、やぎ座に入ることを表しています。 やぎ座のエネルギーは実際的で地に足が付き、私たちの人生と私たちが世界に出しているエネルギーを本当に評価し映し出します。
Every living being on this planet is a reflection of dark and light. As beautiful as a rose is when it’s in full bloom, it too still needs to die and wither away into the darkness in order to be reborn. Just like the petals float away and the bud closes for the winter in order to regenerate, we too follow a similar process.
Nature is always providing us clues as to the cosmic energy around us and where Mother Earth is directing her attention. By following the rhythms and cycles of the Goddess Mother Earth, we too can bring harmony and equilibrium to our own state of being.
The Winter Solstice also represents the Sun shifting into the 10th sign of the zodiac, Capricorn. Capricorn energy is practical, grounded and forces us to really assess and reflect on our lives and the energy we are putting out into the world.
2016 冬至:魂の闇夜 by Tanaaz
自然は、常に宇宙エネルギーに関する手掛かりと、マザーアースが心を注いでいるところについて手がかりを提供しています。 女神・母なる地球のリズムとサイクルに従うことによって、私たちも、調和し落ち着くことが出来ます。
冬至はまた、太陽が黄道12星座の中の10番目の宮、やぎ座に入ることを表しています。 やぎ座のエネルギーは実際的で地に足が付き、私たちの人生と私たちが世界に出しているエネルギーを本当に評価し映し出します。
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