
December 31, 2016 – Portal of Divine Manifestation – Melchizedek and The Company of Heaven BY ANNAMERKABA

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
December 31, 2016 – Portal of Divine Manifestation – Melchizedek and The Company of Heaven BY ANNAMERKABA

Dearly Beloved Masters of the Universe,
It is with the glorious accompaniments of the heavenly abodes that we rush to into inform you of the grand signal that is to come onto your earthly planes of existence. It is with excitement that we bring you the message of attunement to the energies of love, light, balance, peace, harmony, bliss and manifestation.
For the grand event that is to come your way in the weeks to come shall fully allow to manifest that which is unmenifest, fully allow to align those of you who have been feeling a bit “stuck “ in your journeys with the outmost brilliant plan that your own higher selves, and the collective of I AM presence have in store for you. For in the weeks to come, following the grand merger of the souls known on your earthly planes of existence as twin flames, a monumental time shift shall begin to rapidly sweep across your planet.

12-31聖なる実現のポータル by メルキゼデク&天の同胞

今後数週間で起こる大きな出来事によって、今まで表に出なかったことが現実化します。少しばかり停滞を感じていた皆さんは、ハイヤーセルフと “I AM Presence”の集合意識が用意した最も輝かしい計画に足並みを揃えます。これから数週間、更にその後にツインフレームの魂の盛大な融合が起こり、地球上はすぐに画期的なタイムシフトに席巻されます。

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