
Lisa Brown

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
Lisa Brown
Frequency Loops are anything one gets stuck in, repeats, and can’t seem to shift out of. These are what the human calls karma, spin or repeat cycles. This is just a repetitive frequency that one has yet to recognize, understand or shift out of fear into love. That is all.
How to break the frequency loop? Get conscious, get present, observe it and make a different choice. Much of the time, it will be the one thing you have previously avoided out of fear. The belief of fear creates the loop, while no longer believing is key.
Staying in the frequency loop creates an abundance of parallels, ripples and fractal selves and times. Breaking the loop and shifting to a higher frequency, a higher dimensional version of me, allows for all condensed times to purge, parallels to collapse and unification to begin again within.
Excerpt from: “Navigating Dimensions: Awakening & Ascension Guide Book” by Lisa Transcendence Brown

リサ・ブラウン 繰り返し

では、どう断ち切りますか? 意識する、今にいる、観察してすることを変える。ほとんどの場合、不安や恐れから避けていたことが一つはあるでしょう。恐怖心は、信念の問題と思わないかぎり繰り返します。
Excerpt from: “Navigating Dimensions: Awakening & Ascension Guide Book” by Lisa Transcendence Brown

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