
December Solstice & the Emerging Potentials ~ Archangel Michael & the Council of Radiant Light by Ailia Mira

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
December Solstice & the Emerging Potentials
Message from Archangel Michael & the Council of Radiant Light
Channeled by Ailia Mira

We see so much opening up in your realm because of your many shifts. You are raising the vibration of your planet as you raise your vibration. Don't you love that? Well, if you were focused on raising the vibration of the planet, you'd be struggling because you're attempting to do something that's not sovereign, but when you raise your vibration through your own intention to be in sovereign alignment with all you are, through your own alignment, the vibration of the planet rises. Subtle, but powerful.
All the things you feel you want to change. All the things that feel stuck. All the things that you feel hold you back or limit you. All of these can be dropped effortlessly in the newness of now with the focus in the now, to choose and think and see and amplify what feels good to you now.
It is still not clear to you, we know, because we see it, how powerful and radical it is to actually honor what feels good to you, to make your pleasure a priority but you're getting it. You're getting into it more.
~December Solstice & the Emerging Potentials by Ailia Mira 2016-12-14

大天使ミカエル&光のカウンシル ~冬至と表れる可能性

皆さんの意識がいろいろ変わった結果多くのことが始まろうとしています。皆さんが自分の波動を上げている時は、地球の波動を上げています。素敵なことだと思いませんか? でも、地球の波動を上げようとしている時は、そうはいかずに四苦八苦します。その訳は、直接自分に関われないことをしようとしているからですが、自分自身の問題に関わる時、自分自身でいる時は自分の波動が上昇し、その時に地球の波動が上がるのです。理解しにくいことですが、それは非常にパワフルな力なのです。

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