Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
December Solstice & the Emerging Potentials
- Archangel Michael & the Council of Radiant Light by AiliaMira
The shift in your world is a shift into living in the knowing that you are eternal energy expressing as individuated consciousness.
December Solstice & the Emerging Potentials
- Archangel Michael & the Council of Radiant Light by AiliaMira
The shift in your world is a shift into living in the knowing that you are eternal energy expressing as individuated consciousness.
The Solstice energies can be used to shift even further into these new ways of being. For realize the galaxy and all fields of light in your domain are participating in this ascending flow. You can tune and co-create with these vaster fields and doing so is also natural and real. Life is opening up to different knowings about co-creation between the non-physical and the physical and your lives are convergence points where together we co-create!
You are meant to have a glorious unfolding of your embodiment. You're meant to be here in the most exquisite uplifted state of being and enjoy how that feels, and create from that ever elevating, ever expanding platform.
Each new level you experience gives you new inspiration through the contrast of your life for what you want to create. The sensations and the visions of that way of living!
The sharing and the laughter of that and the well-being and the abundance of that? Paradise! Paradise. Utopia. Eden.
冬至と出現する可能性 by 大天使ミカエル
皆さんは、素晴らしいことを経験することになっています。この世界でこれ以上ないほどの高まりを経験し、それを楽しく思い、さらにどんどん高まり、力を発揮する場と範囲が広がり続けることになっています。 経験にはレベルがあり、各レベルを経験するごとに人生の見方が変わるので、その後にやりたいことについて新たなインスピレーションが湧いてきます。 それを人と分かち合い、笑い合う。幸せを感じ、人生の豊かさを感じませんか?パラダイスです! パラダイス、ユートピア、エデンの園(楽園)。
You are meant to have a glorious unfolding of your embodiment. You're meant to be here in the most exquisite uplifted state of being and enjoy how that feels, and create from that ever elevating, ever expanding platform.
Each new level you experience gives you new inspiration through the contrast of your life for what you want to create. The sensations and the visions of that way of living!
The sharing and the laughter of that and the well-being and the abundance of that? Paradise! Paradise. Utopia. Eden.
冬至と出現する可能性 by 大天使ミカエル
皆さんは、素晴らしいことを経験することになっています。この世界でこれ以上ないほどの高まりを経験し、それを楽しく思い、さらにどんどん高まり、力を発揮する場と範囲が広がり続けることになっています。 経験にはレベルがあり、各レベルを経験するごとに人生の見方が変わるので、その後にやりたいことについて新たなインスピレーションが湧いてきます。 それを人と分かち合い、笑い合う。幸せを感じ、人生の豊かさを感じませんか?パラダイスです! パラダイス、ユートピア、エデンの園(楽園)。
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