Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
L’Aura Pleiadian ~ Activating Your DNA ~ Shifting Your Blueprint
When we observe the process, through non attachment, we allow our Higher Self, to clear the patterns held in our Blueprint. Which when cleared, activates our DNA. To new memories. New ways of Being.
L’Aura Pleiadian ~ Activating Your DNA ~ Shifting Your Blueprint
When we observe the process, through non attachment, we allow our Higher Self, to clear the patterns held in our Blueprint. Which when cleared, activates our DNA. To new memories. New ways of Being.
This is an ongoing process. There is no end. There is not a level you will reach that will be the end of your expansion of consciousness. There are many levels to this.
You go through major changes, you see things differently, you apply what you know. Only to realize later, how limited your consciousness was. You will see clearly one day, how it is all consciousness.
The attainment that you feel you desire, is THAT shift in consciousness. When you are ready you will be there, be that. When you are not ready, it makes no difference how much you want it. You go through the processes, till you are ready. The smaller little you, is not the one guiding all of this.
The smaller self may want to believe it is. But it truly knows it does not run the show, so to speak, that is why it needs attachments, to feel good. A sense of false power, reveals itself in the desire to control external outcomes.
We do not control outcomes.
We ACKNOWLEDGE we do not.
We acknowledge that no matter how hard we try, we do not have full control over when we are ready. It is a humbleness, and the acknowledgment, that the little self, cannot do this. We surrender the attachment to this identity with the little self as the one. The door opens then to the Higher Self, being the ONE.
This stepping aside and allowing the ONE that is in Union with the forces of consciousness BEYOND our current level of consciousness. Is the surrender, that activates our DNA into vibrational harmony, with our Higher Self.
DNAを活性化する by ローラ・プレアディアン
You go through major changes, you see things differently, you apply what you know. Only to realize later, how limited your consciousness was. You will see clearly one day, how it is all consciousness.
The attainment that you feel you desire, is THAT shift in consciousness. When you are ready you will be there, be that. When you are not ready, it makes no difference how much you want it. You go through the processes, till you are ready. The smaller little you, is not the one guiding all of this.
The smaller self may want to believe it is. But it truly knows it does not run the show, so to speak, that is why it needs attachments, to feel good. A sense of false power, reveals itself in the desire to control external outcomes.
We do not control outcomes.
We ACKNOWLEDGE we do not.
We acknowledge that no matter how hard we try, we do not have full control over when we are ready. It is a humbleness, and the acknowledgment, that the little self, cannot do this. We surrender the attachment to this identity with the little self as the one. The door opens then to the Higher Self, being the ONE.
This stepping aside and allowing the ONE that is in Union with the forces of consciousness BEYOND our current level of consciousness. Is the surrender, that activates our DNA into vibrational harmony, with our Higher Self.
DNAを活性化する by ローラ・プレアディアン
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