
Releasing old Tools ~ Using our true power

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Releasing old Tools ~ Using our true power
By The group thru Steve Rother

 And we have but one word to say to you, dear ones: Espavo. From the heart of the family of Michael: Espavo. When you hold your energy, you become the creators. You become those who hold the energy in your hearts. It is here that you connect to a very large Family of Light. You are the segment of our family that has taken form in physical biology.

As you rise in vibration, the bubbles of biology can be difficult for some of you. You find tears coming and you do not know why. You say, “When will this end? When will I feel my power without the tears?” And we say that we hope it never ends. As you first experience the thinning veil, you begin to feel Home. You have been so looking forward to this, and now that it is here, all you can do is cry. That can be very overwhelming when it first begins to happen.

Re-membering the real beauty of Home, knowing that you are still in physical form, can be frustrating at best. That feeling is the part of us that goes straight to the heart. Many of you have even found yourselves falling into depression after experiencing Home. Do not judge yourselves for this, as it is a normal process and is experienced by many more of you than any of you know. Please understand that as you continue to experience Home, you will become accustomed to these vibrations and it will no longer overwhelm you but, instead, will inspire you. Take your time and lean on each other in the interim. Be the Human Angel to each other during these times.

We cannot tell you how overjoyed we are to be playing the part to spread the wings of your own, for the angelic wings of Michael are only to reflect the magnificence of humans. Did you feel it? That was not our energy; that was yours. You have been touched by the greatest of angels. Tag; you are it. Pass it on.

光の灯台- ザ・グループ 「古いツールを手放す」

皆さんに一言あります。 “Espavo.” ミカエルのファミリーから一言、 “Espavo.”
 自分のエネルギーをしっかり持てば創造できるのです。心にエネルギーがあり元気になるのです。そこで、 “光” の大ファミリーに繋がります。皆さんは私たちファミリーの一員で、肉体を持つ部門になるのです。

波動が上がると肉体でいることが辛くなる人がいます。涙が溢れ、そのわけが分かりません。「いつになったら止まるんだろう? いつになったら涙を流さず苦労せずに、自分には力があると分かるんだろ?」そう思う人がいます。私たちはそれに終わりはありませんと返答します。ベールが薄くなるのを感じると、故郷を恋しく思います。故郷に帰りたいと思います。故郷に恋焦がれてきて、もうすぐそこにあるという段になって、できるのは泣くくらいです。ベールが薄くなる時に非常に無力感を感じます。


私たちには皆さんの翼を大きく広げる役目がありますが、その時の私たちの歓びがどんなものか、到底お伝えすることは出来ません。ミカエルの天使の翼は、人間の壮大さを反射するためにだけあります。それが感じられましたか? 私たちのエネルギーではなかったのですよ。皆さんのエネルギーだったのです。偉大な天使たちに触れれていたのです。そのエネルギーに自分の名前をつけて、それを他の人に渡してください。

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