
Elizabeth Peru

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
Elizabeth Peru
MAJOR ENERGY MESSAGE: SOLAR ALERT SHARE: My Dear Community, It's been a while since I posted on the Sun's activity, as we have been going into Solar Minimum after the last few years of nearly daily solar flaring. Remember? However, you may have heard that this week NASA posted imagery of a huge coronal hole on the Sun, spewing high-speed solar winds into the atmosphere! Whilst coronal holes are a regular occurrence on the Sun, apparently this one is massive. So what can it mean for us sensitives?
Well, there are currently many overlapping planetary influences affecting our daily lives. Mars has been closest to Earth all year, this week Saturn makes its close approach, Mars, Saturn and Pluto are all in retrograde and later this weekend (into most of June) THE rare GRAND CROSS forms, causing agitation on a global scale. We have not experienced this close a cross since 2007 (look down my page for my previous posts) and this week's new Tip-Off explains how you will be affected.
In short, the planetary energetics (which affect us on the level of the brain and heart) have us FIRED UP on Earth and pushing us into action.
People may seem:
- extra angry
- taking sides
- getting short tempers
- in general heat is rising from within
And now hearing about the Sun, I'm not surprised that SOL has joined in on the fray. This is why it is so important to be INFORMED about the planets, as being physical bodies like us, they do affect us on the third dimensional reality, no getting away from it.
It is important that you stay focused on what is important to you personally and steer clear of low level stirred up, gossip and negativity. Do this pronto, less you be carried into a wave of dross the likes of which, we haven't seen in some years. You can rise into soul maturity under the current energy. It's a test to see how well you can apply yourself...I see grand opportunities. Can you see them?
READ ON for your 7-day in advance Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast. Join today and be ready for the new GRAND CROSS Issue out this week for June 03-09. It's a must read... http://elizabethperu.com/the-tip-off/
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