
Archangel Metatron- The Beauty of It All via James Tyberonn

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Metatron- The Beauty of It All via James Tyberonn

Let us tell you that this all will have a happy ending, and let us assure you again, with certainty, absolute certainty that life is divine, and free will is a magnificent pathway of growing into creative God-ness.
  Know well that in your time above time, in higher dimension, you will know in crystalline clarity that there was a reason for everything. YES … EVERYTHING !

In time you will realize what an extraordinarily beautiful experience the earthplane provided you.
A lesson learned, then another, and another. With filters removed, you will love, unconditionally love & cherish, every step of this extraordinary journey.
You will remember the exquisite sunrises, the symmetry of the leaves on a tree, the colors of autumn, the laughter of children. It is the LOVE that will last, it is only LOVE that exist in the non-polarity of higher dimension.
Savor each moment of your life….cherish each experience, for you have gained so much more than you may realize. And when you pass over, and that day will come, you will realize what a magnificent experience the earth provided you….and you will realize in an exquisite flash. that there is and was a reason for everything.
I am Metatron with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service, and we share with you these Truths. You are beloved.
And so it is…And it is So.

すべてが美しい by 大天使メタトロン

直線の時間ははかなく束の間です。一瞬を捉えて、愛を感じてください! お互いに、また自分を大切に、愛してください。

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