
Archangel Michael "DECISION TIME - THE FUTURE IS NOW" by Ronna Herman

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael
Decision Time - The Future Is Now

My beloved champions of Light, it is not a time for the faint-hearted, and it is time to stop dabbling in spirituality. Many of you have been half-hearted in your endeavors to awaken to the wisdom of the Soul and your Higher Self. It is time to set your hearts afire with an intense desire to claim Self-mastery and to become a Soul-Seeker instead of a pleasure-seeker. The secrets of how to traverse the dramatic changes and the chaotic times of transformation are constantly being revealed to you. However, you must make the effort and actively strive to incorporate the fail-safe methods available to you, if you are to successfully ride the crest of the waves of change during the turbulent years ahead. It is a time of LETTING GO OF THE OLD–MAKING WAY FOR THE NEW. An upgrading and refinement of every facet / Spark of God-consciousness, as well as of every dimensional level, are gaining momentum as the rarified Light of the Supreme Creator beams forth to the very edge of manifested Creation within this Sub-universe.

決意の時 by 大天使ミカエル


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