How does Archangel Michael address cancer and why so many people are suffering for this horrible affliction? ~ Through Ronna Herman
Archangel Michael’s answer:
As you move deeper into Self-awareness and begin to listen to the “wisdom of the physical body--your Body Memory Seed Atom,” you will no longer depend so much on external methods (drugs, surgery and artificial means of healing). The drastic physical imbalances and ill-health humanity are now experiencing will gradually be replaced with healthy, harmonious living practices, which will be guided by the new spiritual, intuitive wisdom that you have stored within your Sacred Mind. No longer can humanity rely only on the current practices of the medical profession. Your Soul is nudging you to integrate a more holistic approach to healing the physical, mental, emotional bodies so that the higher frequencies of the Oversoul can be integrated without so much trauma and distress to the physical vessel.
In the near future, the wayshowers and vanguard Souls, who are bringing forth the higher wisdom of the new Divine Blueprint, will prove that dis-eases of any kind do not have to manifest as the body ages. The human physical vessel was meant to function at optimum health for at least 120 years. Humanity is caught up in the mass consciousness belief system of the Third/Fourth Dimensions, whereby the core issues from the past, and the imperfections within the ancestral DNA allow these stressful, debilitating symptoms to manifest--if the entity allows itself to feel unloved, unworthy, or feels guilt, shame or resentments of any form. As the Soul is allowed to become the guide and director of the physical personality instead of the Ego-desire body consciousness, all of the negative energies, which are a result of deep core memories from the ancient past, rise to the surface so each that person can release them once and for all.
As we have stated many times, Light, Sound and Color are the healing modalities of the future. A study of the Chakra system and the frequencies of the five higher Galactic Rays will assist healers and counselors to inform their patients as to what is out of balance within their auric field, and how to assist them to gradually return to and maintain a healthy physical body. Our teachings give you all the guidelines you will need to integrate these “additional methods of healing” into your current health regimen. You also have a wondrous storehouse of information available to you within your Sacred Mind.
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Q. 大天使ミカエルは癌について何と言っているのか、多くの人がこの恐ろしい病で苦しんでいる理由は何か?
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