Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael ~ The Emerald Codes and the Return to the Garden of Creativity by Celia Fenn
Beloved Family of Light, once again you are approaching the mid-year with its powerful waves of Cosmic Energy. First there is the Solstice on the 20th June, which marks a “turning point” in your spirals of creation. The Earth reaches her farthest point “outwards” and, at this moment she pauses, as if standing still, then she returns for another creative spiral around the Sun. In the Northern Hemisphere this will be the Summer Solstice, marked by the longest day and the shortest night of the year; in the Southern Hemisphere this will be the Winter Solstice, marked by the shortest day and the longest night of the year.
Archangel Michael ~ The Emerald Codes and the Return to the Garden of Creativity by Celia Fenn
Beloved Family of Light, once again you are approaching the mid-year with its powerful waves of Cosmic Energy. First there is the Solstice on the 20th June, which marks a “turning point” in your spirals of creation. The Earth reaches her farthest point “outwards” and, at this moment she pauses, as if standing still, then she returns for another creative spiral around the Sun. In the Northern Hemisphere this will be the Summer Solstice, marked by the longest day and the shortest night of the year; in the Southern Hemisphere this will be the Winter Solstice, marked by the shortest day and the longest night of the year.
This shift of energies initiates a series of powerful events that will determine the nest phase of your personal and planetary evolution. In July, on the 26th, you will enter into the Planetary New Year, when incoming waves of Transformative Energy precede the Grand Cosmic Wave of the Lion’s Gate Portal on the 8th of August (8/8/1). At this time, new Light Code templates for the coming year are integrated into the Earth’s crystalline New Earth grids.
At this time, Beloved Ones, there will be powerful waves of Diamond Light originating from the Galactic Center. Then also, you will be receiving powerful transmissions of the Magenta and Turquoise Light Codes to balance the Divine Feminine and Masculine energies. And finally, the brilliant Emerald Codes will be transmitted from the Cosmic Heart, to allow you to fully integrate and experience your blessed gift of life on a biological world where you create and co-create in the material realms.
エメラルドコードと創造の楽園 by 大天使ミカエル
At this time, Beloved Ones, there will be powerful waves of Diamond Light originating from the Galactic Center. Then also, you will be receiving powerful transmissions of the Magenta and Turquoise Light Codes to balance the Divine Feminine and Masculine energies. And finally, the brilliant Emerald Codes will be transmitted from the Cosmic Heart, to allow you to fully integrate and experience your blessed gift of life on a biological world where you create and co-create in the material realms.
エメラルドコードと創造の楽園 by 大天使ミカエル