
TANAAZ (Forever Conscious): “Intuitive Astrology: November New Moon 2016”

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
TANAAZ (Forever Conscious): “Intuitive Astrology: November New Moon 2016”

The Sagittarius New Moon is also going to trigger a cycle of awakening. In many ways, we are going to feel reborn and replenished after a long and hard year of cleaning out the metaphorical closets.
2016 has been a year of endings and now we are starting to wind down with the endings so we can make way for the new.
The November New Moon is going to be supporting this cause and it is likely that new and exciting opportunities may emerge around this time, almost like the Universe is offering us a gift.
The November New Moon is also supercharged for romance and love. If you are single, this New Moon could bring about the perfect opportunity to meet someone special.
If you are in a relationship, bonds may be strengthened or weaknesses may emerge so you can heal and strengthen them for the future.
Soulmate energy is also high around this New Moon, so it is likely that we are going to have a lot more people making Soulmate connections during this time.

11月29日の新月 by TANAAZ


-Metatron via J. Tyberonn ~ "The Legend of Fall of Atlantis"

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
War cannot be come to an end with hate but be changed with Love. As I have told you many times, when the Love of Power can be replaced with The Power of Love, a huge quantum and crystal leap would occur. But love without strength is not complete. You can end wars by loving peace, and you need strength in creating peace.
-Metatron via J. Tyberonn ~ "The Legend of Fall of Atlantis"

アトランティス崩壊伝説の真実(2/3)by 大天使メタトロン

第2次世界大戦は、アトランティスの時代のアーリア人の葛藤が過剰に吹き出した結果でした。皆さんには今もなお “軍事国家” に向かう性向があります。皆さんはそれを変えることができます。
しかし、憎しみと恐怖では終止符は打てません。愛によって変わるのです。前に何度も言いましたが、力への欲(the Love of Power)が 愛の力(Power of Love)に置き換わる時、量子的、クリスタル的飛躍を起こします。しかし、強さのない愛は不完全です。皆さんは、二極性のパラドックスの扉を開き、統合的なクリスタル波動に上昇し変わるのです。戦争を憎んでいては戦争を止めることはないでしょう、平和を愛することで戦争をやめにします。それには、強さが必要です。

The Atlantis Effect by Monika Muranyi

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Atlantis Effect by Monika Muranyi

It is time for those who remember Atlantis to re-write history, so there is no longer the fear of enlightenment. This applies to your biology as well. You might think “Well I can’t remember any of it, so what have I to fear?” Kryon has said that this is the most basic fear of the teachers and enlightened humans on Earth at this time. It is the fear of being healed, or being a healer in the new energy that Kryon predicted humanity would create. It’s a fear that many carry so strongly that many get physically ill as they approach enlightenment and knowledge. As you begin to claim your divinity within this new energy, your body often rejects it because it is unaware that this time it is safe. In the past, your body may have felt a spiritual awakening, but then it was seemingly rewarded with termination! That’s what the body of a Lemurian remembers at the cellular level.

アトランティス効果 by モニカ・ムレイ二―

アトランティスを思い出す人は歴史を書き換える時に来ています。もう目覚めや悟りを怖がる必要はありません。それは、体についても言えます。「自分は何も思い出せないよ。どこが怖いと言うの?」と思う人がいますが、クライオンは、その恐怖が教師や目覚めた人の最も底辺にある恐怖心だと言っています。クライオンはそうなると予言しましたが、新しい時代の時に、自分を修正し、癒し、変わること、あるいは、そういうヒーラーになることが怖くなるのです。多くの人が恐怖心を強く抱えているので、目覚める時や新しいことを知ろうとする時になると、病気に罹るのです。この新しいエネルギーの時、自分の神聖な所を掴む時に、体の方はそれを拒否するのです。この時代、この人生が安全かどうか、体は知らないのです。昔、皆さんの体には精神的覚醒をした経験があるかもしれませんが、その時は、自滅、死んだかのようにして終わったのです! それが、レムリア人の体が細胞レベルで覚えていることなのです。

-Metatron via J. Tyberonn ~ "The Legend of Fall of Atlantis" (1/3)

Translation by Ligtworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
-Metatron via J. Tyberonn ~ "The Legend of Fall of Atlantis" (1/3)

アトランティス崩壊伝説の真実(1/3)by 大天使メタトロン

Edgar Cayces Atrantis by AA Metatron thru J. Tyberonn

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Edgar Cayces Atrantis by AA Metatron thru J. Tyberonn
 Edgar Cayce, Atrantis, Law of One, Quantum Crystalline field

エドガー・ケーシーのアトランティス by メタトロン& J. ティベロン


How Crystals Can Heal Fukushima Radiation - Little Grandmother Keisha Crowther by Michelle Walling

Translation by Ligtworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
How Crystals Can Heal Fukushima Radiation

“Crystals delete radiation. It has been proven- we know it works”.
Ms. Kiesha Crowther had planned a joint venture with Dr. Masaru Emoto to spread this message about healing the waters of Japan and the world, but this was suspended due to the passing of Dr. Emoto. Exploring the depths of the powers of crystals just may be the way to reverse some of the terra-forming that has poisoned our water.
“Never, ever, ever set your intention for the crystal to absorb radiation, we want to DELETE radiation.

クリスタルで福島の放射能が消える~キーシャ・クローサーby ミッシェル・ウオ―リング



Kryon - Five Concepts for the New Human by Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - Five Concepts for the New Human by Lee Carroll, 2/7/16

Compassionate action is coming from a compassionate heart no matter what. It is a position of strength and wisdom. Now, some of you who are listening to this need to hear this: It is not a weakness to be compassionate. The masters who walked this planet exuded compassion! They broadcasted it! The very ones that you may worship are all about compassion. They were not weak, dear ones. So whatever you’ve been told about a kind, compassionate person, you’re going to have to rearrange your perception. Balance is strength. Compassion is strength. A balanced Human Being will seldom catch disease, did you know that? A balanced Human Being will have that which you will call synchronicity. Others call it luck. Synchronicity is to be in the right place at the right time and have perfect things happen, because they’re the result of compassionate action. Compassion actually is an energy that pushes the idea aside of luck or chance. You control your reality.A compassionate person changes those around him/her, instead of being affected by them. No negativity will attach to you. It’s such a position of strength, and others will often want to be with you. You change the earth where you walk!
The biggest strength you can ever have as a Human Being is to see God in others. Outside, you see God in the trees and you know that there is a divine system and you’re part of it, and it’s part of you. You can be overwhelmed with joy and love just to be part of the system.

新しい人間の5つの課題 by クライオン

思いやる行為は、どんな場合であっても思いやる心から生まれます。そこには強さと知恵があります。その場合、次のことを覚えておく必要があります。情けをかけるとか思いやることは弱さではない、ということです。地球に生きていたマスターたちは情け深さに溢れていました! それを放っていました! 皆さんが尊敬する人たちは、慈悲深い人たちです! 彼らは弱い人間ではありませんでした。だから、優しさや情け深いことについて人の言うことをいろいろと聞いてきましたが、自分の考え方をしっかり持ってください。バランスが取れているのは強さがあるのです。思いやりは強さです。調和した人間はめったに病気に罹りません。知っていますか? 調和した人間にはシンクロニシティが起こります。「運がいい」という人もいます。シンクロニシティは正しい時と場で起こり、物事が完璧に起こります。なぜなら、思いやる行為の結果起こるからです。思いやりは、運とか偶然より前に先立つエネルギーです。あなたが現実をコントロールするのです。慈悲深い人は何も周りからの影響を受けずに周りを変えてしまいます。否定的なものは寄り付きません。他の人はあなたと一緒にいたくなります。あなたは、歩きながら地球を変えます!



Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

As you move higher on the path of illumination, you will no longer be interested in the small dramas of those around you, for you no longer embody the lower frequencies of attachment. Your lofty vantage point of a Self-Master allows you to view the on-going third- / fourth-dimensional drama as an observer–not as a participant.
Know that the situations or problems that come your way for resolution cannot be solved at the level in which they were created. You must rise above the conflicts of the ego-self and view each situation through a filter of love and from the vantage point of a Self-master. Envision within your mind’s eye a wholeness that has never been distorted, a world that has no imperfections and a radiant, perfected YOU residing in this paradise. It is not a time for the faint of heart, for indecision or denial; for your world is radically changing whether you believe it or not. Isn’t it time to accept the gifts we are offering so that you may move gracefully and joyously into the future? It is our greatest joy and honor to assist and serve you; and never forget, you are loved unconditionally.
- Ronna Herman, 2012-09

共同創造者としての心づもり by 大天使ミカエル


The Kaleidoscope of Your Lifetimes ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton 

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Kaleidoscope of Your Lifetimes ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
by Daniel Scranton 2016-11-20

9次元アークトゥルス・カウンシル ~ 人生の万華鏡
Daniel Scranton 2016-11-20

人生には、他の人生を一つに結び付ける働きがある、そんなことがあり得るのだろうかと思ったことはありますか? ちょっとそう考えて見てください。これまでやって来たこと、他の人生で経験してきたこと、他の次元で経験してきたことすべてが、今の人生に貢献してきたのです。その結果、関連して続いているという感覚が生まれ、進化している感じがします。
自分から逃げることは全く出来ません。意識の進化は、この連続性にあります。そこで、皆さんが、今お話ししているこのような考え方とその現実に納得して心が引き付けられるとしましょう。その場合、それを知って何か為になることはありますか? それでどうしますか?


Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
by Ute Posegga-Rudel,2016-11-20

Our message for now to you is: do not be concerned about the current global affairs and how they present themselves to humanity. There are countless variations of levels of positive consciousness-units that each bring forth different aspects of truth and possibilities how to change present circumstances. And in fact most of them are well-minded. Do not underestimate the positive forces on your planet.
Humanity is indeed on a crossroad right now: whoever will pick up now the road of evolution will catch the train, so to speak. Even jumping on it although it is already set in motion, will enable you to participate in the ever more powerful current of evolution. Blessed is your heart.
We are here to support this, reminding all of you of the love you can always choose under all circumstances. We are the Blue Avians!

覚醒意識による創造 by ブルー・エイビアン

私たちは、ブルー・エイビアン(Blue Avians)です!


Arcturian Group Message 11/20/16 by Marilyn Raffaele

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Arcturian Group Message 11/20/16 by Marilyn Raffaele

Every individual is consciously or unconsciously journeying toward full awakening but not everyone is at the same level of awareness at the same time. Old souls are those who have lived and learned through many lifetimes, whereas newer souls may have been only on earth several times and still need many more life experiences before they will be ready to move into higher levels of awareness.
Continue to send Light and love to the world, visualizing earth and all her life forms as pure Light, for this is what they really are. This makes you Lightworkers. A lightworker is anyone who not only knows the truth but lives it, in the realization that in spite of appearances to the contrary everyone is a Spark of the one Divine Light.
Many continue to think of lightworkers as being only those spiritually gifted individuals doing healing work, teaching, or channeling. This belief is a facet of the belief in separation for in truth everyone is a spiritual being and every activity becomes Lightwork when done with awakened eyes and ears.

アークトルゥス・グループ 2016/11/20



Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  

As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.
~ Rumi



DETOX*OCt. 2015*U li nna lini) by Lilly Wong

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto) 

DETOX*OCt. 2015*U li nna lini)
from Lilly Wong
by リリー・ウオン & ロバート・コクソン

Frequencies to activate our crystaline structure by Robert Haig Coxon

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Frequencies to activate our crystaline structure by Robert Haig Coxon

A gift from us… the live channeled Music, Sacred Code and Light Language to activate your crystaline structure…
Hot Springs, Arkansas, USA, 2016.

by ロバート・コクソン&リリー・ウオン


Adamus Saint-Germain

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  

“You are divine consciousness. You are a souled being. Nobody can ever take that soul away. Your soul is consciousness. Consciousness is awareness. If you took away your physical body, your mind, your memories and everything else, you’re still awareness, because you’re always going to be aware of yourself. Even if everything is stripped away, even if you go back to the time when you went through the Wall of Fire into nothingness, you’re still aware of yourself, and that was the scary part – aware of yourself in nothing. It’s also a wonderful part, because it caused you to start creating.
So this is you. Consciousness uses energy. It calls on energy. It attracts energies to it based on its desires. It could be to know thyself, express thyself, play with thyself, learn for thyself, anything. But at a very deep inner level, it’s calling on energy.
Energy is basically potentials, probabilities that are sitting in a dormant place, neutral place. They’re sitting over here in neutral land waiting to be called upon. Energy is motion and stimulation. Energy breathes life into consciousness. Consciousness, therefore, calls on this, brings it in and starts to use it. Quite simple.”
The Masters Series
SHOUD 4: “How Does That Work?: Part 1”
December 12, 2009




"The World Is Actually Becoming A More Peaceful Place" by The Mind Unleashed

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
"The World Is Actually Becoming A More Peaceful Place" by The Mind Unleashed




Kryon - "The Eight Shifts of Enlightenment Part Two" - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - "The Eight Shifts of Enlightenment Part Two" - Lee Carroll

The seventh shift is the ability to heal your own body. Why is it number seven of eight? Why should it be so difficult? Why is it so high up on the list of spiritual shifts? Because one of the hardest things for a Human Being to do is to heal themselves. Ask any healer in the room, "What do you do when you get sick?" They'll say, "Well, I go to a healer, of course." You might then say, "I thought you were a healer." And they'll say, "Of course, but not of myself!"
Why is it this way? Because it's hard! So the seventh shift is the understanding of cellular structure. It represents the Human who has the interdimensional sense of going into their own bodies and actually working with their own DNA. Have you heard about the miracles? Have you heard about those who had disease and then suddenly it's gone? Would you like to know how that's done? It's done inside the DNA. Inside your DNA there is a layer [energy], one of 12 interdimensional layers, which is responsible for this. It is a beautiful thing, but the healing is far more than you think.Instead, the mastery within, which is yours, gears up and takes your cellular structure to a place before the disease occurred. Do you see why this is number seven? Beautiful, it is! Learn to speak to your cells.

悟りへの8つのシフト (2/2) by クライオン

7番目のシフトは、自分の体を治す力です。それが、7番目に当たる理由は何か? それほど難しいのはなぜか? このシフトの中で上位に位置する理由はなぜか? 人間にとって最も難しいことの一つが、自分を癒すことです。ここにいるヒーラーの人に聞いて見てください。「あなたが病気になった時はどうするのですか?」。ヒーラーの人は、「もちろん医者に行くわ」と答えるでしょう。するとあなたは「でも、あなたはヒーラーでしょう」と言い、彼らは「もちろん、そうですが、自分の問題は別よ!」と答えます。
なぜそうなのか? 難しいからです! だから、7番目のシフトは細胞と体を理解することです。その意味は、人間には自分の体内に入って、実際に自分のDNAに関われる多次元の感覚が備わっているということです。奇跡について聞いたことはありますか? 重い病に罹っている人が突然治ってしまうという人たちの話を聞いたことはありますか? それはどういうことなのか知りたいと思いますか? それは、DNA内部でヒーリングが起きたのです。DNA内部には、あるレイヤー(エネルギー)があり、それは、多次元の12レイヤーの一つですが、それが病気を制御しています。それは、素晴らしいものです。だから、ヒーリングは思いも及ばないことなのです。あなたでもある、自分の中のマスターが、ギアチェンジして病気が起こる前の状態に戻すのです。だから7番目だという意味が分かりますね。本当に見事です!自分の細胞に語りかけられるようになってください。毎日、細胞にあなたの言葉を聞かせるエクササイズをしてください。

Kryon - "Loading the Dice" The Power of Affirmation - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - The Power of Affirmation - Lee Carroll @ Sydney
"Loading the Dice"

アファーメーションのパワー(字幕) by クライオン


Angelic Guides -“A whole new world: A look at what’s to come” by Taryn Crimi

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Angelic Guides -“A whole new world: A look at what’s to come”by Taryn Crimi

We have often said that in just 20-30 years of your time you will see more rapid transformation and progress made than there has been in the last 2000 of your years. In approximately 25 years of your time, your world will no longer resemble the world you currently inhabit. The technology will drastically propel you into a world in which space is no longer a barrier. We are not just referring to “outer space” but to the space on your planet. Currently your planet is a very large place, in which not all beings have the ability to travel to any place they desire to visit. This will change. The boarders of each country are currently upheld to prevent invasions from others who wish to conquer or take over others. Though this will no longer be the intention of the collective. You are shifting into a world free of war, free of boundaries, and free of fear. Though from our perspective your world is transforming in a blink of an eye, for many of you who are still experiencing a form of linear time it will seem as though it is a rapid progression rather than an “overnight change”.
Another large change will be in how you travel around your world. Transportation will change quite drastically.

全く新しい世界 by エンジェリック・ガイド


Angelic Guides - "The Missing Key To the Law of Attraction" by Taryn Crimi

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Angelic Guides - "The Missing Key To the Law of Attraction"
by Taryn Crimi, 2016-11-19

What we see so often is those that become aware that their thoughts create their reality, feel compelled to decree to the Universe exactly what they want and expectantly await their highest dreams and desires to arrive. This works, but only on one condition. Allow us to clarify in greater detail to ensure you understand what we are sharing with you.
It is first imperative that you know that the Universe never responds to your wishes, to your dreams, hopes or even fears. The Universe responds to one thing, and one things only. It responds to your vibration that you are emitting. You all have come to this planet with an inner compass to help you better gage, exactly what you are pulsing out at anytime. It comes neatly packaged within your emotions, your feelings. How you feel is a direct indication of what you are pulsing out at any given moment. The Universe doesn’t respond to your words. It only responds to the emotions and therefore the vibration that you are emitting at any time.

引き寄せで大事な点 by エンジェリック・ガイド


Parallel Realities Explained by Taryn Crimi

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Parallel Realities Explained by Taryn Crimi 2012-11-14

パラレル・リアリティを実現する by エンジェリック・ガイド

“Moonvaders” Whats on the dark side of the moon? by Taryn Crimi 

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
“Moonvaders” Whats on the dark side of the moon?
by Taryn Crimi 2014-8-17

エンジェリック・ガイド ~ ムーンベーダーズ by Taryn Crimi 

(ショート 2016-11)

No More Right or Wrong by Steve Rother & The group

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Beacons of Light ~ Re-minders from Home
~ No More Right or Wrong ~ by Steve Rother & The group 2014-08

光の灯台2014-08 良い悪い正しいも間違いもない by Steve Rother & The group

(ショート 2016-11)


Archangel Michael ~ Believe by Victoria Cochrane, 2016-11-16

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael ~ Believe by Victoria Cochrane, 2016-11-16

‘Believe’ is the message for today, Dear Ones, for belief is the driver of perception and action. Whatever you believe is what you will create and that will be your reality.

Life on Earth is made up of many dimensions of consciousness. The lowest dimension is the Third, where human consciousness is grounded in ego, materialism, greed and serving self. Within this dimension there are many levels of vibration and it is possible to have a higher level of consciousness within the Third Dimension. However, the people who continue to remain in the Third Dimension at this time of Ascension remain in drama, poverty, greed, corruption, hatred, war, domestic violence and severe depression. If they cannot begin to raise their consciousness out of the low vibrations, they may find themselves in situations that are dire. This is because the belief system of scarcity or that one is a victim comes with much baggage from the past. If one is to ascend into the higher dimensions of consciousness the past must be released and forgiven. Low levels of consciousness tend to make the person choose not to take responsibility for their actions or their part in their relationship difficulties. Blame and ridicule of the other party is much easier than facing up to one’s own truth. However, this type of thinking is based on false truths that have been shaped by one’s upbringing, experiences and interactions with others, mixed in with cultural and societal indoctrination.
There are many levels of truth, Dear Ones, that shape belief systems, and many of these belief systems are religious in nature. Although religion is meant to bring one closer to God’s light and love, most religions teach separation, judgment and condemnation of those who do not share the same beliefs. Many acts of violence and terrorism are carried out in the name of God or Allah when God, the Creator ordains no such actions. In fact, God requires no religion at all and God is not separate from you. All in the Universe is one and every human is one with God and with each other. God is the highest truth of all and his light absolves you of any sins you may have committed.

大天使ミカエル ~ 信じる by Victoria Cochrane 2016-11-16


Phase of Chaos – Quan Yin, by Jenny Schiltz 

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Phase of Chaos – Quan Yin, by Jenny Schiltz 2016-11-15

At the moment of creation there is chaos that stabilizes and within that stabilization things can then be built or put into place, but first there is chaos. When your river are blocked by beavers, the river must force its flow in a new direction, there is chaos at first in the new direction, and then there is flow. This is where you are. You are in the phase of chaos. What one must hold onto is that once the chaos stabilizes, the new can be built. It is for this very reason that we have asked you to not get swept up in the emotions of the outer world, for then you are simply resisting the bringing in of the new. We have asked each of you to look at what you are creating in your thoughts, words, and deeds for it is you who is being relied upon to stabilize the chaos so that a new flow can be established.
We understand that this is no small task. We are asking you to be the life raft of reason, the zero point if you will. We are asking you to return to unconditional love time and time again, when much of what you hear in your world is contradictory to this and designed to inflame. We are asking you to be open and see all sides, allowing even for a side that has never been seen before. Your society is built on conflict and misinformation, the truth has only begun to be exposed. You may ask yourselves why this has been done, it is simple. Outrage towards your fellow man may make one feel that they are taking a stand, asserting their core beliefs but it is actually an illusion of stepping into your power. When one is able to love all unconditionally, and to not be triggered by another’s learning process, they are exhibiting the true definition of stepping into their personal power.

カオス局面 by クワン・イン



Archangel Michael- Seeking The Light of The Intellect thru Ronna Herman

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael- Seeking The Light of The Intellect thru Ronna Herman

First you must experience and heal the miscreations stored within your physical vessel and within the astral body / plane of consciousness. You must claim ownership of your miscreations and the negative imprint you have created down through the ages. No longer will humanity be able to blame the Devil or Satan for all the pain, suffering, chaos and destru...ction of the past and present times. You must acknowledge and claim ownership of all your creations from the most loving, refined frequencies to the lowest, most discordant thought forms.
YOU ARE NOT YOUR BODY, YOU ARE PURE CONSCIOUSNESS encased within a costume of flesh. As you have done thousands of times before, when you leave the earthly plane, you will discard your physical body for garments of Light, and in due time you will prepare for another great adventure in a new reality. As you gain Self-awareness, you will develop a Divine curiosity and an intense desire to begin a new personal spiritual quest. You will develop a sense of adventure as you delve into the mysteries of the cosmos, and the Divine Plan will begin to unfold at your level of awareness.

知性の光の探究 by 大天使ミカエル



Cancer Cured in 3 Minutes - Awesome Presentation by Gregg Braden

Cancer Cured in 3 Minutes - Awesome Presentation by Gregg Braden  

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
グレッグ・ブレイデン - 意識・感情の力 

Is Your Soul Tired? Here is Why and How to Fix It by Tanaaz

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Is Your Soul Tired? Here is Why and How to Fix It by Tanaaz

We all have times in our lives when we are feeling down and lacking inspiration.
We all have times when we are feeling chronically tired and in a desperate need of rest. But if this persists, it could be a sign that your soul is tired. Even if you are getting the recommend 8 hours of sleep each night, if your soul is tired you are still going to wake up everyday feeling low and depleted of energy.
When your soul is tired, it is often a sign that you are living out of alignment with your purpose.
The top 10 things that can make your soul feel tired include-

魂の疲れと対処法 by Tanaaz

両手が暖かくなりますか、チリチリしますか? それから次に、両掌の間にエネルギーが感じなくなるまでどんどん両手の間隔を広げ続けて離します。

Dark Matter Sun – SaLuSa by Multidimensional Ocean

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Dark Matter Sun – SaLuSa by Multidimensional Ocean
Posted on November 13, 2016 by lauramultidimensionalocean

Dear ones, we come again to encourage you and to comfort you on your precious planet.
  Two nights ago I spoke to Laura about the Dark Sun which is at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.I showed her images of the most powerful Sun in our Galaxy, which is connected to all the existing suns in this Galaxy. Nothing and nobody has more power and influence than the Dark Matter Sun.It is sending a lot of energy to our Solar system and especially to your Sun. It sends it healing, love and prayers. It is made of dark matter and anti-matter. A lot about this dark matter sun and its gravitational pull on the rest of the Galaxy is totally unknown even to us. We do succeed in recording its radiations to the rest of the Galaxy and Universe with our telemetry and recording devices.

The vibrations recorded are very high and powerful, although they are not long lasting. Their power reach the darkest corners of the universe, galaxy, of your planets and of the human heart and soul.
On this Full Supermoon, it is always extremely active coming up to the Full moon. It is very active in many ways, and the vibrations sent are extremely high. Your planet is facing more turmoil and misery in the coming months and years. This will continue until the Dark Matter Sun has estimated that the level of consciousness in the Galaxy has been raised high enough.

サルーサ - 暗黒太陽



17 Year Old Indigo Child Message To The New Children And Lightworkers by Shawn-Dee Scott

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
17 Year Old Indigo Child Message To The New Children And Lightworkers
by Shawn-Dee Scott,Guest writer, In5D.com

For thousands of years the ancients have predicted great changes ahead for this planet. The Mayans anticipated the Age of Aquarius that began in 2012 and now another great transition in the planet’s timeline have arrived. All over the world people are waking up, realizing that something is awfully off. My dear bearers of the light, something has been off for years! The Elite has done everything in its self-serving power to keep humans in the dark and I am happy to say that their ruler ship is drastically coming to a dead end. My message in this article will be that of unity, compassion and the inner strength we will all have to find to bravely accept our mission, even if we don’t remember completely what that mission is yet, and to hold the new frequency Mother Earth and the Collective Consciousness will need to complete the transition into 5D.
My human vehicle is just 17 earth years but I’ve existed for lifetimes. I will share something personal in hope that it will be of encouragement to the hearts of young indigos and Starseeds who are facing similar challenges; you are not alone! I’ve always had trouble with my spirituality and psychic development. From a very early age I knew this planet was not where I originate but because of the human family I grew up with, a family who believes aliens and psychic powers are nonsense and impossibl, I always doubted myself. For a good couple of years those doubts and the way the school system and society conditioned me stood as a blockage for my awakening. I had tons of supernatural experiences! Around the age of 8-9 I drowned and had a near death experience. An experience I will never forget, sweeter than my very first kiss! I’ve had lucid dreams of encountering extraterrestrials on spacecrafts, I’ve had astral travel experiences, spoken with crystals and spirit beings etc It’s not like these things never happened to me but always, always, I seemed to stumble or get stuck in some points of my evolution. The magical thing I am beginning to understand however this is:


何千年もの間、古代の人たちは、将来地球が大転換すると予言しました。マヤ人は、2012年以降にアクエリアス時代に入り、もう一度大転換する時が来ると予言しました。世界中の人々が目覚め、何かが非常にずれていると気づいています。光の所持者の皆さん、何年もおかしい状態でした! エリート層は。人間を闇の中の閉じ込め、自己利益を追及するために何でもやりました。でも、彼らの船は、急激に沈んでいきますが、そのことを話せて嬉しいです。私たちは、自分の使命を必ずしも十分に思い出せなくても勇気をもって使命を受け入れるために、また、マザーアースの新しい周波数を定着させるために、今回、連帯や共感、内なる強さについてお話しします。集合意識は、完全に5次元に移行することが必要です。
私の人としての体は17歳ですが、私は何度も人生を過ごしてきました。私個人のことを話しますが、それは、若いインディゴやスターシードの人たちを励ましたいからなのです。その彼らも私のような困難や試練に直面しています。そのあなた方は、一人きりではありません! 私はいつもサイキックな能力や精神性の面で問題がありました。若い頃から、この地球は元々私のいたところではないことは知っていましたが、私が育った家庭は人間の家族だったために、彼らにとって宇宙人やサイキックな力を信じるのは全くおかしなことで、そんなことはあり得ないと思い込んでいます。だから、私も自分を信じられずにいました。2,3年の間、私は自分への疑いや学校・社会に縛られていたために、私の目覚めは行き詰りました。



Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto) 
Elizabeth Peru
3 WAYS TO RELEASE OLD HABITS THIS SUPER FULL MOON OF A LIFETIME (please share): My Dear Community, It's here...over the next 24 hours, the Moon will be at its c...losest approach (while full) to Earth in 68 years! This is a cosmic opportunity way too good to pass up. Why? Well here are '3' reasons and ways that you can now let go of habits which you know bring you down and weaken your power...
1. This Super Full Moon intensifies and DRAWS OUT our current emotions. Think of a habit you have, that actually repulses you. Bring it fully into your awareness and sit with what you feel. Let the Moon's force convince you (and help you) to say goodbye for good.
2. Write down how you feel right now. Be honest. If you are anxious or frustrated, ask, "Why?" Souls' voice is now being drawn out by the Moon's magnetic pull. You'll be amazed at what you hear.
3. Create a Super Moon ceremony involving water and wind. Wind brings in the new and water washes away the old. What old habit do you wish to shift? During your little ritual, say out aloud " I now release you for good. I am stronger without you"...
Read today's full energy forecast...JOIN THE TIP-OFF GLOBAL ENERGY FORECAST and receive your BONUS SUPER MOON Guided Meditation. Be the first to know the energy of the next 7-days. It's your trusted, essential life and cosmic guide:


これから24時間、この68年間で最も地球に接近します。68歳以下の人にこんな機会はありませんでした。今、捨て去るのに格好の宇宙的なチャンスです。なぜ? 理由は3つあります。自分を弱くする習慣や罪悪感や恥などの感情を捨てるチャンスになります。
1. 今回のスーパームーンは、感情を激しく揺さぶります。中々手ごわい癖や習慣を思ってください。十分意識して感じてください。満月の力によってさよならが出来ると確信できます。
2. 今、どういう感じがするか正直に書き留めてください。イライラしたら、なぜですか? 満月の引力によって魂の声が聞こえてきます。
3. 水と風でスーパームーンのセレモニーをしてください。風は新しいものをもたらし、水は古いものを洗い流します。変えたい古い習慣は何ですか? このちょっとした儀式の間、「私は手放します。それがなくても私は強いのです」と声に出してください。

Kryon - The Eight Shifts of Enlightenment -1 by Lee carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - The Eight Shifts of Enlightenment -1 by Lee carroll

The fourth shift is the elimination of birth karma and the understanding of your own participation in your spiritual path.
If spiritual awareness is never upon you, the energy of karma remains. It is part of the system of the Akash. You must be aware that you have lived many lives and have had other lives. These lives build upon each other energetically and the past life experience shapes the potentials for your current life experience. The name of this ancient system is karma.
All humanity has this attribute unless they individually choose to void it, and this ability has only been available for 20 years. Now it's available to everyone who sits in the chair before me or is reading this. I will tell you something, dear ones: Of those who sit in these chairs right now, some of these things are still in you. They're responsible for some of the challenges you have since you never gave permission for them to go away.
You've got a grand support group and this fourth shift is when the support group really starts to show itself.

悟りへの8つのシフト (1/2) by クライオン

この場所は一行で埋め尽くされています! 私がここに来た時に、人間に対する愛を感じます。多分言っていることは信じないと思いますが、それは本当のことで、信じようが信じまいが、ここに皆さんを計り知れないほど愛するスピリチュアルな存在がいます。

Deepak Chopra

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

The highest aim of any spiritual path is letting go, trusting that at the level of spirit, everything is always unfolding perfectly.
Embrace uncertainty and cherish it as tenderly as a newborn baby.
~ Deepak Chopra

A Short Interview with Adamus Saint-Germain:

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  

A Short Interview with Adamus Saint-Germain:
Geoff: Now that the U.S. elections are over, some people and even some channelers are saying that President-elect Donald Trump is one of your incarnations.
ASG: Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a politician; but I repeat myself. (pause) I have never been a politician nor a lawyer.
~ Geoffrey Hoppe 


アダムス・セントジャーメイン: あなたは間抜けだった、政治家だった時があるかもしれませんが、繰り返しますが、私が政治家や法律家だった例(ためし)は一度もありません。

Madalena Morgan

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

Feel the unwounded beauty of your light.
~ Madalena Morgan


The Spiritual Significance of Your Birth Order by by Tanaaz

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Spiritual Significance of Your Birth Order by by Tanaaz

The family that you were born into is no mistake. Your soul chose your family because it knew that it would offer the best energy to support your highest spiritual development and growth.
The same goes for your birth order. Whether you are the oldest, youngest or only child, your birth order also carries a special spiritual significance.
The First Born
On a deeper and more spiritual level, first born children are often extremely strong souls. Part of their purpose is to absorb majority of the family karma and to transform it into something new.
All families have their own karma and patterns that will continue to play out for generations, until someone steps up and heals and transforms this karmic energy.
The first born is the number one person to complete the job and has taken on the responsibility as part of their soul work.
In many ways, first borns are equipped to take on a lot of family energy in order to bring healing to it. If they master this, there is truly nothing first borns can’t handle.
First borns also act as powerful caretakers and nurturers on an energetic level. Whether consciously or not, they protect their other siblings and carry a lot of the family weight on their shoulders.
While they are strong enough to hold this weight, if things get too heavy to bear, it can lead to feelings of not being good enough or low self-esteem.
When they successfully hold this weight and are able to transform it into something positive, they rapidly advance and are often very successful in life.

生まれる順序 – その意味 by Tanaaz



Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
~ Ann Albers

エンジェルズ by アン・アルバース 2016-11-12

私たちは、皆さんの多くが、この人生、失望したような感情を抱いていることを知っています。多くの人が他の人に失望しています。もっと多くの人が人生に失望しています。元気を出してください! 呼吸する度に、誰もが変わることが出来ます! 誰もが期待や予想などのしがらみから自分も他の人も自由にすることが出来、ありのままの自分になって、そのままの人生を生き、踊ることが出来ます。
今、皆さんの声を聞いています。「もっと優しくされたい! 自分はもっとよくできると思う。他の人がもっと正直になればいいんだ! 子供たちは親の言うことを聴かないといけない」、などなどたくさん出てきます。皆さんもそういう期待をすることがあると思いますが、その通りに行かない時はどうなりますか? 他の人が期待通りにしない時はどうなりますか? 期待するのも結構ですが、人生や他の人は期待通りにはならないことはもう知っていますね。あなた自身でさえ、必ずしも自分に対する期待や予想通りに行きません。その時どうしますか?
祝福を! 皆さんをとても愛しています。
-- The Angels

Linda L.Millek

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
If life knocks you down, roll over and look at the stars.
~ Linda L.Millek


New Earth Angels - Beacons of Light by The group & Steve Rother

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
New Earth Angels - Beacons of Light by The group & Steve Rother

From Steve: In this message the group talked about a special kind of person that they called Earth Angel. They say that these people come in with a very bright light and sometimes have difficulty even being here. Often they burn out early, but leave a lasting impression on all of humanity. Marilyn Monroe, Pablo Picasso, Albert Einstein, Nicolai Tesla and on the list goes. In this message the group asks each of us a simple question: If we were to start carrying that much light tomorrow, what effect would it have on our lives? So the question becomes. . . is there room for your light?

新しいアース・エンジェル by ザ・グループ


Starseeds and Earth Angels by Melanie Beckler

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Starseeds and Earth Angels by Melanie Beckler

Have you often experienced a feeling of not fitting in? Or perhaps you’ve always had a vague suspicion, that although you’re living on Earth, you’re not really from here. Do you long to “go home” without really knowing why, where, or even what that means?
Your soul very well may have journeyed to the Earth plane from elsewhere in the cosmos....
There are many people alive on the planet now, who while definitely “human” by birth, actually originated as souls in alternate dimensions, universes, and planes of existence.
This article focuses on these journeying souls who have come to earth from the higher dimensions, and who are commonly referred to as Earth Angels, and Starseeds.
Have you often experienced a feeling of not fitting in? Or perhaps you’ve always had a vague suspicion, that although you’re living on Earth, you’re not really from here… Do you long to “go home” without really knowing why, where, or even what that means?
Your soul very well may have journeyed to the Earth plane from elsewhere in the cosmos.
There are many people alive on the planet now, who while definitely “human” by birth, actually originated as souls in alternate dimensions, universes, and planes of existence.
This article focuses on these journeying souls who have come to earth from the higher dimensions, and who are commonly referred to as Earth Angels, and Starseeds.


スターシードとアースエンジェル by メラニー・ベックラー

スターシードとアースエンジェルとは何か? 同じか?
しっくりしない、合わないという感覚を感じたことはありますか? あるいは、地球に生きてはいても、元々ここにいたのではないと、漠然としながらもいつもそう感じていたことはありますか? なぜなのか、どこなのか、どういう意味か分からないけれども、“ハートはどこか、故郷に引っ張られ帰りたい”という憧れがありますか?

Wake-up calls – The Council by Ronald Head

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Wake-up calls – The Council
by Ronald Head 2016-11-11

ウェークアップ・コール by ザ・カウンシル


Archangel Gabriel ~ The Meaning of Divine Timing, by Shanta Gabriel

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Gabriel ~ The Meaning of Divine Timing, by Shanta Gabriel

At work in the world is the principle of Divine Timing. It is one of the immutable laws in the universe, such as Divine Order and Divine Justice. It is not something that you can push to make it go faster. There are times when you must wait upon the will of God in order to have your dream manifest in the most appropriate way for your highest good. This requires patience. It is sometimes difficult to have patience when you can see your vision so clearly. Often there is the desire to make it happen now. This is not God’s will but the ego’s will at work. You might be able to force the manifestation of certain parts of your vision, but it will not feel right once this occurs. It will feel as though you are pushing the river. When all is flowing according to God's will, miracles occur. You can ride the wave of this energy and it feels effortless.
Imagine that you are at one of those points in your life when you want very badly to have a certain vision manifest. Let's say you really want it now but you are struggling against a wall of obstacles. If you are mentally or emotionally tense, anxious and impatient, anything which you do physically at this time will be pushing at the energy which is already at work. It is at these times that you must step aside, even though it may be most difficult. Release your striving, and turn the whole situation over to God and the Angels.
Without patience you can never understand the meaning of Divine Timing.

聖なるタイミング by 大天使ガブリエル


Now it is your turn. – The Council by Ron Head

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Now it is your turn. – The Council
by Ron Head 2014-11-7

ザ・カウンシル ~ 今度はあなたの番 by Ron Head


Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
August 30, 2014 by ranandaatchakra8

第1波の帰還 by サナンダ

Kryon - Again Affirmation ~ "The Field" by Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - Again Affirmation ~ "The Field" by Lee Carroll

Let's talk for a moment about how you can talk to your innate. The biggest one, the most influential and newest one at the moment, is well-constructed affirmations. An affirmation spoken out loud is a positive, powerful reinforcement of who you are. You are not asking for anything with a good affirmation. You are not wishing anything either. Instead, you are stating something that is yours, and innate is the first to hear it and act on it. Innate is listening all the time! You have muscle-tested with it for years. You've homeopathied with it for years! It's there with an antenna ready to listen, and there is no greater influence than your voice and your consciousness stating what you are out loud.
.....Do you see what I'm saying? You start stating who you are, because it's who you're going to be. In your linear time, it hasn't happened, but to us, it has!

アファーメーション再び ~フィールドⅠ by クライオン

今、最も大きく最も効果があり最も新しいものは、よく練られたアファーメーションです。声に出されたアファーメーションはポジティブで、あなたを強力に高め強化します。アファーメーションで何かをお願いするのではありません。希望を話すのではありません。そうではなく、自分のことを語るのです。先天性は最初にそれを聞き、それに従って反応します。先天性は四六時中聴いています! 長年皆さんはそれを筋反射で試してきました。何年もホメオパシーを行って先天性を確認してきました! アンテナをつけた先天性があなたの話すことを聴こうとしています。自分の声や思いを声に出して語る以上に効果のあるものは他にありません。
・・・・言っていることが分かりますか? これからなろうとする自分のことを話し始めるのです。直線の時間上では、まだそうなっていません。しかし、私たちには、もう起きているのです! 

"In Every Moment - Reminders for Remembering" by Lisa Brown

Via Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto) 

"In Every Moment - Reminders for Remembering"
I shift my focus from the outside to INSIDE.
For this is where all realities exist.
This is where all is resolved.
Back into Love and Peace again.
This is where all is created.
And the Purity of my Light emanates out.
This is where I connect to Source
and the Power of my True Self Soul.
~Lisa Brown

Selacia, The Council of 12

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
 We are like stardust, having come here long ago from the stars for an amazing adventure together on this planet. We didn't come with passports or even the memory of our long journey before, yet on a soul level we have a common bond. When you see division in the world, come back to what unites us. - Selacia



The Andromedans – All is in perfect Divine Order (just after the election) by Vera

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Andromedans – All is in perfect Divine Order (just after the election) by Vera

Our beloved brothers and sisters on planet Earth,
Yes, many are in shock right now. Cannot understand what has happened. How did we end up here? We are telling you, that what you experience now is a very good thing and very necessary. Humanity is healing. The deeply buried wounds and fears from the past that you share collectively are coming... to the surface. Triggered by the events of the last days: The suppression of the feminine, the persecution of minorities, the fear of losing control, the fear of losing security, the mistrust, the loneliness, the feeling of separation.
And we are here to congratulate you. Unconsciously you have voted for your deep healing. For your return to authenticity. For your return to true freedom. For your awakening to a new reality. For your expansion of your consciousness. You have been kicked out of your collective comfort zone to find back to unity, oneness and compassion. This is all that counts now. CommUNITY. You are about to find out that you don’t need any leaders but that it is each and everyone of you leading this process and change. From within. You will rediscover that you are all part of the same organism and that all of you play an important role in its healing and growth back into the true human, free of fear, illnesses and pain.
Yes, you are afraid, many feel like ailing on the floor like a wounded deer, not able to run away from what you fear most any longer. You feel naked, vulnerable and incredibly angry and sad.

すべては完璧な聖なる秩序(大統領選を受けて) by アンドロメダ

ええ、今皆さんはショックを受けています。何がどうなったのか理解できません。どうしてこうなってしまったのか? 言いましょう。皆さんは今非常にいいこと、とても必要なことを経験しています。人間の和解が進行しています。人類全体の深いところにある過去の傷と怖れが表面に出てきています。ここ数日のイベントをきっかけに、女性エネルギーの抑圧、マイノリティの迫害、制御不能への恐怖感、安全でいられなくなることへの不安、分断による不信・孤独・分裂し割れた感覚。

Romeo Baron 2016.11.6

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
The Final Endgame Drama is playing out.
We are in the last stretch before duality ends forever in the Universe. We are watching it happen right now in real time. We all have front row seats to the spectacle of all spectacles.
The veil is being lifted so much that the Unified Field of Consciousness will collapse the old faulty system. There is a Divine Plan for the complete Liberation of our Solar System.
We are about to be set free! So be it.

私たちは自由になろうとしています! 自由になってください。


The Evolution of Humanity ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
The Evolution of Humanity ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
It is an honor, in fact, to be connected to the human race, a race of beings who have overcome so much adversity, enslavement, and persecution. You are more bonded and banded together than you have ever been as a collective. We are proud to be a part of your evolution. We are proud to call you members of our family.
There is an opening now available to all of you as a collective. It is an opening that you have all created and that you are more than ready to pass through. This is a time of great change, and it can and will be change for the better. There is no sacrifice required on the part of humanity to make this next step. You don’t need major natural disasters or any other catastrophic events to bring yourselves to the next step in your evolutionary journey.
You are all awakening at an exponential rate. The awareness that humanity holds is quite high. There is no escaping the truth of who you are. You are here to discover that truth, but also, to define yourselves as you see fit. You are making choices every day about who you are and who you want to be.
Many of you wonder what choice to make regarding the presidential election in the United States. You wonder what the right choice is to further the human agenda. So cast your votes for humanity, rather than for an individual who has no more power than you do over your lives and over which world you inhabit.
Whatever you do, it will be the correct move for you. Just remember to always empower yourselves first, and give your power away to no one, regardless of the outcome of the election. You are all winning at this game of ascension, and we are just some of your biggest fans.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we enjoy connecting with all of you.”

アークトゥルス・カウンシル 人間の進化 by Daniel Scranton



“Your Special Path”~ Archangel Zadkiel - November 2016 by Linda M. Robinson

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
“Your Special Path”~ Archangel Zadkiel - November 2016 by Linda M. Robinson

Each lifetime can be considered to be a series of stepping stones. Each step leads to the next. When you focus on each step as it occurs, you are able to gain the experience and receive the signals that will lead you to the next step. Each step is part of your unique path and your contribution to the greater good.
Therefore, it is important for you to remain true to your special path.
You are presented with many possibilities as you go along your path. These may appear as a fork in the road where choices can be made. They may also appear as many opportunities being presented at one time. Each option represents a direction on your path. These are not to be viewed as good or bad, but rather as a selection of which choice is the right fit for your path at that time. The choice you make will help determine the next step on your path and can also influence future directions.
Therefore, it is helpful to be in tune with who you are and what you feel you would like your contribution to the greater good to be. Because each individual is different, this is a very individual decision.
This can be exciting for you because it allows you to tap into your potential and do what your heart desires.

特別なあなたの道 by 大天使ザドキエル 2016-11


A Time of Completion - November 2016 by Emmanuel Dagher

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
A Time of Completion - November 2016 by Emmanuel Dagher

The End of the 9-Year Cycle
Dear friend,

We are in a pivotal moment in humanity’s awakening journey, one that is changing the landscape of our personal and global reality forever.
The Door to Completion
2016 (2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9) is a 9 Universal Year in numerology. The number 9 represents the frequencies of completion, reflection, and service.
You’ve probably noticed these themes (especially endings or completion) showing up big time this year, in the outer world and in your own life.
With cycles of Universal completions and endings, we are always asked to fully face and resolve any unfinished business in any areas of our lives that need tending to.
These include the areas of health, relationships, and patterns of behavior, including how we treat ourselves.
The last few months of a 9 Universal Year are often the most intense, because we are being nudged to quickly finish everything that needs to be completed from the past 9 years, before the new 9-year cycle begins.

完了の時 – 2016年11月 by エマニュエル・ダガー

2016 (2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9)は数字上第9宇宙年に当たります。9という数字は、完了、反省、奉仕の周波数です。


Master Number and 11:11 by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Master Number and 11:11 by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

11:11 is a number activation sequence. Each time that you see that sacred configuration on a clock it represents that you are being given an opportunity to walk into a Gateway of Instant Manifestation. The universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts, which are then manifesting in record speed.
  The 11:11 Doorway begins its activation on November 11, 2016 and closes on January 11, 2017. It is a gateway into your highest potential as a human seeking divinity. The number One is a singularity within itself, a prime number. The 'One' seeks itself through reflections of the world around it. This doorway offers an opportunity to surpass any limitations you have unknowingly set for yourself. One to one to one enter the holiness hidden deep within your soul in the land of 'all that is'.

Eleven is also the number of masters. It is an encoded molecular structure of Remembrance. The Light of Ascension comes in many forms and on many levels. This is a Biological Ascension asking your body to hold a higher light a higher truth. We Ascend and descend continually, word by word, thought by thought. Ascension is birthed every breath, every thought, every word.
When the forces of Eleven become fully activated they have the power to change history and even fate if enough love is globally broadcast. Eleven teaches us every problem comes as a divine opportunity to learn. It shows us how to see beyond what is everyday and boring. It tests our faith and our belief system. It forces us to listen to that small still quiet voice within the silent witness. It reminds us we are all vast beings who have come to earth to help, with the healing and awakening process. It asks you to locate the light within and share it with all. Eleven can be our Best Friend and Teacher.

マスターナンバーと「11:11」 by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan 


Shifting Your Vibration ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Shifting Your Vibration ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

プレアデス・ハイカウンシル・セブン- 波動を変える by Daniel Scranton 


Kryon - 6 Forces of Univerce - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon – 6 Forces of Univerce

  Some years ago, we then gave you the rest of the story; we said there are twins in the middle of each galaxy. There are two quantum attributes. One that you call a black hole, and one you cannot see that is its twin. They are a push/pull system of interdimensional energy. They represent the missing piece of the named forces of the Universe and the energy that surges back and forth.
Now, stay with me [mainly said for Lee]. I’m going to give you some pictures in your mind for this. Let me tell you what happens when you have this kind of interdimensional energy in the center of anything. Newton’s law no longer applies, since the center is not ordinary mass. This interdimensional energy has a cohesion to it. It creates a flat, rotating galaxy because of this cohesion. There’s a whole set of laws that must be developed for a strong and a weak interdimensional force. These are the last two, and now you have the six. You have gravity, you have electromagnetics, you have strong and weak nuclear, and now you have number five and number six, which are strong and weak interdimensional force.

物理と科学 by クライオン

中心にこのような多次元エネルギーがあるとどうなるか? ニュートンの法則は当てはまりません。中心には通常の質量がないのです。そこで多次元エネルギーが凝集しています。この凝集力によって、銀河の回転は均一回転を創り出しています。そこに法則すべてがあり、強弱の多次元の力が強く大きくなります。それが、後の2つの力です。これで6つになります。重力、電磁気力、強弱の核力、そして、5番目6番目の強弱の多次元の力です。これで揃いました。

"The Connected Universe” by Nassim Haramein

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
"Yes, there comes a time when we can see lives in the air, in the sky that now are invisible". ~ Kryon
"The Connected Universe” by Nassim Haramein 



Kryon - "All About 2011" - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - "All About 2011" - Lee Carroll

2011について by クライオン