
Judith Kusel

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
Judith Kusel
The energies streaming in now are very potent.
You might feel disorientated, or just a bit off kilter.
Just remember to properly ground yourself deeply into Mother Earth and allow her to assist you absorb the energy.
Grow golden roots from beneath the soles of your feet, and then let them grow through all the layers of earth, until you find the Sun Crystal Pyramid in the middle of the earth and then anchor your roots firmly into that, you might even want to wrap your roots around it.
Then pull up the white golden energy from the pyramid, up through your feet and anchor it firmly into your torso, solar plexus and heart center.
Work on the opening up of your higher transmitters, especially the pineal and pituitary glands.
You are asked to bring more light into them, and into your upper chakras, e.g. heart, throat, third eye, crown, causal, soul star, stellar gateway chakras.
Ask your highest guidance to clear them - and remove any dark clouds, or even gray mist obscuring the lenses of your inner seeing, inner hearing, and inner knowing.
You have another and very hidden energy center in the back of your throat center - where you swallow, what is sometimes called the small tongue, that area. That is now getting more and more activated, as the upper pyramids are being cleared, so that we can now receive higher and more potent cosmic upgrades, and we can receive higher transmissions of Light and Sound frequencies.
The sound frequencies work with this throat energy center, and you might feel a slight sensation there, or like a tuning fork vibrates. In truth this center looks like an Ankh, with loop going upwards and the tail-end going down your spinal column and upper loop of the Ankh loops around the pineal and pituitary glands.
Keep away from alcohol, and even type of drugs which suppress the central nervous systems. You will just block out the upgrades and the alcohol and other substances are geared to close down the third eye, the pineal and pituitary glands and therefore your whole cosmic sensors, which are truly antenna like, and where you can tune into the higher vibratory impulses being beamed down now, in magnitude, by the 7th Central Sun.
(Judith Kusel)



黄金の根っこが足の裏から伸びて行きます。それから地球のいろいろな層を通過して地球の真ん中にあるサン・クリスタルピラミッド(Sun Crystal Pyramid)まで行き、根っこをその中にしっかりとアンカーしてください。するとその時に、根っこが包まれるように感じるかもしれません。

(Judith Kusel)



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