
A Message to Lightworkers – January 27, 2017 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
A Message to Lightworkers – January 27, 2017 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

The latest guidance from the Galactics, Earth Elementals, Ascended Masters, Faery Elders, and Angelic Beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! We are pleased to have this chance to speak with you today.
Our writer has a few questions for us today, and so, we welcome you to our discussion:

COR: What can we do about the fact that so many people are feeling angry and disempowered now? There is also a ton of divisiveness happening in the US. Social media is full of vitriol against one president or another.
What is happening energetically, and how can we help to raise these energies to a higher level?

The Collective:
What is happening energetically, dear one, is nothing less than an earthquake within human consciousness.
Much of this has to do with the shifts being felt astrologically at present. But as well, there are new Light codes, and new informational Light data, coming to Earth from various places in the Universe, via the Great Central Sun.
And Earth Herself has entered a new era, a new reality.
And so you see the old regime striking out as vehemently as they can, using both mind-control technologies and the old fear-inducing measures of speaking of war, plunder, mindless destruction, loss of healthcare for millions—for the sake of chaos itself.
You see the false bravado and the claims of power that are baseless or empty, and they are recognized as such by many around the world.
And within the United States itself, there is great worry, from those who are feeling the effects of both word energies and the technology that broadcasts dense energies, as well as images of power misused.
Not so many there are seeing through the process in a complete way, seeing through the deceptions, let alone attempting to rescue higher meaning from the swirl of emotional reaction.
Now, if you were to step back a bit, and look at things from the perspective that this is old toxicity, coming up to the surface, and realize that it must come up—things must appear to be getting worse, before they can improve—this puts a different face on things.
We do not wish to diminutize the experience of the many millions who fear mass deportations, environmental ruin, further risk of climate change, human rights abuses, misuse of national budget, the normalization of bullying, and many other concerns.
These are significant issues, and it is understandable that those who feel the urgency of the moment would be up in arms just now.

分断・積極的共同創造 by ザ・コレクティブ

キャロライン・オーシャナ・ライアン: 今非常に多くの人たちが怒りを露わにし、またがっかりしていますが、それに対してどうしたらいいでしょうか? また、数多くの分断がアメリカで起きています。ソーシャルメディアでは、大統領やその周辺の人間をこき下ろす意見でいっぱいです。

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