Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
2017: The Year of Propulsion ~ A Look at What's to Come!"
Angelic Guides thru Taryn Crimi
We have been asked to discuss our perspective of the upcoming energies of this New Year, the year of 2017. As with all years, each has its own vibrational signature if you will. We would be delighted to share our perspective upon this New Year, but first we want to briefly describe your calendar year of 2016.
Last year, at around this time we said that the coming year would be filled with rapid transformations and as many of you take this time to reflect upon all that has changed this year, many will stand in amazement at just what you have transformed in your reality. Change often feels at bit unnerving to many humans as you rarely can see what the transformation will look like when it is finished and this makes many feel uncomfortable. Events, circumstances, desires and even fears manifested rapidly this past year. You had the opportunity to purge much of what was no longer needed in your life so that you could move forward with much less baggage if you will. We said that so much would be jam packed into your year of 2016 that you would wonder how you were able to experience all that in just one calendar year and so it has been.
The changing of a calendar year is not only a time for looking ahead to the future but to reflect upon what you have experienced throughout your year to help you better discern what you would like to change going forward.
You have spent the last year amidst many rapid transformations; you have been busily sorting through your desires to become far more clear about who you want to become, what your true passions are, and weeding out the people, locations, relationships, and events that no longer resonate with this new being you are transforming into.
You’re year of 2017 of course has its own vibrational signature; this will be the year of propulsion as we would like to call it. We offer you the analogy of your bow and arrow. This past year, you have pulled the string of the bow back with great force as you rapidly uncovered much that was previously unseen, and you are now taking aim, and will let the string go.
推進力の2017年 by エンジェリック・ガイド
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