
The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light by ASARA

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light by ASARA

The more you fill your awake time with re-enforcing what you wish to experience, the less room is available for unpleasant experiences to enter your reality.
This process is now more important than ever, as your mass-consciousness is being affected by every thought you think, emotion you feel, words you speak and actions you take.
In fact, this goes even further: It is affecting the entire Universe and beyond.
Then, all the thoughts, emotions and energies are being returned to your planet, which is then perpetuating it.
Currently, many of you are already generating more and more positive and higher vibrational energies and you are approaching critical mass.
We, from the Galactic Councils of Light are assisting you with this process, upon your request.
You are on the threshold to a New Earth experience.
Hold on to your inner knowing of a better world and existence.

プレアデス・シリウス・アークトゥルス カウンシル 2017128



A Message to Lightworkers – January 27, 2017 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
A Message to Lightworkers – January 27, 2017 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

The latest guidance from the Galactics, Earth Elementals, Ascended Masters, Faery Elders, and Angelic Beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! We are pleased to have this chance to speak with you today.
Our writer has a few questions for us today, and so, we welcome you to our discussion:

COR: What can we do about the fact that so many people are feeling angry and disempowered now? There is also a ton of divisiveness happening in the US. Social media is full of vitriol against one president or another.
What is happening energetically, and how can we help to raise these energies to a higher level?

The Collective:
What is happening energetically, dear one, is nothing less than an earthquake within human consciousness.
Much of this has to do with the shifts being felt astrologically at present. But as well, there are new Light codes, and new informational Light data, coming to Earth from various places in the Universe, via the Great Central Sun.
And Earth Herself has entered a new era, a new reality.
And so you see the old regime striking out as vehemently as they can, using both mind-control technologies and the old fear-inducing measures of speaking of war, plunder, mindless destruction, loss of healthcare for millions—for the sake of chaos itself.
You see the false bravado and the claims of power that are baseless or empty, and they are recognized as such by many around the world.
And within the United States itself, there is great worry, from those who are feeling the effects of both word energies and the technology that broadcasts dense energies, as well as images of power misused.
Not so many there are seeing through the process in a complete way, seeing through the deceptions, let alone attempting to rescue higher meaning from the swirl of emotional reaction.
Now, if you were to step back a bit, and look at things from the perspective that this is old toxicity, coming up to the surface, and realize that it must come up—things must appear to be getting worse, before they can improve—this puts a different face on things.
We do not wish to diminutize the experience of the many millions who fear mass deportations, environmental ruin, further risk of climate change, human rights abuses, misuse of national budget, the normalization of bullying, and many other concerns.
These are significant issues, and it is understandable that those who feel the urgency of the moment would be up in arms just now.

分断・積極的共同創造 by ザ・コレクティブ

キャロライン・オーシャナ・ライアン: 今非常に多くの人たちが怒りを露わにし、またがっかりしていますが、それに対してどうしたらいいでしょうか? また、数多くの分断がアメリカで起きています。ソーシャルメディアでは、大統領やその周辺の人間をこき下ろす意見でいっぱいです。


Great Divine Director: Greetings! by Eliza Ayres

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Great Divine Director: Greetings!
Channeler: Eliza Ayres 2015-2-7

こんにちは by グレート ディバイン ディレクター

The Great Divine Director: “The Shift Continues” by Eliza Ayres

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Great Divine Director: “The Shift Continues”
Channeler: Eliza Ayres 2013-8-24

シフトは続く by グレート ディバイン ディレクター


Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)



I am “Archangel Michael” by James McConnell

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
I am “Archangel Michael”.
Yes, I led the remainder of this meditation. It is important for each one of you to know and understand who you are. And where you are going with all of this. You have heard many, many times what this all about, how this is going to happen. You have also heard us say that we do not know how this is going to happen exactly.
We have certain understandings that you do not have at this point. If you were to remember who you are, you would remember that many of you have been to this point before in many, different ways. You have moved into different systems before and been called the “system busters”. You have busted systems wide open previously.
You have been at my side many times before. Many of you are and have fought alongside with me. Yes, I have my blue sword of truth. You, each one have your own sword of truth. That sword of truth now is beginning to ring out. You have closed your ears to all of those things that have been spoken of for some time now, programming that has been going on. You have been turning away from that, as a collective.
More and more you are finding that your sword of truth is now reaching out and bringing the answers. Bringing the truth forward to all of those who don’t have an idea about a truth coming forward. They find themselves in their comfort zones. Sitting back and letting the world revolve around them instead of stepping forward and helping the world evolve.

~ Archangel Michael  channeled by James McConnell

新たな旅 by 大天使ミカエル




Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

Many awakened souls are troubled. "Dear Spirit, I've discovered you! I know you're there and I can feel the love! I'm awake, I'm awake, I'm awake! God is great, and I'm living my truth. Thank you for giving me such peace about myself and my life. But why are these things happening in my body? Why can't I shake this habit? Why can't I get the job you said I could? I believe in you." Then comes the Human bias: Once again you go into a dark room when nobody is looking and say, "What did I do wrong?"
Let me give you a hint and a secret: Many of you are blocking the creation of what you're asking for with your impatience, fear and even your anger at God. You're blocking the creation of it. [Gasp!] The timing may have come and gone! Oh, don't worry, there'll be another cycle. So, are you going to tap your toe through that cycle as well? It's time for the affirmations. With maturity and grace, see it as accomplished in your mind, in your future, and celebrate being abundant and healthy. See yourself having the situations that you have asked for because, dear ones, we want you to stay here.
Speak your truth out loud and affirm things that you believe are within your potential. They become reality, and the more you affirm them to yourself, the more real they will become.

スピリットとのコミュニケーション by クライオン

目覚めた多くの人が問題を抱えています。「神様、私は神を知りました! 確かに神はいます。神の愛が感じられます。私は目覚めた。目覚めた! 神は素晴らしい。私はこの真実を手にして生きていきます。自分も人生もこんなに穏やかになって感謝します。でも、私の体はどうなっているのですか? どうしてこの習慣が止められないのですか? なぜ神は仕事に就けると言ったのにその仕事に就けないのですか? でも信じています」。そして、また、誰も見ていない暗い部屋に入って、「どこが悪いんだ?」と言います。
皆さん、そのようなことに辛抱強くなれますか? 目覚め始めると、その間中、周期的に起こるべくしてすべてが起こります。それは、正しい時に正しい所で起こる、素晴らしい計画です。それは、遅く過ぎても早過ぎても、起こりません。つまり、このサイクルはあなた次第の所があるのですが知っていますか? このサイクルの波とタイミングを自分の置かれた状況で理解すればするほど、リラックスして、「神様ありがとう。分かります、その時は来ます」と言えます。

~Archangel Gabriel by Trinity Esoterics

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Trinity Esoterics
Dear Ones, if you are ever unsure of how to proceed simply ask to be shown the next step. An empowered co-creator knows that there are times when they clearly know which action to take, and other times when it is not so clear. It is during those times you lack clarity we recommend passing the reins to your team mates in the higher realms. That is an act of surrender, a demonstration of your willingness to be led, and a clear request for assistance, which will always result in lighting the way for the next part of your journey.
 ~Archangel Gabriel

~Archangel Gabriel



Venusian Council Energy Update by Jenny Schiltz, 2017/1/19

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Venusian Council Energy Update by Jenny Schiltz, 2017/1/19

We are the Venusian Council. We come to you to give information on what is taking place within your planet. The energies have changed, there is an ebb and flow to them that does not match anything that you have previously received. Understand that you have been here before, many of you. Those who have lived during the Atlantean times cellularly remember this space. You know deep within that you have been here before, for some of you this brings about fear and discord. For others, it brings excitement. We want you to understand that you are not your cellular memory and while it has been beneficial throughout your many lives to keep this recording, it is no longer so. For those who feel fear, who fear that there is doom and that there is imminent demise currently taking place, it is simply because you have been here before.
There have been many attempts, some successful, for the human to ascend, to walk the narrow path that lead to other dimensions, other frequencies. There are those who have felt these energies before and were not able to complete the task. For them, these energies are painful reminders. However, you must know that this time, there will be no mistakes. While there will be changes that are the result of the elevated frequency on your planet, know that humanity will not be done for. There will not be a reset.


最新情勢 by ヴィーナス・カウンシル

A Message to Lightworkers – January 20, 2017 by Caroline Oceana

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Message to Lightworkers - January 20, 2017

The latest guidance from the Higher Beings known as the Collective:

Our writer has asked that we address the disappointment and chagrin that so many of you are experiencing at present, on the day of the beginning of a new group sitting in places of power in Washington, DC.
First, understand that what appears before your physical eyes offers very little indication of what is actually occurring in your world.
There has been for many centuries a façade constructed by those who placed themselves, via usurpation, in places of power, creating a power structure that they then commandeered—and that façade is at present one of “business as usual,” with those who enjoy stamping out human rights and freedoms having apparently taken up what they consider to be their rightful place of governance once again.
Now, we are aware that there are many who believed President Obama to be part of that power structure, and it is true that he was, on his mother's side, born into a family that is part of that old order. But that particular gentleman was also a very great exception to the rule, in ways that are not yet apparent to the mainstream of human thought and information.
He had a very great role to play in the restoration of human sovereignty, a role he will continue to play in other arenas, both Earth-bound and Galactic.The person who was today placed in what is considered a position of power is currently in the process of realizing that far from being the one in charge, he is now an employee, for perhaps the first time in this Earth life, and answering to those he has long considered “below” him.

ライトワーカーへのメッセージ 2017/1/20 by ザ・コレクティブ

こんにちは、皆さん! 今日皆さんにお話しできて嬉しく思います。

Adama of Telos: This Is The Year To Truly Fulfil Your Divine Purpose!

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Adama of Telos: This Is The Year To Truly Fulfil Your Divine Purpose!

Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
This year is a very powerful year for Lightworkers to collaborate and to help each other to have a greater, positive impact in the world.
If you thought before that you have to walk this path alone, this is not so.
Now, more than ever, your heartfelt intent to assist humanity and the planet to shift into the higher dimensions is being heard and felt in all realms of Light.
The coming together of Lightworkers, uplifting each other, inspiring and encouraging each other is of very high importance at this time.
On a soul level, you are already communicating and connecting with each other, as you are creating a grid of light around the planet.
This leads then to what you call a "Soul Recognition," when you meet such a Lightworker, who is part of this grid.

神聖な目的を果たす年 by アダマ



“Your Personal Year Number for 2017” by TANAAZ (Forever Conscious):

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
“Your Personal Year Number for 2017” by TANAAZ (Forever Conscious):

2017 holds the vibration of new beginnings and fresh starts. In numerology, 2017 is a number 1 year and the start of a new 9 year cycle.
As we enter the start of this new cycle, we are all going to be given opportunities to plant seeds and manifest what energies we want to play and work with. This is a magical time and also a powerful time that will allow us to set the stage of what we want to manifest.
2017 is the perfect time to make goals, set new boundaries and to do things differently. It is also the time to embrace the new and to finally do away with the old, outdated beliefs and attitudes that we have been processing.
Doing things differently will be a theme for this year and perhaps you will be guided to approach your life from a whole new perspective. 2017 will also encourage us to start new things and perhaps pick up new hobbies or find new skills that we didn’t know we had.
If you have wanted to try something, experiment with something or test out something, 2017 would also be the perfect energy to do this under. This is the perfect time to dream big and to really start laying down a foundation and groundwork for what you want.
Even though 2017 holds this bigger picture number 1 energy, on a personal level we are all going through our own soul journeys and energy.

2017年 各個人年の特徴 by TANAAZ



Hathors " Earth’s Magnetic Field" via Tom Kenyon

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Hathors " Earth’s Magnetic Field" via Tom Kenyon 2008-3-24

Let us give you an overview of the current planetary situation as we view it.
The magnetic field of earth is involved in a perturbation or morphing. This is taking place interdimensionally, and the net effect is incremental surges in amplitude or strength of the magnetic field. This morphing of earth’s magnetic field is like a wave that rises and falls very quickly, and the oscillations are minute, but distinct. This is having a very strange effect upon human consciousness, specifically your biological experience. Many people are experiencing an increase of exhaustion and weariness. (As we have mentioned in previous communications, these symptoms are also caused by movements of energies from deep space as they pass through your galaxy and your solar system.)
But this (perturbation) is of a different category. This is caused by the magnetic field itself, which is responding to the deep energies from space. It is a response of the molten core of your earth itself; and the magnetic field is having a conversation with the cosmos, if you wish to think of it in this metaphorical way. Now, your science does not view things in this manner, but from our perspective the magnetic field is having a conversation with these cosmic visitors, the energies from deep space, which are, by nature, catalysts for spiritual evolution.
Another set of symptoms directly related to the perturbations of your magnetic field are distinct changes in how you hold short term memory—because memory is a function of the magnetics of your own nervous system and that of earth. Your brain processes information through the minute gravitational and non-gravitational fields of it’s own structure and it is affected directly by fluctuations in the earth’s magnetic field. And so you can expect an increase in short term memory anomalies. You may find yourself speaking a sentence and suddenly the words do not come to you or you mix up the words from their normal syntax. While in some cases this is the sign of a brain disorder, you will find this happening within the general populace at an increasing rate. Escalations in collective short-term memory glitches will lead humanity to a most novel situation. This situation is an opportunity or a curse, depending on how you work with it.

地球の磁場 by ハトホル


Message to Lightworkers 2017-1-10 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Message to Lightworkers - January 10, 2017
Caroline Oceana Ryan 
The latest guidance from the Higher Beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, Light Bearers!
The latest guidance from the Galactics, Earth Elementals, Ascended Masters, Faery Elders, and Angelic Beings known as the Collective:
Greetings, dear ones! We are pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.
We are aware that many of you are feeling tired and rather taxed at the moment.
And indeed, there is more than enough happening on a cellular level, and in all you are involved in during your sleep state, to explain and justify that tiredness.
The powerful influx of Light that has been flowing to the Earth over these last few weeks is a transformative wave of higher Light and energy.
It carries Light codes that are forms of data to rewrite not only your physical cells, but their etheric aspect.
And so the transforming of your bodies and consciousness to the crystalline Lightbody level—your entry to fifth dimensional life—continues at a great pace.
Please know that you never go through these forms of growth and renewal without the ongoing support of all of us in the higher realms, and that many in your world who appear to be “ordinary humans” are anything but that.
They are in fact higher beings—Light Beings, Galactics, Angels, Faery folk, Ascended Masters, and other incarnated beings of great power and insight who volunteered to come forth at this time and live yet again in the confines and narrow confusion of the human body, to be here to assist you in this crucial time.
You are also at all times held up and encouraged by your support team of Angels, spirit guides, and higher self, as well as those beings—animal spirits and whole legions of Angels, for example—who come forward to assist during times of great stress or trauma.
It is impossible that you would be shouldering the stress and challenges of third dimensional life, let alone your Ascension into a fifth dimensional life, without the help of many, including your twin flame, your entire soul family, and any higher being you wish to call upon for instruction and guidance.
n these times of powerful and decisive activity “behind the scenes” on Earth, there is nothing hidden in the higher dimensions.
There Galactic and higher beings work with your etheric self, while your body rests in physical sleep, to shift consciousness, and to keep the Earth Herself on keel and in balance, cleansing Her of toxicity and calming Her activity as she renews Herself.
Your work to shift human consciousness is multilayered, and crucial at this time.

ライトワーカーへのメッセージ by ザ・コレクティブ



Duality, Polarity, Darkness, & Light ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
Daniel Scranton
Duality, Polarity, Darkness, & Light ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
Because you live in a system of duality, and because it is still quite polarized, you are going to encounter some things that you would rather not encounter. You are going to find yourselves in situations that you would rather not be in, and you are going to at the very least, become aware of people who you would rather not know.
This nature of reality is in no way a curse. It is not a problem that needs to be solved. It simply is. Now, what you do with those situations, those people, those encounters, is very important. You always have the option of choosing to be the light or choosing to lower your vibration in an attempt to defeat that which is dark.
As you decide that you can let the lower vibrations exist and all that is associated with them, you begin to live the way that you want to live. As long as you see that other end of the spectrum as a threat to your existence or your happiness, you will live in fear. Love is the answer. It is the way, and it lights the way.
When you see that which lacks light and love, you don’t have to seek to eliminate it. You don’t need to see it as a problem that needs to be fixed. Your willingness to accept it and to let it be is unconditional love. It is what you seek to experience more than anything else.
And as you be that unconditional love, you realize that there is beauty in every experience and in every person, and you wouldn’t change any of it. You wouldn’t eliminate something that adds to the beauty of your world.
Without the darkness, there is no light, and with the darkness, the light can know itself and dance and play. You are all comprised of love and light, and that assures you that you can withstand a little darkness in your world.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

9次元アークトゥルス・カウンシル ~ 2極的対立ー闇と光
Daniel Scranton 2017-1-10


Your Galactic Selves ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
Daniel Scranton
Your Galactic Selves ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are pleased to give you the following transmission. It has been a very challenging time for many of you on planet Earth these past several months. When you are activating parts of yourselves that need to be reintegrated into the whole, it often creates quite a mess in your lives. The mess is not an indication of how well you are doing. The mess is simply a byproduct of the changes that are occurring within you on a very deep level.
You are masters, and you are demonstrating to yourselves just how masterful you are. In you evolutionary journey, you need to have your life shaken up at times. One of the reasons for this is to get you to focus on what is really important. Having things get in the way of living the life that you desire is also a way for you all to summon forth more energy.
In the coming together of all of your various parts, you take yourselves to places beyond where you ever dreamt you could go. Putting yourselves in challenging situations is the perfect way to do just that. Your inevitable expansion is taking place, and as you can see that as the bigger picture, you can let go of the attachments that you have to your life being in perfect order, or in any order whatsoever.
The process of letting go and surrendering to your reintegration is one that you can experience with joy and excitement. When you recognize that what is happening in your lives is so much bigger than having everything in perfect order, you can accept the process and you can receive more benefit from it.
The parts of yourselves that are being reintegrated now are from lifetimes that were not lived on planet Earth. You are reintegrating your galactic past lives. This is one of the final steps for all of you in coming to terms with who you really are, and it also leads you closer and closer to full physical contact with extra-terrestrial beings. When you recognize the truth that you are from all over this galaxy and beyond, you become a part, a conscious creator, of the reintegration of your galactic self.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

9次元アークトゥルス・カウンシル –銀河の自己
Daniel Scranton



Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

Wild card, as used in spiritual language, is a term that is difficult to define. Wild cards can be events, they can be inventions, they can involve one Human or a few. They can be one of many things or many of one thing, but they follow a timeline that you can look at. We want to talk about some of the wild cards that you’ve had in the past, and some attributes of their occurrence that you might not have thought of.
The basic attribute of any kind of wild card is that it’s a surprise event. It’s often shocking, sometimes revealing, but always a surprise. We’re also going to do some of the numerology as we go, and also take a look at the energies that help define what the energy is around specific wild cards.
Then there was Steve Jobs. He was a wild card.
The Wild Card of 2016
Remember: No emotion now. You have come from another planet and you’re looking at the end of 2016 – and there is the election. Understand without bias.
So for 2016, let’s do the numerology. You add the numbers and get nine. Nine is completion in simple numerology, and when you see a nine it often means the completion of something. Often it is of a time cycle, an energy or the completion of a paradigm. But it’s very strong.
The nines are stronger than many of the other numerological aspects and you feel them. The president-elect (at this writing) is a strong wild card. He is scheduled to become the 45th president. What a coincidence! Forty-five is a nine. A nine and a nine together are more than significant. They tell a story about what is happening.

地球のワイルドカード by クライオン



Gregg Braden - Institute of HeartMath

Gregg Braden - Institute of HeartMath

Translation Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Gregg Braden

Ecstasy and the Heart - Hathor thru Tom Kenyon

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Ecstasy and the Heart - Hathor thru Tom Kenyon 4/18/05

We wish to speak with you in this section concerning the generation of ecstasy through focusing on the heart. We do not speak of the heart chakra in this instance, but rather we refer to the physical heart, the heart muscle itself.
This technique involves your focus, or attention, joined with the emotion of gratitude, or appreciation—which ever you prefer to use.
  As soon as you focus your attention on the heart, you may notice a flow of subtle energy.
From our perspective, your focus of attention operates much like the central point of an energy vortex. This is especially true within your physical body and the field surrounding your body—your energy field—what the ancients called the aura.
Your ability to create a focus of attention is not just a cerebral, or brain, activity. It is an activity on many levels of consciousness. Wherever you place you attention within your body, or within the energy field of your body, there is an immediate flow of subtle energy to that point, or area, which has an enlivening effect upon the cells of your body, and/or the luminous light fibers that comprise your energy body.
Your focus, indeed, creates a warping effect at the subatomic levels, what you might call quantum field effects. These field-effects create distinct flows of energy, geometry and harmonics within you.

In this method, you use this ability to hold focus or attention, joined with the emotion of appreciation or gratitude. These two emotions have a coherent effect upon your energy field and upon the rhythmic magnetic emanations of your physical heart. This combination of focus and coherent emotion can be used to generate high states of ecstasy.
As we have said previously, the generation of ecstatic states of consciousness is an important evolutionary catalyst. We strongly suggest that you learn to create states of ecstasy throughout your day.

歓喜とハート by ハトホル


Kryon - What do you expect to happen next? - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - What do you expect to happen next?
NEWPORT, CALIFORNIA, 2016-12-4 "Mini Channelling"

何を予想しますか?(字幕)by クライオン

聞きますが、地平線にあるものを感じませんか? 光がやって来るのを感じませんか、見えませんか? 苦しみが終わろうとしているのを感じませんか? それは、いわゆる、偶然にも、気の動転や心配事が続く、苦労とも言えます。計画したものではなく、同時多発的に起こるものです。そういう状態になって引っ掻き回されます。

ローレンツという人(エドワード;気象学者)がいますが、今夜、また彼について話します。彼は、蝶々の羽ばたきについて深いことを語りました。2,3週間蝶々が羽ばたくとハリケーンが発生すると。自分では知りませんでしたが、彼は、そこでシンクロニシティやエネルギー、意識について言っていたのです。どんなに小さな変化でも皆さんが起こすと、時間経過とともにそれが、大きな変化を生み出すのです。蝶々の皆さん、どんな注文をしますか? 一つだけですか、それとも地球の大きなエネルギー変化ですか? 皆さんはこの次にどういうことを予想していますか?

Judith Kusel

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
Judith Kusel
The energies streaming in now are very potent.
You might feel disorientated, or just a bit off kilter.
Just remember to properly ground yourself deeply into Mother Earth and allow her to assist you absorb the energy.
Grow golden roots from beneath the soles of your feet, and then let them grow through all the layers of earth, until you find the Sun Crystal Pyramid in the middle of the earth and then anchor your roots firmly into that, you might even want to wrap your roots around it.
Then pull up the white golden energy from the pyramid, up through your feet and anchor it firmly into your torso, solar plexus and heart center.
Work on the opening up of your higher transmitters, especially the pineal and pituitary glands.
You are asked to bring more light into them, and into your upper chakras, e.g. heart, throat, third eye, crown, causal, soul star, stellar gateway chakras.
Ask your highest guidance to clear them - and remove any dark clouds, or even gray mist obscuring the lenses of your inner seeing, inner hearing, and inner knowing.
You have another and very hidden energy center in the back of your throat center - where you swallow, what is sometimes called the small tongue, that area. That is now getting more and more activated, as the upper pyramids are being cleared, so that we can now receive higher and more potent cosmic upgrades, and we can receive higher transmissions of Light and Sound frequencies.
The sound frequencies work with this throat energy center, and you might feel a slight sensation there, or like a tuning fork vibrates. In truth this center looks like an Ankh, with loop going upwards and the tail-end going down your spinal column and upper loop of the Ankh loops around the pineal and pituitary glands.
Keep away from alcohol, and even type of drugs which suppress the central nervous systems. You will just block out the upgrades and the alcohol and other substances are geared to close down the third eye, the pineal and pituitary glands and therefore your whole cosmic sensors, which are truly antenna like, and where you can tune into the higher vibratory impulses being beamed down now, in magnitude, by the 7th Central Sun.
(Judith Kusel)



黄金の根っこが足の裏から伸びて行きます。それから地球のいろいろな層を通過して地球の真ん中にあるサン・クリスタルピラミッド(Sun Crystal Pyramid)まで行き、根っこをその中にしっかりとアンカーしてください。するとその時に、根っこが包まれるように感じるかもしれません。

(Judith Kusel)




OverLight ~ Beacons of Light by The group thru Steve Rother

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
OverLight ~ Beacons of Light by The group thru Steve Rother

 But also understand that if you wish to step forward and you are feeling restrictions it is because you are choosing to feel the restrictions from which you can benefit. So find the benefit in that. Find the gift in the restriction and it no longer becomes a restriction but a gift instead. As in all gifts it can then only be kept as it is given away. That is when th...e mastery process takes place. That is when you begin using things that have been negative energies in your life for positive purposes. That is when life gets magical and it is just ahead for you now.
Part of the Angelic realms’ responsibility has been about quietly directing people into the side doors. Many times you start a creation and you do not know where it is. You do not know where the highest possibilities are contained. So you ask Spirit to lead you. That is what we call the OverLight process for we gently OverLight you with our light of gentle guidance. We simply shine our light over your shoulder which helps to guide you. That is the process of OverLight. It is a gentle guidance system that you will soon learn as you become the Human Angels.
Many of you will see your jobs change. Many of you will see your locations change as this OverLight process takes place. All of a sudden a side door will open up that was not there before and if you dare to simply step off the bridge without trying to think about where this is going you will step into the side doors. It is a time to let yourself be and let Spirit guide you. For there are possibilities of creation beyond your understanding at this time and in order to find those places of creation and happiness it is important that you do not try too hard. Just feel the light over your shoulder.

光の灯台 ~ オーバーライト

天使界の役目は、人々をこの脇のドアに静かに導くことでした。皆さんは創造し始めますが、そのたびにそれがどこで行われるのか知りません。どこに一番高い可能性が収まっているのか知りません。だから皆さんはスピリットに導いてくれるようお願いするのです。それが、私たちの言う “オーバーライト” のプロセスです。私たちは、柔らかい光の導きで皆さんを光で照らします。私たちの光を皆さんの肩に照らして導くようにします。それが“オーバーライト” のプロセスです。それは、優しく導くシステムで、皆さんがヒューマン・エンジェルになるにつれそれが分かります。



Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

Beloved masters, through our many past messages, we have endeavored to help you remember your wondrous past, and to accept the truth that you have within you all that is needed to create a grand new world. We were not just talking about your past lives on Earth, but we have tried to give you some insight as to how truly magnificent you all are. Please accept the fact that you left the vaster part of your Beingness in the higher realms, and now it is time to begin the process of reclaiming those many Facets of God-expression that make up the totality of the real YOU. We have told you that this is a Universe of great diversity, and as part of your training, you have experienced many wondrous adventures in very specific and complex places. You now understand why the Earth is so important, because your planet is where all the diversity of this Universe was brought together. You have had a grand time playing the game of duality and polarity, as you created great wealth, and then painful scarcity. In other lifetimes you brought forth wondrous talents and accomplished great deeds of valor, just as you have also experienced many simple-minded lives in a narrowly focused way. You have all experienced every situation imaginable, from the lowest to the highest, within each Realm of self-expression.
Now it is time to step through the veil of illusion and reclaim your Divinity. As you move more deeply into God-consciousness, and tap into the higher dimensions of Creation, you are beginning to flex your spiritual muscles, and you are amazed at how quickly you are able to manifest what you envision. The small miracles are turning into great and complex miracles as you become more proficient, and we tell you, it is nothing compared to what is in store for you in the near future.
You are molding the future each and every moment, with every thought and action, and so it behooves you to focus on what is right in your world instead of what is wrong. Make it a practice to see the good in those around you, and be sure to offer words of encouragement and loving support in any way possible. You are the ones who will lead humanity into the shining new world of tomorrow. You have weathered the wildest storms and walked through many dark nights of the Soul, and you have emerged triumphant. Do not become discouraged or faint of heart at this late date, my brave friends. By stating “Thy will be done for the greatest good of all,” you give us permission to intercede in your behalf, and to assist you through these tumultuous times of great change.

Ronna Herman LM-1-2017  

未来のビジョン by 大天使ミカエル


Mira from the Pleiadian High Council by Valerie Donner

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Mira from the Pleiadian High Council

  Please understand that you have everything you need to complete this process. The plans are already in place for you to live in a new earth. Let bygones be bygones and rise above the heartaches and challenges while your new way of life in the fifth dimension comes to fruition.
Please be patient and strong. Stay open and free from fear. Know that change is necessary. The old third dimension is going away. You have much to look forward to in the higher dimension where you will be free from your bondage. Release the past and live in the now moment and the future you that you are quickly becoming.
~A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council
through Valerie Donner January 3, 2017

ミラ ~ プレアデス・ハイカウンシル2017-1-2



Stairway to Heaven by Mandy Matthews

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Stairway to Heaven 

A Stairway to Heaven Opens
In 11 days, it will be the 13th day of the 1st month
Bringing in Mastery of the Goddess
Mother Mary, Mary Magdelene, Shekinah, Sophia
Sisters of the Mystic Rose
These unifying energies are accumulating now, strengthening in their sacredness
Elevating the Bliss and Returning the Magic

It’s 8:11 as I write
Illumination of the Infinite
Feeling the undulating waves swimming around
Bubbles and bubbles of swirling effervescence like a vortex rising
Navigating these streams of consciousness to the pathway of Golden Light

  The pathway to the Golden White Mother Goddess

Mandy Matthews ~THE 12TH ROAD 2017-1-2

マンディー・マシューズ~THE 12TH ROAD 2017-1-2



All About Ascension ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
All About Ascension ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
by Daniel Scranton

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
You have taken yourselves to a point in your evolution where nothing else matters. Nothing in the world, or of the world, is as significant as your evolution, your expansion, your ascension. This is important for you to recognize so that you don’t get lost in the circumstances of your reality.
It is easy to get caught up in what is going on, or what is not going on in your physical life experience. It is easy for you to believe that the circumstances of your life are more significant than the evolution of your consciousness, but in fact every single circumstance in your life is giving you the opportunity to expand your consciousness. It’s the perfect set up to bring you to that next step in your evolution.
So the question remains, and that question is, are you going to see everything in your life as perfect and as serving that greater good of bringing you to precisely where you need to be? If you find yourself in the pit of despair, then that is where you need to be. If you find yourself accessing more anger than you’ve ever accessed before, then that is where you need to be. If you find yourself with less money, or less people in your life than ever before, then that is where you need to be.
You need to go to where life is taking you, and you need to go willingly, and you also need to stay aware of the bigger picture. The bigger picture will always be your evolution, and that is as it should be. And if you are living a life of joy and freedom, and are surrounded by love, then that too is a part of your journey. It is a part of your ascension process.
Some of you need to hold the higher frequencies for the collective. And so if you are living a life that is objectively better than what most people are living, then recognize it is your role in the ascension process of the collective to hold a higher frequency, to appreciate, to offer and receive love. But none of that is as significant as your shift either.
You are at a point where tremendous leaps forward are possible and likely, and all you have to do is remain focused. Remain dedicated to your ascension. That is what this lifetime is all about for all of you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

9次元アークトゥルス・カウンシル - 目的はすべてアセンション
Daniel Scranton  2016-12-11


The Moments of Awakening ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton

Daniel Scranton
The Moments of Awakening ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
When you are in the midst of one of your processes of becoming, you don’t necessarily recognize what is happening at the time. It is usually only after you have had the experience that you are able to recognize the growth that has occurred and how you have benefitted from having gone through the experience.
This can give you some perspective on whatever you are experiencing right now. Because if you can awaken in the middle of one of these experiences you can begin to receive the benefit right away, and you can release your resistance to what you are experiencing.
The reason why the vast majority of you do not come to this knowing in the midst of a trying time in your life is because you are too caught up in the experience itself. You find yourself navigating through the details, putting out fires, and trying with all of your might to find your way out of it.
Awakening occurs in these moments of your trying times. It is not something that happens all at once. But rather, you piece together your awakening experience from a lot of little moments. You are getting to where you are going through the challenges that you face, the break-ups, the losses, the traumas. They are all as much a part of your awakening experience as your triumphs, your healings, and your moments of ecstasy.
When you look for how something serves you, you are guaranteed to find an answer. When you look for the cause, or the reason why you are living something unwanted, you are less likely to come to a satisfying conclusion about it.
So our suggestion is that you know without a shadow of a doubt that what you are going through right now, your trials and your tribulations, are giving you everything that you need to ascend. And if you are able and willing to look for the service, for the benefit, and for the growth, you can have a much easier and more enjoyable time of this wonderful journey you are on.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
9次元アークトゥルス・カウンシル - 目覚める時
Daniel Scranton 2016-11-22


Yeshua and Mary Magdalene on Multidimensionality and Bilocation by Fran Zepeda

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Yeshua and Mary Magdalene on Multidimensionality and Bilocation ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda

… Lifting into higher vibration swirls of exaltedness, while observing the many planes of existence and the many dimensions, each as all-inclusive yet distinct with each focus, you begin to glimpse the reality of Multidimensionality … Seeing all at once, and living all at once, yet with each focus you can play there on a chosen dimensio...nality for a while, knowing you can shift easily to the dimension of choice for that moment …
This is a small part of what you are and will be experiencing as your multidimensionality is supported by your Christ Consciousness/Source embodiment, union of all 12 aspects of Deity, and Masculine/Feminine Balance and Harmony.
That, beloveds, is the crux and the destination of all you have been working towards, and this is the time, in the coming days and into the new year, where you will become masters at it.

多次元とバイロケーション by イエス&マグダラのマリア


Judith Kusel

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
Judith Kusel

The mind will conjure up a thousand reasons.....
You are asked to go into your soul, move into the higher states of pure unconditional love and ...stop the mind in its tracks.
When the soul knowing then moves into the highest alignment with the mind, AHA! moments occur and the cosmic expanded vision and knowing moves in: - that is when miracles start happening.
Not before!
(Judith Kusel)


(Judith Kusel)


2017 : New Beginnings and the Year of Sacred Earth - Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

Who are you....outside of the economic matrix of socialization and work? Are you simply a “unit” who works, lives and procreates, or is there a deeper and more soul-based meaning to your life on Earth? Do you have a “Soul Mission” and if so, what would it be?
Do you remember that you are a Galactic Being, a Being of Light and Energy and that the Stars are your home? Do you remember that you chose to come here, and that you had a purpose for wanting to be here on the Earth at this time?
-2017 : New Beginnings and the Year of Sacred Earth

2017 新たな始まりと神聖地球年 by 大天使ミカエル

社会や仕事といった経済基盤を度外視した時のあなたは一体誰ですか? あなたは、日々働いて子を産み育てるだけの単なる“歯車”ですか? あるいは、地球の人生には魂を基盤にしたもっと深い意味があるのですか? あなたには、「魂のミッション」がありますか? その場合、それは何ですか?
あなたが銀河の存在であること、光とエネルギーの存在であること、地球以外の惑星が故郷であること、そういうことを覚えていますか? 自分でここに来ると決めたこと、地球にこの時期にいたいと望んだ、何かの目的があったことを覚えていますか?

Goal for your Soul by Tanaaz

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Goal for your Soul by Tanaaz

One thing that I do like to set at the start of the year however, is a soul goal. These goals are more about you on a holistic level and less about achieving or completing projects. Goals for your soul are more focused on spiritual and personal development and are easier to navigate in the long term.
In fact, creating goals for your soul is really about learning how to deepen your observation and communication with the soul or higher self and to develop a stronger understanding of your soul journey. Goals for the soul are heard by your Divine Spirit Team and then trickled down to you throughout the year.
They go so much deeper than weight loss goals or learning to speak French, and into a more energetic space where they can manifest through your sacred intention and the will of the Divine.
Here Is How To Craft Your Soul Goal:-------

2017年 魂の抱負 by Tanaaz


2017: The Year of Propulsion ~ Angelic Guides thru Taryn Crimi

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
2017: The Year of Propulsion ~ A Look at What's to Come!"
Angelic Guides thru Taryn Crimi

We have been asked to discuss our perspective of the upcoming energies of this New Year, the year of 2017. As with all years, each has its own vibrational signature if you will. We would be delighted to share our perspective upon this New Year, but first we want to briefly describe your calendar year of 2016.
Last year, at around this time we said that the coming year would be filled with rapid transformations and as many of you take this time to reflect upon all that has changed this year, many will stand in amazement at just what you have transformed in your reality. Change often feels at bit unnerving to many humans as you rarely can see what the transformation will look like when it is finished and this makes many feel uncomfortable. Events, circumstances, desires and even fears manifested rapidly this past year. You had the opportunity to purge much of what was no longer needed in your life so that you could move forward with much less baggage if you will. We said that so much would be jam packed into your year of 2016 that you would wonder how you were able to experience all that in just one calendar year and so it has been.
The changing of a calendar year is not only a time for looking ahead to the future but to reflect upon what you have experienced throughout your year to help you better discern what you would like to change going forward.
You have spent the last year amidst many rapid transformations; you have been busily sorting through your desires to become far more clear about who you want to become, what your true passions are, and weeding out the people, locations, relationships, and events that no longer resonate with this new being you are transforming into.
You’re year of 2017 of course has its own vibrational signature; this will be the year of propulsion as we would like to call it. We offer you the analogy of your bow and arrow. This past year, you have pulled the string of the bow back with great force as you rapidly uncovered much that was previously unseen, and you are now taking aim, and will let the string go.

推進力の2017年 by エンジェリック・ガイド


Adama of Telos: 2017-1-1 By Asara

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Adama of Telos: 2017-1-1

Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
As you are passing the threshold to a new year, we wanted to express our deepest love and admiration for your journey on the surface of Earth.
As you are looking back of the past year, pay well attention to all the things that went well in your life. You created all the joyful experiences, as you are the creator of all your experiences. Your experiences showed you how your focused intent is turning into a reality.
Beloved Ones, the time lag between your focused attention and the anifestation of it is becoming shorter and shorter.This happens in proportion to your awareness of how your thoughts turn into things.
What does this mean for your new year of 2017?
Direct your focused attention towards what you wish to create and not what you don't want.You are now called into your Ascended Masterhood and as you are stepping up to this experience, become a Master-Focuser of your attention:
1. Begin by becoming more and more aware of what is already working in your life. 2.Become a searcher for more and more positive indicators that things are getting better in your personal life and on a bigger scale. 3.Perpetuate, what you wish to see more of. 4.Become an uplifter of yourself and others. 5.Connect with Source that is flowing through you on a regular basis. 6.Then, connect with the Realms of Light that are here to support and assist you. (The Ascended Masters, Angels, Galactic families of Light and your families and friends in Telos)
Know that you are more powerful than you think you are, when you begin to see the light within all people.You are energetically strengthening either the best or the worst in people, simply by what you are focusing on. When you can't change outer circumstances, change the way you feel and watch reality change on a profound level.
We are here by your side to support you on your journey.
Have a Blessed and Joyful New Year 2017!
Welcome Home! We send you all so much love...
You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.
Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos - and always will be.
Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure - always. I am your brother Adama of Telos."
By Asara

新年おめでとう by アダマ



Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

Nikola Tesla said it best, “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think it terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Swami Vivekananda influenced Tesla’s work, an Indian Hindu monk and chief disciple of the 19th century saint Ramakrishna. Tesla was also influenced by other Vedic philosophies.
Science works best when in harmony with nature. If we put these two together, we can discover great technologies that can only come about when the consciousness of the planet is ready to embrace them, like free energy.

意識が世界を変える10の科学的研究 by Arjun Walia

「本当だと思うものは、 “本当” だと思われないもので出来ている」(ニールス・ボーア)

Lisa Brown

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
Lisa Brown 

Okay loves, solar flare gamma began a bit ago (possibly to increase) which charge particles/energy and high solar winds for the waves of love to come through too. Brain and heart and spine are primary while all activates our Crystalline LightBody Structures "fast" and (furious for some). Calm peaceful and energizing, stimulating energies do what is "next" for each. These SUPER CHARGE our cells, activate our crystals and so very much more. (Clear out any distortions that are ready to be seen, dissolved, moved out....)....
Happy magical everything. I'm off to do my million things too!
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼


Ok Loves, ソーラーフレア・ガンマ線が少し前に始まりました。これから大きくなるでしょう。ハイエネルギー・粒子と太陽風が愛の波になってやって来ます。クリスタラインライトボディが真っ先に刺激され大脳と心臓と背骨に影響を受けます。穏やかでいてください。刺激的で活発なエネルギーが、一人ひとりの明日に繋がります。細胞をスーパーチャージし、自分のクリスタルを活発化させ、まだまだもっと刺激します。何事も魔法のように、楽しく!


We are from the future. by Garret John

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
We are from the future. by Garret John

未来から来ました by ギャレット・ジョン

Lord Melchazadek- The Auric Field by Victoria Cochrane

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Lord Melchazadek- The Auric Field by Victoria Cochrane

The energy of life is multi-dimensional and dynamic. It is ever moving, ever changing and continuously merging with energy of likeness or of different vibrations. All matter, whether it is solid, liquid or gas is continuously moving and is dynamic in nature. This means it either changes and evolves or it gradually breaks down. Nothing in the universe can ever remain the same, nor can it avoid merging with or even becoming a part of another energy force. All is connected in the universe of the Creator, and all is created with intention, whether that intention is for the greater good or against it.
Your aura is your energy field of light that protects your bodies; i.e. physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, from attack or invasion from other people’s energies, emotions and thoughts. It is like a force field that shields you from lower vibrations and from energy that is not for your greater good. It also helps to contain your own emotions, thoughts and traumatic experiences, keeping them from invading the space of people around you. However, the aura is fragile and can be harmed or broken by psychic attack, drug or alcohol use, harsh emotions, trauma and illness. If it is compromised, the person will become vulnerable to negative energies or may unwittingly pass on their own negative energies to other people. Taking on other peoples’ worries is not recommended and can cause a breakdown in mental, emotional, spiritual, and eventually, physical wellbeing that can last for years.

オーラ by メルキゼデク



Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

Their theory explains that, “organisms were deliberately transmitted to earth by intelligent beings on another planet. We conclude that it is possible that life reached the earth in this way, but that the scientific evidence is inadequate at the present time to say anything about the probability. We draw attention to the kinds of evidence that might throw additional light on the topic.”

Kryon - Human Evolution

  The time frame was more than 50,000 years ago, when there were at least 17 kinds of Humans evolving simultaneously. The Pleiadian visit stopped it all, and only one kind of Human survived... something counterintuitive to the evolutionary process of all other animals on the planet. It was on purpose, blessed, and appropriate. You are one of the only species on the entire planet that has only one kind.

ヒト遺伝子は地球外から-ノーベル賞受賞者・DNA発見者  by Arjun Walia

フランシス・クリックとモーリス・ウィルキンス(Maurice Wilkinsイギリスの生物物理学者1926/12/15-2004/10/5)は、「核酸の分子構造及び生体内におけるその顕著な役割についての発見」に関する業績を残した結果、1962年にノーベル生理学医学賞を揃って受賞しました。
クリックの1982年の書“Life Itself”(邦訳『生命-この宇宙なるもの』)で、彼は、DNA分子が地球で生まれたと考えるのは不可能、よってどこかほかの所からやって来たと考えざるを得ない、と言っています。現在の科学の主流では、一般的に認められた理論は、人間は分子同士の数多くの偶然の結びつきによって生命が誕生した結果である、というものです。しかし、クリックによれば、私たち人間は「計画的パンスペルミア(Directed Panspermia)」として知られる結果生まれたという。1973年7月には、クリックとイギリス人化学者のレズリー・オーゲルは共同論文を発表しました。