
The 8-8-8 Lions Gate - Archangel Metatron

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enompto)
The 8-8-8 Lions Gate
Archangel Metatron - Honoring the Animal Kingdom
The Consciousness, Nature & Divinity of Animals
By James Tyberonn © Excerpt from 2030 - The Next Quantum Leap

To view magnificent animals as 'Trophies', and to kill them for base primal thrill & sport is absolutely wrong. It is grossly disrespectful. The tragic death of 'Cecil', should stand as a symbol, a catalyst for change. "
And while certain species of the Animal Kingdom have by conscious agreement chosen to provide themselves as a food source, that process must be enacted in humane respect, acknowledgement and gratitude.
Hunting animals for sport is a different energy than for food survival . Hunting solely for 'sport' entertainment, killing animals only for the primal thrill of the chase & kill is wrong, even under the guise of hunting to reduce over population. Sport killing is a lower chakra action, a distortion from survival urges, and clearly stated, is wrong. Killing animals for sport is a grossly disrespectful activity. The indigenous took animals for sustenance and survival, but did so in a respectful manner, and expressed deep honoring & gratitude to the spirit of the animal kingdoms, and the animal kingdom was in agreement in this provision.
In the future, mankind will return to a lighter, less dense physical body, and the consumption of animals as red meat food sources will cease. "
Tyberonn's newest book : 2030 - The Next Quantum Leap"
Order Book Here : http://www.earth-keeper.com/pro…/2038-the-next-quantum-leap/

大天使メタトロン 「 8-8-8ライオンのゲート:動物の神聖さ・動物の意識の本質」

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