
Kryon - 2016: The Completion of Recalibration for Way Showers, Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto) 
Kryon - 2016: The Completion of Recalibration for Way Showers, Lee Carroll, 2015-12-6

In the year of 2016, the cycle of recalibration for way showers is ending and many doors closed to them are flying away, which have totally new multidimensional colors that are coming at you. That is happening to way showers, you.
And 2016 is the year of Discoveries that are not only wonderful, but under the rocks. You are never with what dos...en't have integrity in the Light.




"I am the son of God. And so are you." by Jesus, Kryon - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - "The Eight Shifts of Enlightenment Part One" - Lee carroll

When the master of love walked this planet many years ago, Jesus the Jew said, "I am the son of God. And so are you." It is written. Take a look. It was an acknowledgment of the master within you. When the Human understands there's no battle for their soul and that they are responsible for both dark and light themselves, then this becomes a major breakthrough. ...It's called taking responsibility for everything. Nobody has done anything to you to make you unworthy. No one's out to get you. You are precious and carry light all by yourself.



Kryon - Peace on Earth from "Common Questions", Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - Peace on Earth from "Common Questions", Lee Carroll, 2012-02

Do you think that "Peace on Earth" is going to happen easily and overnight? This is the first year (2012) and you've got 18 more years to plant the seeds and two more generations to watch it work. This is how human consciousness works. It's slow, but you're impatient. That's also why there's so much unhap...piness at the moment. It's old energy impatience, misunderstanding, wanting instant gratification, and tapping your toe while you think God is going to help you. Then when it doesn't happen the way you think it should, you say, "Well, I knew it wouldn't." It's in love that I say to you that you are beautiful inside and it's about time you found out about it. And when you find it, things change within you. You don't get as angry; you don't get as depressed, and you don't react as much. Then when people around you see you in that new state, they say, "You know, you're different. You're not as angry. You don't react. What did you find? I want it." And that's how it begins.
So the answer is perception of reality. When the masters walked the earth, it was even darker. But they saw only the love of God. So it is your free choice to be unhappy, be a victim, and wallow in drama. But the truth is that the compassion of God is all around you, just waiting for you to discover it.

  地球平和は一夜にして簡単に起こると思っていますか? 今年は2012年で、後18年の期間に種を蒔いて、その種が実を結ぶのは後2世代かかります。人の意識はそうやって変わります。ゆっくりしていますが、辛抱しきれませんね。だから、今不幸なことをたくさん目にします。それは、神が助けてくれると期待しながらも、辛抱しきれずにかかとをコツコツと鳴らしてすぐにいい結果を求める古いエネルギーです。で、思った通りにならないと、「やっぱりな」と言います。心から言いますが、皆さんの中には素晴らしいものがあります。それを見つける時に来ています。それが分かると、自分の中で物事が変わります。怒ることもありません。落ち込むこともありません。過剰反応しなくなります。その時周りの人はあなたが変わったと思い、「あなたは普通とは違う。怒らないし拘らない。悟る所があるの? 私もそうなりたい」と言います。そうやって変わり始めるのです。

Adamus Saint Germain through Geoffrey Hoppe

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Adamus Saint Germain through Geoffrey Hoppe

Therer is just one very simple thing beyond your question mark, ...
simple thing that is relax into your enlightenment.Relax into your enlightment. No more work, no more processing, no more efforting....
They said in our recent gatherings, asked the question of those who were attending, "What's the last thing assumed to be a master does before their enlightenment?." "What's the last thing Master does before their enlightenment?" My answer is simple: nothing.
I AM Adamus Saint Germain.




Sanat Kumara - Understanding what is Transpiring in this Now

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Sanat Kumara - Understanding what is Transpiring in this Now
December 16, 2015 by JennySchiltz

Understand that agreements have been made with every soul on earth to be part of this process, all souls even those whose role it is to magnify duality and amplify darkness. These souls, as with all who bring up negativity in you, are helping you to see where thoughts, beliefs and actions are not in alignment with source. What is happening within you in these moments is also happening in the world around you. As each of you works to clear yourself of all that does not match the highest frequency so to is the collective. This process can be as easy and as hard as ones ability to let go and allow. That which is deeply rooted in all aspects of ones being or within your collective will be the most difficult to clear and will also need greater amplification so that all facets may be examined and that which is not in alignment, discarded. Simply put all that moves you from love, love of ones self, love of your fellow man, and love of source must come to the surface to be recognized so that you are able to choose in each moment. There will be those who refuse to see what is being shown, this too is part of their path as they long for greater experience in the denser energies. When you allow yourself to be the observer and remove judgement you will see that all is perfect and all is conspiring to help you move forward in your soul growth in every moment.
Many changes will continue to take place within you and on your planet as you end this most momentous year. On the 19th of December your planet will be aligned with the galactic core allowing for transference of sacred knowledge. Once it enters your planet, each of you will utilize the information as is intended for you and your path. During your solstice and the full moon much will be cleared as well. This is a good time to set your intentions as to what you would like to achieve in your year 2016. Great changes are upon you and the excitement is palatable. We are looking forward to continued growth within each of you and in your collective.


"The Galactic Alignment :12/12 and 12/19 December 2015"

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael channeled by Celia Fenn
"The Galactic Alignment :12/12 and 12/19 December 2015"

So, Beloveds, in 2016 the energy will be that of Major Transformation on all levels of society on Earth. Your Soul Missions will keep pushing you to engage the Creative Imagination, and to dream and tell stories, paint pictures, create music and dance, that will stabilize the spinning timelines and align Earth with her destiny as a Planetary Star of Diamond Light!
We wish you peace and joy in this last part of the year 2015 and we look forward to working with you further in 2016!


Michio Hoshino

“I want to cherish moments that may not produce anything. In parallel with a hectic day-to-day life of human beings, I always want to feel somewhere in my mind that another time is flowing."
- Michio Hoshino (Photographer)


江野本稔 (Minoru Enomoto) 
I'm feeling peace.
Michio Hoshino who loved profoundly Alaska and all animals there in Nature, and ended his life by giving away his life to the bear.


Human Condition - Beacons of Light by Steve Rother, 2007-12

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Morning Star, Moonlight and Comet
Human Condition - Beacons of Light by Steve Rother, 2007-12

This will become a common condition as you begin to move away from the human condition because the first thing you do when you start to release your belief systems, is to release a bit of your identity that kept you in these belief systems. A very common situation will be for each and every one of you to feel alone and to wonder if you are on this path. There is only one answer to it. There is only one way out of this and that is to reach out and grab somebody's hand. The destination is unimportant. Reach out and honor the others on the path with you and those on any path that breathes light into them. Reach out and touch somebody's heart-to put yourself outside of yourself so you are not out there looking in. So start shining the light from within and you start moving from a field of me to a field of we. That starts changing the human condition to the Human Angel condition. That illusion is going on every day. Each one of you has an opportunity to do more today than you have ever done before and it is difficult, we grant you that.


自分をそのような固まった考えで縛ってきた自分自身をほんの少し手放すことです。よく見られる状態とは、一人ひとりが孤独を感じ、自分がここでこうしていて いることが正しいのかどうか、そういうことを感じる状態です。それに対する答えはたった一つ。そこから抜け出して、手を伸ばして誰かの腕を掴む方法がそれです。最後 どうなるか は重要ではありません。他の人に手を差し出し、皆それぞれ旅の途上にいることに敬意を示すのです。そこは、どんな旅路であれ、そこにいると 光りが彼らに入っていく、そういう道のことです。手を伸ばし他の人の心に触れるのです。自ら抜け出し、外に身を置くのです。傍観しているのではありません。そうして内なる光りを照らし出すのです。すると、「わたし」という枠から抜け出し、「わたしたち」になるのです。それで人間でいる状態からヒュー、マン・エンジェルとい う状態に変わるのです。そういう不思議な感覚のようなことは毎日起きています。(2007年12月「人間の状態」)

Kryon – Vegetarian or not? – How It Works

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon – Vegetarian or not? – How It Works

Sometimes the question is asked, "Should I be a vegetarian? What is correct for my body spiritually?" I will tell you what is correct for your body spiritually - the thing that makes sense to you! If you've spent lifetimes in Tibet or India, you're probably craving different foods than that which is in the United States. That's how it works, dear ones. Your body reacts to what it remembers, and if that... serves you by not eating meat, then that is what you should do for your health. Do not project it onto your friends, for they have their own Akashic health remembrance. They have their own system that works for them.

クライオン ~ベジタリアンになるべきかどうか?

時々、「ベジタリアンになるべきですか? スピリチュアルな意味で、自分の体には何が適切なのですか?」という質問を受けます。体にとって何がいいか、それは、自分が納得する食べ物がいいということです! チベットやインドで何度も人生を過ごしたことがあれば、多分、今のアメリカにあるような食べ物とは違うものを欲しがっています。皆さん、そういうことなのです。体は、記憶に反応します。肉を食べなくてもいいのであれば、それが、あなたの健康のためにすることです。でもそれを友達に押し付けないでください。相手には、健康についてのその人なりのアカシックの記憶があります。自分に合う独自の方式があります。