
Creator by Jennifer Farley

The Beauty Of Perfect
The timing the place, the situation or the people around you may not be perfect, but you are! There is a great beauty in these moments and The Universe always guides you to situations where you are needed most and will... learn the best. Have faith and trust that all will be well in Divine Timing. ~ Creator by Jennifer Farley

創造主 ~ 完璧なほどの素晴らしさ
場、状況、あるいは人などとのタイミングが合わないこともあるでしょう。でもあなたは完全に合っています! 宇宙は常にあなたが一番必要とする場に導き、一番よく学べるところに連れて行きます。この時が本当に素晴らしい時です。すべては聖なるタイミングで上手くいくと信じてください。
Translation by Lightworkermike


Eckhart Tolle

The present moment is sometimes unacceptable, unpleasant, or awful. It is as it is. Observe how the mind labels it and how this labeling process, this continuous sitting in judgment, creates pain and unhappiness. By watching the mechanics o...f the mind, you step out of its resistance patterns, and you can then allow the present moment to be. This will give you a taste of the state of inner freedom from external conditions, the state of true inner peace. Then see what happens, and take action if necessary or possible.

Accept — then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. Make it your friend and ally, not your enemy. This will miraculously transform your whole life.

~ Eckhart Tolle
translation by Lightworkermike

